What's your goal weight at 5'9"

I have set my goal at 135 but after looking around that seems low. At my last physical the doctor told me 135 would be a good weight for me. I'm 155 currently but need to lose it in my stomach , chest and some on my back. Just curious what others of similar height set as their goal


  • sarahseaya
    sarahseaya Posts: 5 Member
    I am 5'9" and my ultimate goal is 150. I am currently 168 or so. Depends a lot on your build too. I'm going for curvy/muscular, rather than skinny.
  • I think my build is small so that might be right
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    I'm currently aiming for 130. While I'm broad-framed, I'm also fairly fine boned. I'm also 55 years old and have obviously lost muscle. Ideally, I'd like to get rid of the remaining fat but add more muscle.
  • I'm 5'11" with my goal at 170 so that seems low for a guy but it does depend on your frame or build
  • danahubley
    danahubley Posts: 40 Member
    I am 5'9" with a realistic goal weight of 185lbs. I have been as low as 135 as an adult an could not maintain, even on a very strict diet. I think it just depends on what works for you individually.
  • primal_cupcakes
    primal_cupcakes Posts: 280 Member
    I maintain at 160-165# and that's right where I like to be.
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    I'm an inch shorter, but my first goal is 145-150. I'd like to eventually get down to 135 and about 16-17% body fat though.
  • I'm an inch shorter, but my first goal is 145-150. I'd like to eventually get down to 135 and about 16-17% body fat though.
    I should check my body fat%
  • dietcoke281
    dietcoke281 Posts: 226 Member
    I'm 5'10 and mine is around 125!
  • JulieGirl58
    JulieGirl58 Posts: 158 Member
    I weighed 125 until I had children and starting putting on the pounds. I'm 5'9" but also 58-years-old which makes a big difference. My doctor wants me to lose 50 pounds which would put me at 175. I may try to lose a little more but I'll never be 125 again.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Keep evaluating yourself on the way down. It's not like you'll miss 145 and whiz right by it -- if you decide you like yourself better there and don't need to lose more, you can just switch to maintenance early.

    I'm an inch taller and I had originally set my goal to 170 as that was 10 lbs less than I have ever weighed, but as it gets closer I'm thinking that 160-165 might work better. We'll see.
  • Keep evaluating yourself on the way down. It's not like you'll miss 145 and whiz right by it -- if you decide you like yourself better there and don't need to lose more, you can just switch to maintenance early.

    I'm an inch taller and I had originally set my goal to 170 as that was 10 lbs less than I have ever weighed, but as it gets closer I'm thinking that 160-165 might work better. We'll see.
    good idea
  • I'm also 5'9", 160 lbs. Hoping to get down to 140. How many calories has everyone been having? I work out 3 times a week and eat about 1200 calories a day. I am getting so confused as to if this is a fine caloric intake; some say it is too little, while others say it is fine. Well, is it fine?
  • greej
    greej Posts: 37 Member
    I'm 5'9.5" and my goal is 165. It might change when I get there, but I've been obese my entire life and I think it would be amazing to just be at a healthy BMI.
  • I'm also 5'9", 160 lbs. Hoping to get down to 140. How many calories has everyone been having? I work out 3 times a week and eat about 1200 calories a day. I am getting so confused as to if this is a fine caloric intake; some say it is too little, while others say it is fine. Well, is it fine?
    I have heard that's the minimum amount
  • I'm about 5'8" - 5'9" and I originally had my goal set at 165 because I looked at a chart and that was the highest in the "healthy" range. However, here recently I changed my goal weight to 185. I started at approx. 240. I think I will get to 185 and then maintain for a bit and then see where to go from there. When I get below 200 I'm going to be thrilled. It will be the smallest I've been since I've been an adult. I'm 37. Along with the original question...anyone ever change their goal weight and maintain for a while? Just wondering!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am not that tall but at 5 ft 7 my inital goal was 165...didn't like what I saw..changed it to 155...almost there and thinking I will go for 150.

    I know at 130 (grade 12 weight) I was the same size I am now...(put my prom dress on 2 weeks ago and it fit like a glove and that was 24 years ago)

    Weight really is irrelevant most of the time...esp if when you reach your goal weigh you still aren't happy...that's when you realize it's measurments and BF% that you want lower...I realized that and started lifting weights...hence me weighing 160 and wearing a size 7...almost a size 6.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I'm also 5'9", 160 lbs. Hoping to get down to 140. How many calories has everyone been having? I work out 3 times a week and eat about 1200 calories a day. I am getting so confused as to if this is a fine caloric intake; some say it is too little, while others say it is fine. Well, is it fine?
    I have heard that's the minimum amount

    I am 160 and 5 ft 7 and eat on average 1700 calories a day...workout 5x a week (3 days lifting and 2 HIIT) and lose on average 3/4lb a week..sometimes more...sometimes less...

    It is the suggest minimum for a woman yes...as long as you are netting it (meaning eating exercise calories back to hit 1200)
  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    I'm 5'9" (well, 175 cm anyway!) and I am shooting for 170 lb roughly. I have a big build, broad hips, big feet. Once I get there I will re-evaluate, but I do know I am quite happy with my body at that weight.
  • Tanana66
    Tanana66 Posts: 84 Member
    I thought it is 135 but not so sure any more.This was my weight for years and years but I was skinny fat. Now i want to look that size but don't mind if I am 140 or 145 or more.