Injured - Eating like a Pig

Hi everyone,

Up until 2 weeks ago I was doing Insanity and everything was going well, I had shifted 14 pounds on Month 1 and was really looking forward to Month 2. MY diet wasn't massively clean but I always came in within my calorie allowance and I never felt hungry or weak.

Unfortunately in the first week I injured my back pretty severely doing an Insanity workout, and have since not even attempted Insanity and done little exercise but walking around to keep moving.

The problem I have is that since I have stopped exercising I have ended up eating a lot, and a lot of the wrong foods. So much so i've given up on weighing myself. I have tried putting myself at maintenance for a while which seemed okay, but then decided to lose it by diet. I tried doing a simple 0.5 a week but was still going over, so decided to try be more strict 1-1.5lbs a week to try change my mindset, but not only am I struggling inside to keep to the low calories, I struggle even eating little enough to stick to maintenance.

Friends I have spoken to outside say its fine and not to worry as they binge constantly and don't put on even with less exercise, and that maybe putting on 5-10 lbs isn't massive and i'll be fine once I exercise again.

Really i'm posting this for advice as with back injuries never sure when to start exercising, and this eating is killing me. I think it may be an emotional eating from boredom due to being inactive when I'm used to jog/gym/insanity the vast majority of days. Anyone have any advice as I really want to nip this in the bud on week 2 rather than suffer till whenever my back is well enough to start exercise (not even sure when i'll know that).

So any advice or motivational material you guys have re: how long to leave a back injury and dietary stuff would be really appreciated =)


  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Back injuries are really tricky and frankly I'd wait longer before starting insanity again. I understand being frustrated and wanting to get back into it quickly, really I do. But when I went back to my martial arts class too early I threw my back out again and had to spend another week in acute pain being unable to move. I would wait at least 4 weeks (and btw, you don't know me, but I am the most insane person I know about going back to training too early).

    1) How would you feel about just doing fast walking at a gym or around outside or around a mall for a bit? It would get you out of the house, moving, and some exercise, and be less likely to re-injure your back.
    2) Could you find something else to munch with fewer calories?
  • Alth12
    Thanks for the advice. Think the benefit of going in to Spring now is that at least where I am things are warming and drying up so going out for long walks especially on my days off is easier. I think I should be swapping over definitely. I just find it hard mostly because I work a 1pm-9pm shift and always end up walking home past takeaway places no matter which way I go, and tbh I have a serious vending machine issue, Diet Coke (way way way too much, almost 2 litres a day since I stopped exercising), Maltesers and Mccoys crisps, dreadful combination are often snacks. I think a solution might be to simply not take money out with me and to simply have all food I will eat with me before I go. Not sure if quitting like that is sustainable long term though
  • LTKeegan
    LTKeegan Posts: 354 Member
    It doesn't need to be sustainable, unless you plan to quit working out at your goal weight. When i was injured (broken ankle) I had to really restrict what I was eating (no more cookies) and I wasn't on a diet, because I exercise so much when I'm healthy. I still put on 6lbs (in 8 months) but without dieting, I lost that weight as soon as I started back in my normal routine. Oh and in 2 years, I have t put the injury weight back on.
  • sharebear518
    I know how you feel. I injured my knee about 2 weeks ago, and only *today* have I finally been able to walk without crutches.
    emotional eating from boredom due to being inactive
    That has always been one of my biggest weaknesses too! Try to find something else that will help you fill the time! Great time to start a new hobby!!

    As for exercise, what type of back injury did you sustain? Muscle strain only? If so, you can still go the gym and exercise other muscle groups, and do lots of back stretches. Even for the past 2 weeks I have been going to gym and doing all my workouts except leg workouts (boy do I look silly using crutches to get to the different machines!) I have added on doing the bicycle to help with my recovery. Speaking of which - why not try to stationary bicycle for your cardio? Bring something to watch while you do it, as it's not as entertaining as the insanity workouts.
  • sharebear518
    Thanks for the advice. Think the benefit of going in to Spring now is that at least where I am things are warming and drying up so going out for long walks especially on my days off is easier. I think I should be swapping over definitely. I just find it hard mostly because I work a 1pm-9pm shift and always end up walking home past takeaway places no matter which way I go, and tbh I have a serious vending machine issue, Diet Coke (way way way too much, almost 2 litres a day since I stopped exercising), Maltesers and Mccoys crisps, dreadful combination are often snacks. I think a solution might be to simply not take money out with me and to simply have all food I will eat with me before I go. Not sure if quitting like that is sustainable long term though

    Absolutely don't carry cash with you :) Best way to avoid buying things from vending machines. The main reason I never buy from vending machines (I haven't in maybe... 10 years) is because of how obnoxiously overpriced everything is. I can't even get myself to put money in it... I have my own vices though ;)
  • Alth12
    Yea my vending machine habit is definitely setting me back, and its been so noticeable to others around me as well who comment on how well i've done but now simply look at me with raised eyes. I just went out and bough grapes, bananas and apples, figured if i'm going to snack on sugar might as well get something positive out of it like vitamins (and less calories)

    As for takeaways I won't take enough money out with me anymore to buy one, i'll take maybe 2-3 pounds and that's it. TBH I've decided to keep the diet coke, because I firmly believe I need something I enjoy in life despite it not being great for you (my colleagues moan incessantly about how much diet coke I drink even when i'm on the wagon (but they all smoke and drink to ridiculous levels, hell one even has 2 cheese burgers daily for lunch, yet stays thin due to smoking 20-30 a day, so can't talk to me about habits) , and I also believe with 2-3 pounds that if it came to a choice between chocolate and diet coke, i'd choose diet coke. I also believe if it came to waiting and buying chips on the way home, or having a diet coke, i'd have a diet coke lol.

