Close to giving up......

......was doing OK for a couple of months but due to personal circumstances beyond my control fell off the weight loss wagon for the last 9 days and have put back all the weight I lost. I know, intellectually, the answer, - get back up, brush off the dust, chin up, all those good things, and start over. Yes. But deep inside there is a wee small voice (increasing, though, in volume) saying yeah, yeah, yeah, you do that girl, till the next little set of reasons why you can't stick to this, then it will be the same old story.....excuses, excuses, fatter and fatter you will get, you have no will power, you are hopeless.
Pretty feeble, huh?
In the hope that someone reading this might give me some advice that will silence, or at least turn down the volume of, that nasty little voice that is close to making me throw in the towel. Totally.
I feel so pathetic.


  • getcha14
    getcha14 Posts: 19 Member
    Life throws all kinds of stuff at us. I'm sure 99% of people on MFP will have experienced similar setbacks. Don't be so hard on yourself. Today is a new day and a fresh start. feel free to add me.x
  • Don't give up!!! It can be so hard when it feels like you've ruined all your hard work but plz plz plz don't listen to that voice! Everyone stumbles at some point, but I once was told "even when you stumble, at least you are still moving forward" :) You've proved to yourself that you CAN lose the weight, you've done it once already! So you have to remind yourself of that, be proud of that! Forget what has happened and look forward to where you want to be. Anytime that voice pops into your head just remind yourself that you are determined, you are strong and that you will reach that goal. Take it one step at a time, make small goals rather than looking to far in the long term. This way each time you reach one you will feel more and more empowered and determined to reach the next one :)

    We are all here to support you!!!

  • If your children are your inspiration, you can accomplish anything ... Learn from the fall, where you went wrong, plan strategies for improvement the next time things get rough, and continue along in your journey. Best of luck.
  • well done for having lost the weight before, just think if you hadn't you would be this much OVER your initial weight, so you are ahead....just get rid of it before it becomes the norm again, well done for posting, it means you want to...the voices didn't stop you from doing that. Your message has helped me to get back on track, knowing I was not alone !! Good luck
    TINAHUNTER1969 Posts: 219 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself, we all have moments/periods like this when we want to give up - the things I constantly tell myself are:

    1. You know you are not happy being overweight otherwise you wouldn't be on this site.

    2. We've all been there done that got the t-shirt but we still go back sometimes because this is our comfort zone, better the devil you know than the devil you don't!

    3. Even if your weight loss is slow progress, you are eating healthier/exercising so all the time when you don't lose you are still getting fitter and healthier and I this is so much more important than what the scales say.

    4. Don't deny yourself a treat if you want one - this whole experience is to learn moderation with our food intake - we are NOT on a diet we are on a healthier eating plan for life.

    5. If you do have a really bad day food wise, just draw a line under it - log so you know how many calories you went over and move on.

    Its little steps, cutting down on sugar, fizzy drinks, changing to a lower calorie slice of bread, etc. All these changes over time will result in losing weight.

    Good luck x
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I don't think you gained 34 pounds in 9 days. Sometimes the gain is also more water because of too much salt or not drinking enough water or both. This is not a diet there is no wagon which will leave you behind if you fall off. This is life and to live a long happy one you NEED to be healthy. Set backs happen. Now it is time to get back to living.
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    Here's your new desktop wallpaper: (I hope this picture posts)

  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I started on my journey in April 2011, and last year in March, I had skin removal surgery that started my "downslide' to where I am now. We went on vacation - have to go easy on myself for that right? then the surgery

    I had lost 115 pounds, and surgery took off another 26. Now, I'm at 88 pounds lost.

    Trust me - to get to this point, and being "back on the wagon" this week, it's taken a lot of me dealing with demons, emotions, etc.

    For example, I just really feel like it's so unfair that my brother has a faster metabolism and can eat whatever whenever. Really wish I was like that. Reality check: I'm not him, and no matter what I do, I'm not going to ever be him or be that way. I have to find my own path, and it's going to be a hard one. I'm sure there are things that he wishes were different in his life as well - and even though I don't know what they are, it's not my job to fix his stuff - it's his. Just like it's my job to address my "stuff" differently.

