I'm petite but not fit. I feel sooooo lost. HELP!

I have been on and off MFP for years, but this year something changed for me. I was a heavy smoker and on Feb.4th 2014, I quit. Cold turkey. And honestly, it hasn't been that hard. THIS time. So I quit smoking, I started using my treadmill, and I started a food/life blog. (www.pinkapron.weebly.com) I have been so proud of myself for keeping all of this up! Working out 5 days a week, making clean, homemade food and not smoking. Now here's where I'm frustrated. I feel pretty good. Im not as tired anymore, I don't feel gross and sickly and cranky but I don't think I'm losing weight. Maybe it's too soon? I'm 5'2" and weigh 116 pounds ( so says my parent's scale) or I weigh 110 (so says my scale).....regardless, I don't feel like the scale is moving. I do an hour of cardio (walk for 4 minutes, run for 1min, sometimes I walk for 3 minutes and run for two) 5 days a week. My HRM says I burn usually 400 cals each session. I also only eat within my 1200 calorie range. Very rarely do I "eat back" any of my calories burned but now I'm starting to read stuff that says I should! I have NO idea what to do...I just want to lost 10 pounds and tone up. Eating back calories seems totally wrong though... Somebody please help!


  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Open your diary, and eat more.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Vanity pounds come off really, really slowly. Set your goal to .5 lb. per week & be patient.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • toiletski
    toiletski Posts: 126 Member
    With so little weight to lose it might take a bit for the scale to move. Be proud of your NSV's. You'll probably start seeing a change in your physical appearance if you haven't already. If that's the case you may be replacing fat with muscle which would probably prevent the scale from moving.
    I've learned not to worry so much about what the scale says. If I feel good, my clothes fit well and I'm comfortable in my own skin, I don't care what I weigh. Good luck! :smile:
  • SJ46
    SJ46 Posts: 407 Member
    I think you would be happier with body recomposition versus losing weight. Have you considered lifting weights? We are the same height and I have been very happy with the changes in my body after incorporating heavy lifting. Prior to lifting I was A LOT squishier at the same weight.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Eat a normal amount of food (like....not netting 800 after exercise) and lift weights. Doesn't sound like you need to lose a lot of weight, so strength training will help to get your the look it seems you desire.
  • I have thought about lifting weights but I have no idea where to begin. I've tried doing some videos that incorporate weights but I just feel silly and I feel like it's either way too hard or way too easy....

    I have a fairly weak upper body. I can do MAYBE 10 pushups

    BUT! I have started doing squats at night before bed, and I'm up to 100 in a row! I don't even know if that's impressive, but it's impressive to me! hahaha
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    eat mo
  • momvsmarathon
    momvsmarathon Posts: 2 Member
    Read the book The Metabolic Effect Diet. I recently wrote about my experience with the ideas in the book and more than 25,000 people read my article. It teaches you about your body and how certain food reacts with hormones. Get food to work for you, not against you. And it teaches you the right way to exercise to lose fat, not just weight. http://momvsmarathon.sanitydepartment.com/how-to-get-lean/
  • momvsmarathon
    momvsmarathon Posts: 2 Member
    See my comment below. The Metabolic Effect book will teach you about weights!
  • Wow thanks! I will definitely check that out!
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Congratulations on quiting smoking!!!!!
    That's one of the single best things you could have done for your health and fitness.
    Now, at 5'2", whether you are 116 lbs. or 110, you are at a great weight for your height.
    I understand that you'd like to be a bit lighter, but if it's really fitness you care about, do a ton of strength training and your weight will look fantastic on you as you firm up and develope some muscle.
    I most strongly agree with the above poster who advised you to set your goal to .5-you will feel better and and look great.
    For someone so petite it will take a bit longer but what's the rush?
    You quit smoking!!!!!! Fantastic!!!!!
    I've been quit for 10 years and I feel amazing.
    I'm also 5'2" and at 125, I've been working slowly on loosing my last 5 lbs., but at the same time I'm enjoying the journey.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    If you want to have a leaner physique, you need to incorporate progressive strength training to maintain your muscle mass. With cardio and larger than necessary deficits, you won't get the "toned" look since significant muscular atrophy will occur. It's pretty much impossible to realize visible muscle definition if you let the underlying muscle atrophy. Check out the books Starting Strength and The New Rules of Lifting for Women as they are both invaluable resources as to where to start.

    Lastly, you should only be eating 250-300 calories below actual maintenance since you already fall within a healthy weight range - and by doing an hour of cardio five days a week, I am quite certain you'd maintain on a bit more than 1500 calories. You also need an adequate amount of protein to minimize loss of lean mass (about 100% of your lean mass in grams). So if your lean mass is 95 lbs, then you'd try to eat about 95 grams of protein.
  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    I think you would be happier with body recomposition versus losing weight. Have you considered lifting weights? We are the same height and I have been very happy with the changes in my body after incorporating heavy lifting. Prior to lifting I was A LOT squishier at the same weight.

    ^^^^ This, I'm just a bit over 5'2" and you are at a great weight for that height. I feel lifting weights will accomplish much more for you than trying to lose weight. You may gain and look better. Look up New Rules of Lifting for Women, Starting Strength, or Stong Lifts (all good starter programs). You most definitely should eat back your exercise cals, you need to fuel those workouts.
  • Thank You on the congrats Healthygreek! Quitting really has been the BEST thing I could have done for myself.

    You guys are all so helpful! This is wonderful!

    So I guess I'm doing this all wrong eh? Eating too little, working out too much. hahaha Wow, who knew!

    Cutting back the cardio and focusing on some strength stuff seems like a better plan, plus I get to eat more?! This is ALL excellent news. :)
  • I bought the book New Rules of Lifting for Women and it is changing my LIFE! Good lord, why have I been starving myself on only 1200 calories a day??? And I don't know why it took me this long to figure this out, but weight lifting makes perfect sense! I am sooo happy I bought this book. So thank you!
  • I read The New Rules of Lifting and The Metabolic Effect and I loved them. So I started exercising only 3 days a week, (30 mins of walking and 30 mins of weight lifting each day) and I upped my calorie intake to about 1600 and I eat 6 times a day (mostly protein and veggies/fruit) but I"VE GAINED WEIGHT! AHHHH! Is this normal? Should I expect this to even out in a few weeks??
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Weight loss takes a whole lot of trial & error to find what works for you. Give it another week or two, then reevaluate.
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    I read The New Rules of Lifting and The Metabolic Effect and I loved them. So I started exercising only 3 days a week, (30 mins of walking and 30 mins of weight lifting each day) and I upped my calorie intake to about 1600 and I eat 6 times a day (mostly protein and veggies/fruit) but I"VE GAINED WEIGHT! AHHHH! Is this normal? Should I expect this to even out in a few weeks??

    When you are increasing calories, do it by adding 100 cals more every week. otherwise you might gain ...

    Also, did you calculate your TDEE and eating around TDEE - 10%?
  • My TDEE is 1644, so I guess I can reduce calories to 1500...Maybe my body is just adjusting? I'll give it a few more weeks.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    My TDEE is 1644, so I guess I can reduce calories to 1500...Maybe my body is just adjusting? I'll give it a few more weeks.
    TDEE is your maintenance calories. 1,644 minus 10% is 1,480 calories.

    Also, TDEE includes your exercise, so do not eat back any exercise calories.