My feelings and advice from loved ones.

WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Today is just one of those days I feel like a failure..getting very obsessed about my weight..worrying over every calorie, didn't like the way I look..weighing in every single morning..and just worrying to much in general..especially when I see a gain almost everytime on the scale. Fiancee thinks when I worry to much and get stressed..that can lead to emotional eating binges and id get back on the road to gaining everything back and so on..he tells me..DONT STRESS!! Your just setting yourself up for failure..and so on!! You agree??

His advice..weigh yourself once a week. Don't stress..we all have our bad days so don't beat yourself gain a pound? So what?! Don't stress..your doing so well, and you came so far..believe in can come off before you know it...feel proud of your accompolishments. My friend was telling me she doesn't always wanna hear me brag how good i feel everytime and my love for walking and so was all i ever talk about and still is and i should focus on other things in life other then my health & weight..


  • You should feel proud! You've already lost 50 lbs! That's a HUGE accomplishment! :flowerforyou:
    I find that when I'm having a bad day, I like to do something (other than eating) to get it off my mind, I tend to chat with my best friend, or go for a walk, read a book, etc,
    Don't worry about if you gain a pound, it'll come off again! :) The main thing is that your doing this for your health, and for life! Just keep it up and you'll feel better in the long run anyways! :D
    Your Fiancée it's right, just check the scale once a week, that's what I do, I've had some days that I've been over my calories, and I try not to let it get to me, I know it's hard, but just think of how far you've come already! You can do this! *Hugs*
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Girl, you're doing phenomenal!! This is a tough battle, it's not easy, it's not pain free and it's not done with a dry eye for the most of us. It's frustrating, challenging, discouraging, however, it's also rewarding :) It's easy to get down on yourself in this journey, especially because we have goals set for ourselves that sometimes it's just not possible to reach seeings as we're doing this the HEALTHY way. As much as we'd love it to come off quickly, it won't, however, IT WILL COME OFF IN TIME :)

    It's hard to not obsess, especially when you want something really badly, but don't beat yourself up. You've done fabulous, you work incredibly hard and it definitely shows. Keep on truckin girl, we're all here for you. I have the same frustrations and annoyances that you do so I understand. Btw, is it just me, or is it easier said than done not weighing everyday :)
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    Wise words from your fiancée. Don't stress, relax, weigh yourself once every other week, you gain a pound who cares you're still getting healthier, everyone has bad days, dust yourself off and start a new the next day.

    I've found that friends don't want to talk about it the more you succeed and the more they stay the same, so don't. Lead by example, and talk about other happy things in your life. You're doing great. Just keep at it and relax, it'll come in time. :-)
  • Dafrog
    Dafrog Posts: 353
    Unless your fiancee or friend have been down the same road they truly cannot relate. Not carving about what we put into our mouth is what got us where we were today. Honestly, if you are stressing out over a lot of things relating to this lifestyle then maybe you need to sit down and do some soul searching. I find it helpful to plan my meals the night before, most of the time i stick to it. Another helpful hint is not to have unhealthy foods in the house; which sometimes causes conflict because others in the house don't understand why i can't not eat ice cream if it is in the house. best of luck to you, stay focused and don't lose focus and gain what you lost. May I was the same weight i am now, although this time i at 199 i fit better in clothes i wore before and some that i couldn't wear i can now. i find myself dreaming about this stuff sometimes even. Just remember that ppl here love to here about your success and if you have a bad day knowledge it, log it, and pick up the pieces and move forward.
  • I am not the kinda gal that gives all positive responses, but I assume that because you asked all of us (who mostly dont know you) you are up for hearing anything.

    First, You are doing an amazing job. You are on your way to great success! To lose the weight that you are trying to lose, its going to take serious vigilance. Continue to be present to every calorie, folks like us who need to lose weight cant lose sight of any calories. Ignoring them got us here in the first place.

    I weigh myself everyday and sometimes see a gain but here is what I know - a one to two pound gain isnt always a real gain. Sometimes its just water or a digestive issue. However, it always tells me to take a look at what might have caused it. Perhaps too much salt, not enough water, etc. The good news is that a loss is always a loss! However, if you get stressed, many folks do fine with a once a week weigh in. I weigh in more often to keep me on track but you have to figure out what works for you.

    The reason so many of us have trouble losing weight is because we have friends who want us to eat poorly, have that extra portion, not take it all so seriously. If your friend doesnt want to hear you talk about your weight losses or walking, be sure to find someone who does. If necessary, spend less time with folks who dont support what you are up to. You are getting yourself healthy and there isnt anything more important than that right now - including friends who dont want to hear about it. I am sure your friend is proud of you, but the more you can talk about it the more it remains present for you. Perhaps if you find some support you wont need to talk to your friend quite as much, but make sure you find someone.

    And whatever you are doing is working! Keep up the good work.
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