Seeking a support group!

Hi! I'm a 31 year old mom and when I was younger.... I could eat anything and never gain weight. I developed bad eating habits over time; I don't eat much fast food or drink soda; but the quantities that I am accostumed to eating are high and I am addicted to sweets! I have tried my fitness pal before but as soon as I eat something that I know I shouldn't, or too much of something; I get discouraged and quit rather than logging the food. I have also never had a support group of friends; which I think may be why it's been so easy for me to give up in the past. I want people that I can cheer on and that can cheer me on!


  • josiemarie982
    josiemarie982 Posts: 33 Member
    im exactly the same, when I have bad days I just give up, so more than happy to support you and you can support me :) need all the help I can.
  • You are not alone I love fried foods I have gained back all of the weight I lost about a year or so ago. I also need support because it is so easy to fall into the I will start tomorrow trap.

  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    I was the same...still am to an extent. I LOVE food. And lots of it. I have some food intolerance issues and am currently doing low-carb but feel free to add me...I'm here everyday !
  • I read your story and it sounded like my own. I am 33, a mother of 2 boys 4 and 7. I feel as though I am alone on this journey of ups and downs. My husband loves to eat out and order pizza in, and I would rather cook a healthy meal. My hubby and oldest son are so picky when it comes to eating though, it is hard. I would love to be part of a support group, so when I have that day when I can't put the oreo's down, y'all can help get me back on track!