Night Eating Syndrome


I have a good handle on controling my diet during the day. However, at night it almost seems impossible to stop myself from raiding the fridge and cubbards.....Any suggestions?


  • jshay295
    jshay295 Posts: 110 Member
    I've had this problem too... for me, it was mainly willpower, combined with eating six small "meals" throughout the day that helped curb my inclination to snack at night. I still have one small snack after dinner, but that is it, and I allot calories for it. I'm sorry it isn't a magic answer, I hope it helps you.
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    I actually tailored my eating to fit into this "syndrome". I'm not really a breakfast person so I skip that meal and basically moved it to the nighttime. Now around 8pm I have 300 or more calories to play with so I have popcorn or frozen yogurt or whatever I feel like snacking on in range. It's helped me stay on track for almost a year now.
  • StraubreyR
    StraubreyR Posts: 631 Member
    I also eat six small meals, with the last one being "snack" for night time. I just make sure to leave enough calories for that meal, and I'm fine. I'm very much a grazer, so this works for me. Some things I Iike to snack on are air popped popcorn and skinny cow ice cream.
  • jkm92
    jkm92 Posts: 6 Member
    ahh, i thought this was just me, i eat so well all day...and then comes after dinner time, and all i want is everything (luckily i have the will power while stores are open so i never have any junk food in the house) , but i still feel i always have to have something after my dinner, i'v managed to make one of my daytime snacks (a yogurt) into an after dinner dessert's been working SO FAR,
    however, i'm liking the sound of the popcorn idea above!

    good luck! i feel less alone in my "insanity" now!
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    If you like to eat more at night, plan to eat more at night. I like to eat more at night and adjust the rest of my day accordingly. If it's a matter of willpower, you'll get stronger over time and your food priorities might change.
  • Thanks. I know there's no magical solution, but this helps. Also, shifting to eating more later seems to make sense.
  • Omg I thought I was alone I love eating at night and during the day I'm fine, it's like I finally sit down after dinner and watch some tv and I wanna snack. Shifting ur calories for night time sounds like a good idea.