1200 calories a day ?!?!

I'm a 5'3, 146 lbs woman and I'm looking to lose weight while slightly toning up. I've been eating around a 800 calorie diet and haven't been hungry but I'm now bumping it up to 1200 calories a day because I'm being told that I cannot tone up at this calorie intake. My usual meals for a day 1 boiled egg, yogurt, granola, grilled chicken, some fruit and whatever I make for dinner. Is this really not enough to tone up and still lose about 15 lbs?


  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    I'm a 5'3, 146 lbs woman and I'm looking to lose weight while slightly toning up. I've been eating around a 800 calorie diet and haven't been hungry but I'm now bumping it up to 1200 calories a day because I'm being told that I cannot tone up at this calorie intake. My usual meals for a day 1 boiled egg, yogurt, granola, grilled chicken, some fruit and whatever I make for dinner. Is this really not enough to tone up and still lose about 15 lbs?

    Actually you should be eating more than 1299 calories a day.
  • malyce86
    I'm 5'4, set to losing a pound a week with NO exercise & MFP has me eating 1230 a day. I think you should be eating more, if you're working out & trying to build muscle.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Try a more sustainable approach:




    It's entirely likely that all 3 of the above will give you marginally different results. Pick one, or average them all together.

    Please. You'll probably find it better in the long run.
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    800 Calories a day is barely even enough to maintain sleeping all day. Don't damage your body like that, you'll regret it later when it's twice as hard to lose weight because you screwed your metabolism. You can't build muscles in that heavy of a deficit.. in fact you'll most likely lose muscle. Start eating 1300-1400 at the very least... when you exercise eat back the calories you spent. DO NOT RUSH THE PROCESS, long term weight loss sticks longer and forms better habits then fad diets or crash diets. And right now you're reeking havoc on your system. Don't know who or what told you to eat 800 cals a day but they should be jailed.
  • 67667
    67667 Posts: 14
    Eat what you are comfortable with. If you find one calorie limit is not working and you are gaining, stick to a lower intake... You know your body best but for healthy functioning, it would be wise to increase your cal limit from 800. :-) muscle and toning would benefit from a higher intake but it is your choice.
  • Sovi_
    Sovi_ Posts: 575 Member
    Wow... how do you find the energy to type. Eat more!
  • 67667
    67667 Posts: 14
    Try a more sustainable approach:




    It's entirely likely that all 3 of the above will give you marginally different results. Pick one, or average them all together.

    Please. You'll probably find it better in the long run.

    This is worth looking at!
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Honestly sometimes I wonder how people function when they say they eat so little. Please research and educate yourself about health and what your body needs. Eating 800 calories a day is in no way healthy. You will not tone and most likely won't tone at 1200 calories either. Your body need fuel to gain muscle. Eating below your BMR will eat at the muscle you already have not just the fat. Please calculate your TDEE and your BMR. Don't eat below your BMR and don't eat above your TDEE and you will lose weight and you will lose far less muscle in doing so.
  • ehensarling17
    ehensarling17 Posts: 95 Member
    800 Calories a day is barely even enough to maintain sleeping all day. Don't damage your body like that, you'll regret it later when it's twice as hard to lose weight because you screwed your metabolism. You can't build muscles in that heavy of a deficit.. in fact you'll most likely lose muscle. Start eating 1300-1400 at the very least... when you exercise eat back the calories you spent. DO NOT RUSH THE PROCESS, long term weight loss sticks longer and forms better habits then fad diets or crash diets. And right now you're reeking havoc on your system. Don't know who or what told you to eat 800 cals a day but they should be jailed.

    Agreed! I'm 5'4" and currently weigh 134 -- I eat at least 1600 calories a day and am still losing weight. I can't agree more that you need to not rush the process.
  • Michelle9055
    Michelle9055 Posts: 24 Member
    That still seems too low. I would slowly increase calories a bit to at least 1500. This video about reverse dieting is really good and explains how to reverse diet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3gTGLulLnI
  • kaybec
    kaybec Posts: 1
    If you have too few calories your body will go into starvation mode your metabolism will slow down and you will start storing fat and come to a stand still where weight loss is concerned. Try doing calorie rotation, it will trick your body and kick start your metabolism on days you consume more calories. I consume around 1200 calories a day but I also choose low carb options to keep me full for longer. Drinking protein shakes post workout will help with muscle definition and will help repair muscles.
  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    You should NEVER eat less than 1200 calories a day. Your body thinks you are starving. In fact, even resting, you should not be at 1200. You should be ABOVE IT.

    Especially when working out, eat more calories. Of the RIGHT FOODS.

    Seriously, super slim women who are very into weightlifting eat like 2000 calories a day.

    I'd suggest at least 1400.