    I have to get over the child-like impulses that I have to want to eat everything that taste's so good whenever I want. That isn't going to get me where I want to go. It gets me to gain weight. That's just the way it is. (SQUIRREL - Isn't that a Bruce Hornsby song?...."....Some things will never change....." LOL)

    And it happens just that easily (getting distracted from the goals). :)
  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    i know its really really really hard especially when life throws "curve balls"

    when im really not doing well mentally i try to think about what would i tell my kids or a friend if they came to me with this. what words of encouragement would i say? what would i want them to do? to keep on trying right? and that helps me.

    and i know sometimes NOTHING helps. and in those very dark times i just try to simply be easy on myself. i dont stress about food or anything like that. i just take the pressure off and coincidentally or not i bounce back to eating well and taking care of myself.

    life circumstances is no excuse not to take care of yourself. just breathe and try again tomorrow. get some sun.
  • seamoth
    seamoth Posts: 69 Member
    I don't think you gained 34 pounds in 9 days. Sometimes the gain is also more water because of too much salt or not drinking enough water or both. This is not a diet there is no wagon which will leave you behind if you fall off. This is life and to live a long happy one you NEED to be healthy. Set backs happen. Now it is time to get back to living.
    Thanks for your encouragement :) just for accuracy, I have 34 lbs to go to goal, - even I would be hard pressed to gain that much in 9 days!
  • seamoth
    seamoth Posts: 69 Member
    i know its really really really hard especially when life throws "curve balls"

    when im really not doing well mentally i try to think about what would i tell my kids or a friend if they came to me with this. what words of encouragement would i say? what would i want them to do? to keep on trying right? and that helps me.

    and i know sometimes NOTHING helps. and in those very dark times i just try to simply be easy on myself. i dont stress about food or anything like that. i just take the pressure off and coincidentally or not i bounce back to eating well and taking care of myself.

    life circumstances is no excuse not to take care of yourself. just breathe and try again tomorrow. get some sun.

    Thanks for that........much appreciated.
  • McKenzieLeigh
    McKenzieLeigh Posts: 113 Member
    Here's your new desktop wallpaper: (I hope this picture posts)


    I NEED THIS! Thank you for sharing!
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Don't give up

    Don't ever ever ever give up

    Keep going - we all fall and its ok, you just gotta get up and keep going.
  • KristaPerseveres
    KristaPerseveres Posts: 87 Member
    Plain and Simple....You haven't failed until you quit trying. So, you had a little setback...big deal, it's life, it happens. Think about "Why" you want to do this. Seriously stop a few minutes, close your eyes and think about all the reasons why. Think about yourself smaller, think about how much better you will feel, think about the healthier you. You CAN do this, one day at a time! I believe in you!! :-)
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    have faith in yourself
    believe in yourself

    if you give up on you, how can you ever expect others not to give up on you.
    You can do this!
  • Don't give up! There have been many times I'm discouraged by the scale but the scale sometimes lies! You may weight more because of eating too many salty foods or your system isn't properly "cleansing". Pick yourself up as if nothing happened and continue on I bet you'll be surprised by the outcome, you'll never get anywhere if you give up. No one is perfect but you never know what you're capable of until you try!
  • OG43
    OG43 Posts: 22 Member
    I agree, I think everyone has had setbacks. Motivation is key and is what keeps you going into forming a habit. Ive had trouble lately. too, and although i reached my goal weight, i am still not satisfied and for some reason cannot seem to break the weight I am at now and am feeling the same way. But then again, I cannot complain as I am shoving this Taco Bell in my face. Its as much mental as it is physical so if your mind gives up, your body will give up with it. DON'T GIVE UP!!!!
  • phantomjam
    phantomjam Posts: 46 Member
    What the voices say won't be true unless you give up. The moment you recommit to doing this for yourself, is the moment you regain control. Tell them to shut up, you are made of sterner stuff!

    Plus, look at that ticker! Look how far you've come! You've made a change in your weight. That's a winner in my books. I know so many people who haven't done anything at all.

    Here's a personal theme song suggestion for you.

    err: Maths error removed.. he he.
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    I have been doing "really well" over the last couple of months and yesterday I bought some "treats" that I thought "OK - I can be disciplined and control myself" - long story short I was not very disciplined at all and you know what - I feel (comparatively speaking) like crap than I have been over the last few weeks. Sometimes you "need" to fall off to remind yourself why you started in the first place.

    We can offer all the reasons for us why we are where we are but your reasons are specific for you - by all means use our stories to help you reference back to what you want to achieve and why you want to achieve it. Take this time to reflect on why you want to be healthier, what losing weight is a part of this. That little voice is fear it has no power unless you give into it. Be aware of where you are putting your "power" / energies in life, you will gain more clarity and control the more you place your attention to .
  • seamoth
    seamoth Posts: 69 Member
    Plain and Simple....You haven't failed until you quit trying. So, you had a little setback...big deal, it's life, it happens. Think about "Why" you want to do this. Seriously stop a few minutes, close your eyes and think about all the reasons why. Think about yourself smaller, think about how much better you will feel, think about the healthier you. You CAN do this, one day at a time! I believe in you!! :-)

    Thank you!