Pain in Lower Back

My 15 year old experience pain on one side of his lumbar region about 2inches away from his spine. He experiences it after performing twisting motion, power cleans, sprinting, and high repititions squats (strangely he does not experience when squatting really heavy).

I'm thinking this may be a symptom of having tight or irritated psoas muscle. As a side note he does have a bit of excessive anerior pelvic tilt which tight psoas muscle is a contributor to.

Does anyone have any opinions regarding this?


  • emilyzerod
    I had a problem like this in high school. I went to the hospital with debilitating back pain three times before being told that I have sciatica. I was told that twisting motions could cause pain (I was a tennis player, lots of twisting) and that I'd have to live with the pain or quit tennis. I have slight scoliosis and a growth on my tailbone which makes it a bit worse, but I do exercises in an attempt to strengthen the lower back muscles. I can jog, but running usually sends me to the hospital.

    It sounds like it could be related to what I had going on. One of the big signs that it could be sciatica is pain on one side, which you mentioned, and pain that spreads into the leg (not necessarily present). I'd pay attention for that, see if he has a hard time going from sitting to standing and vice versa. They told me there's not much they can do besides give me muscle relaxers. I also use a heating pad on my back after working out or when I experience any pain.

    It could also just be irritated muscles or something, but that's what I was told the first two times so I'd watch out for anything that might signify that it's something worse. Good luck. Hope he's feeling better soon.
  • 212019156
    212019156 Posts: 341 Member
    Interesting. I'll have to ask him about referred pain down the leg. Thanks.