Can never get on the squat rack

I've been doing the stronglifts program for 3 weeks. I'm never able to get on the squat rack at the gym!! Its always full, and people are waiting to use it. Is it bad etiquitte to just hang around and wait for it???
It drives me crazy. I've been doing goblet squats and last workout got to 90 pounds with a dumbbell, but no way am I going to be able to pick up the 95 pound dumbell and keep my form. I can't really work in with the men on the squat rack as the weight is always much higher than I want.


  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    You're going to have to ask to work in and switch out the weights.


    Go at a different time.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Do you have a spare room or garage (or in my case, dad with a garage :D)? If so, consider setting up your own - it's not as expensive as you may think, mine has more than paid for itself.
  • FInd a gym with more squat racks? I had to do this ....
  • wanzik
    wanzik Posts: 326 Member
    Try a different gym. The one I go to has a couple squat racks and a couple Smith Machines. They are usually free when I go.
  • I hate when that happens! I had to start going at a different time for the exact same reason. I just do other things that are on my agenda near by so I can snatch it up as soon as they get off of it.
  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    Even at 5:30am, my gym's squat rack is taken too. I'm doing what pp suggested, getting one for home.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Are you able to pick up dumb bells and use them? Place them at your shoulders and you need a rack to do this? My point, if the rack is full just find floor space and use dumb bells. Good luck.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I go up, say hello between sets, ask if anyone is waiting after that person is finished, ask how long the wait is, put my water bottle down, and wait.

    Sometimes it's 2 minutes, sometimes 10 or 15.

    But if someone tries to cut in front, I've never had anyone let them. Every single time, the man or woman says "she's next" or something like that.

    Then, I offer to let someone work in. If it is a man, loading and unloading the weights gives me a great upper body workout between squats, so it's a win-win.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    Our gym has two squat racks and for some reason couples decide to use them side by side. Yesterday I'd just had enough but asked to rotate in. The guy decided to let me and moved over to work with his girlfriend. I felt a little rude but seriously, why do they need to take up BOTH racks when they're working out together? My husband and I workout together as well but we always alternate. Yes, we have to swap weights each time since he lifts heavier than I do but it isn't a big deal.

    We do have a power cage in our garage that my husband built for me out of wood. The plans can be found online for free and honestly, it's sturdier than the cage at the gym. Using the gym is 1. warm (my garage is cold!) 2. convenient since we're using it for our other exercises, some of which we can't do at home and 3. has enough weight for us whereas at home we need some more plates. Sometimes if the gym is packed we will do our squats at home either before or after the rest of our workout.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I made a home gym for this very reason.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Are you able to pick up dumb bells and use them? Place them at your shoulders and you need a rack to do this? My point, if the rack is full just find floor space and use dumb bells. Good luck.

    OP stated she was doing goblet squats and hit 90# dumbbell the other day. And fears wont hit 95#.
    Goblet squats are already a different movement than the bar squats in SL.

    For her to hit the weight she's currently using for goblets, she'd need strong shoulders for those dumbbells (bar rests differently) and 42.5# dbs which ive never seen.

    So she really needs to get into a rack at this point
  • homeyjosey
    homeyjosey Posts: 138 Member
    i ask how many sets they have left then I wait
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Are you able to pick up dumb bells and use them? Place them at your shoulders and you need a rack to do this? My point, if the rack is full just find floor space and use dumb bells. Good luck.

    OP stated she was doing goblet squats and hit 90# dumbbell the other day. And fears wont hit 95#.
    Goblet squats are already a different movement than the bar squats in SL.

    For her to hit the weight she's currently using for goblets, she'd need strong shoulders for those dumbbells (bar rests differently) and 42.5# dbs which ive never seen.

    So she really needs to get into a rack at this point

    OR ask for assistance; have someone assist with the dumb bells and spot the individual(OP). Again, squat rack full, so another option would probably make sense. And yes, bar rests differently, and avoiding the fine hair splitting, find a set(weight) which works. Having someone assist in placement and spotting. For me standing around and waiting takes away from the workout, I'd find an alternate way to train the muscles when the machine or piece of equipment is full. Good luck OP.
  • fortunate1204
    fortunate1204 Posts: 22 Member
    I've been doing the stronglifts program for 3 weeks. I'm never able to get on the squat rack at the gym!! Its always full, and people are waiting to use it. Is it bad etiquitte to just hang around and wait for it???
    It drives me crazy. I've been doing goblet squats and last workout got to 90 pounds with a dumbbell, but no way am I going to be able to pick up the 95 pound dumbell and keep my form. I can't really work in with the men on the squat rack as the weight is always much higher than I want.

    I'd do the old "how many sets do you have left" as nicely as possible. :flowerforyou: I think sometimes some the guys overlook us women, but you'll just have to make your presence known. I used to be soooo intimidated in the weight room, but after watching how they are with one another, I just go with it. You may have to even tell one of them how you never get on and they may look out for you. BTW, no, I don't think its bad form to wait for a machine...but I hate when people do that and don't say anything. I want you to know if I've got 6 more sets so you can go away. lol. Good luck!
  • creativerick
    creativerick Posts: 270 Member
    I'm actually ok with letting people work in with me, but no one ever wants to. Everyone always opts to wait.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Are you able to pick up dumb bells and use them? Place them at your shoulders and you need a rack to do this? My point, if the rack is full just find floor space and use dumb bells. Good luck.

    OP stated she was doing goblet squats and hit 90# dumbbell the other day. And fears wont hit 95#.
    Goblet squats are already a different movement than the bar squats in SL.

    For her to hit the weight she's currently using for goblets, she'd need strong shoulders for those dumbbells (bar rests differently) and 42.5# dbs which ive never seen.

    So she really needs to get into a rack at this point

    OR ask for assistance; have someone assist with the dumb bells and spot the individual(OP). Again, squat rack full, so another option would probably make sense. And yes, bar rests differently, and avoiding the fine hair splitting, find a set(weight) which works. Having someone assist in placement and spotting. For me standing around and waiting takes away from the workout, I'd find an alternate way to train the muscles when the machine or piece of equipment is full. Good luck OP.

    Stronglifts isn't really a program that can be completed correctly with dumbbells, especially for squats. This program advances way too rapidly especially for squats and deadlifts to be able to use dumbbells very long.

    OP: Most people are okay if you ask to work in. The times I've had to ask they've actually helped me swap plates too.
  • merflan
    merflan Posts: 216 Member
    OK, that's a good approach - I'll ask how many sets left and hope they get the hint. I did tell a guy yesterday that I can never get on, and he said it can be impossible sometimes. I have switched to a quieter location (Goodlife), but still the squat racks are always full!! I'll see how it goes tomorrow. I'll probably get on, but not be able to figure it out lol
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I switched to a different branch of my gym which has 3 squat racks as opposed to one always full one.
  • jlclabo
    jlclabo Posts: 588 Member
    luckily at my gym, no one else does legs.... only 1 squat rack and it is free 99% of the time. unless there are a couple young kids from a local football team working on their deadsnaps.... errr deadlift form, lol
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Are you able to pick up dumb bells and use them? Place them at your shoulders and you need a rack to do this? My point, if the rack is full just find floor space and use dumb bells. Good luck.

    you can only progress to a certain point with this method….