    For my injury i'm not sure what it is, at first self diagnosis told me a sprain around base of my spine on left side or left glute, and I haven't thought about it since. I can move around fine apart from early morning and late night. Seemed to be on mend until I got a cold and then every sneeze and every cough jerked it I think and its more painful again. I suppose I could go to the gym and do light exercises, I have read people saying doing the eliptical should be fine, as well as (being cautious) exercise bikes, and that with a lower back injury doing 10-100 squats a day (building up slowly) is good to get it moving without being too intense . For weights I love them but not too sure due to it being my back on trying anything apart from arms really as the back does link in subtle ways to so many movements i'd be worried trying even a bench press.
  • Veronikkka
    Veronikkka Posts: 19 Member
    Hello. I would recommend to try swimming or paddling or aqua jogging. It's very common that patients with back and spine injury have physio rehabilitation in the pool, as a water relieve the pressure on the spine. So you will help your back, it will keep you moving and will keep you busy from eating bad feeling guilty. You do not need to do anything special, just genial moving in the water will do. If you use sauna then you can start GENTLE gradual stretching AFTER consulting your physiotherapist or chiropractor.

    That's what I did after my back injury, when my leg mussels on all l left side started to disappear from lack of movements. I did stretch in the water after paddling and slowly mussels came back.

    Water to me is an answer for everything.

    Good luck
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Have you been to the Doctors?
    Don't take medical advice from non medical people on forums.
    Just so you know, people that I know that work in A and E get Insanity injuries in all the time. it's because people are being pushed too far and they aren't working at their own limits and pace. I hate the idea of Insanity. It's ridiculously dangerous.
    I wouldnt put an ounce on with a back injury. It puts stress on the body, and then you''ll have to lose it again. You don't want to do intense sports of any kind carrying extra weight.

    My mother in law will walk with a stick and be in pain for the rest of her life because of being pushed too far in the gym by an idiot that called himself a trainer.
  • Veronikkka
    Veronikkka Posts: 19 Member
    I can share other wee trick I help myself dealing with "munching" problem. It's not for everyone, but see yourself if you keen to try.

    I love and eat raw crunchy vegetables like coliflower, capsicum, carrots, cucumber, fresh thin sliced cabbage, no dressing. I can crunch them all day. It keeps my mouth and teeth busy, as you need a bit of a time to chew it, as its quite hard stuff, and it filling up my stomach that I feel less hungry.
    As an additional benefit, raw vegetables are full of fiber, so going to the toilet would be a pleasure :)

    P.S sorry about typos, I use iPad and its often correct the text itself.
  • MaggieGiamalvo
    MaggieGiamalvo Posts: 397 Member
    Lower back injuries can become serious if not treated properly, soon after the injury occurs. I found this out the hard way. I injured my back, but didn't think it was a big deal, so I didn't seek treatment. It's now 4 1/2 years later and I'm rehabbing through serious pain and periodic numbness in my left leg/hip area. Go see a chiropractor and/or physical therapist. I highly recommend them both! The exercises the PT will give you to strengthen the right muscles in your back will probably seem silly and like they're not doing much, but keep doing them. It does get better!

    If you decide not to get treatment, a couple alternatives would be to take a yoga class (stretching and keeping up your flexibility really help) or, if you have access to the Sworkit app on your phone or tablet, download and use it to take you through stretching routines. I click on the "Yoga, Cardio & More" option and do the "Head to Toe Stretch" for 20 minutes, followed by the "Full Body Stretch" for 20 minutes. Again, it may not seem like it's doing a lot, but it's helping with my flexibility and many of the stretches are things my PT was having me do anyway. I tried to do the "Back Strength" routine for 20 minutes (more exercises similar to what my PT was having me do), but I wasn't ready to go that long with those moves, yet.

    Good luck and feel better soon!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I had a major injury when I was 31 (off work and on crutches for 3 months) and over-ate out of boredom and depression.

    That extra weight (30lbs) stayed with me for 20 years. Would advise doing your very best not to let the weight pile on. Apart from anything else excess weight is the last thing you want with a back injury.

    If your resolve is low then get all trigger foods or foods you can't stop yourself from snacking on out of the house. It's much easier to be determined once (when shopping) than every single day when your are surrounded by temptation.

    As for the injury - get a proper diagnosis, everything starts from there.
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    Strengthening abs is the key. Feel better soon!!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    ...when I'm used to jog/gym/insanity.....

    You might find that using a recumbent bike if it's available at the gym will give you some opportunity to train without back loading. Similarly, and as suggested upthread, working i the pool might help.

    Can't help as far as the eating is concerned, only one person can sort that out for you. You know the problem you have, identify some coping strategies and apply them. You note upthread the reaction that you're seeing from people who were supportive of your success.