I can do this!

Hello everyone,

I have been an been a member for a while but an active member on here since January 2014. I have struggled with my weight since I was young and have always made excuses as to why I couldn't change my horrible eating habits and physical activity level for longer than a month each time I tried. This time I truly feel is different even though I am just approaching the 2 month mark. Last week my family went on a lovely vacation to which I did not follow my new plan very much at all but once vacation was over I jumped right back to where I left off without even a second thought. The old me would have used this break as another excuse and would have gave up completely upon return. This might not sound like a big deal to you but to me this was a huge deal and I am proud! I have over 100lbs to lose from my starting weight and this time I am introducing myself on here to keep myself accountable by telling everyone that I will not give up, I will fight through the worst days and always stick to my "lifestyle" change. I would love to have friends on here for support, accountability and motivation and in return I will provide the same! Thanks for taking the time to read my ramble :)


  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hello and welcome! Good luck, you got this!
  • Mommy2bug2
    Mommy2bug2 Posts: 36 Member
    Your right. YOU can do this. WE can all can do it. Keep up the great work, and you should be proud of yourself.
  • SmujnZ
    SmujnZ Posts: 47 Member
    Welcome! Good luck on your journey, its a rocky road ahead but its SO doable..... around 8kgs to go to get to my pre preggy weight and then maybe another 10 or 15 to get where I'm happy with my weight.

    Yehaaaa, lets get this done!