Would like to try Hot Yoga, but worried...

I'm really worried about the heat. I know its kept pretty warm. Basically, without getting into it too hard, and it might sound silly, but i'm worried that i won't be able to breathe.

Especially because in saunas and stuff, it says not to stay in there for more than 10 minutes without taking a break and going back in. Hot yoga is an hour, sometimes an hour and a half.

Is it like a choking, smothering kinda heat? or is it pleasantly warm and sweaty? I haven't got any [physical] medical conditions or anything, fwiw.

Appreciate any help


  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Why do you want to try hot yoga?

    I find it hard to breathe as well, and I don't like it.
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    I do it every once in a while...would rather do regular yoga or Kundalini personally. A couple months ago I thought I might try doing it a few days a week but I just don't like it enough to force myself to go. It also smells like B.O. in the room, but I think that's to be expected. It hits you in the face when you first walk in but once you get into class it passes. It's hot and moist, you get really sweaty. I've never had an issue with feeling faint but have seen it happen to people in class. I think it's good to have a backround in some other form of yoga before trying Bikram so you have the breathing foundation. You have to trust your own judgement and if you have to rest and lay down with your feet up against the wall or even leave the room then do it. I've got one class left on a 10 class pass and I think after I use that I might not go back for a bit. I would note that it does burn lots of calories, detoxifies the body and the heat allows you to get deeper into the postures.
  • oBuckethead
    oBuckethead Posts: 22 Member
    If you're worried about the heat then try Hatha yoga. Definitely easier to get into if you're just starting.
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    Hot yoga and Bikram yoga are two different types of yoga. Bikram is hotter than a hot yoga class would be and it's a set sequence of poses. I go to hot yoga pretty regularly and I LOVE it. I've never had a problem with the room smelling like BO either and I've tried a couple different studios.

    The first couple times you take a hot yoga class you may start to feel overwhelmed and like you can't breathe at some point. If this happens, come out of the pose and bring it to childs pose and focus on getting your breathing under control. Usually this happens when you start to breathe harder and faster. It will pass, and once your body gets used to acclimating to the heat you'll find that you won't have that problem anymore. I know the first time I took a hot yoga class I felt a little like I was going to die at one point, but I took a moment to calm my breathing down and grab some water and then I was ok. Also, bring water and a hand towel. I would also suggest a full size towel to put down on your mat if your hands start to slip. I personally prefer hot yoga ver regular yoga I feel like I can get deeper into the poses and I like being really sweaty when I'm done.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Then, do regular yoga?
  • OneImaginaryGirl
    OneImaginaryGirl Posts: 25 Member
    I'm really worried about the heat. I know its kept pretty warm. Basically, without getting into it too hard, and it might sound silly, but i'm worried that i won't be able to breathe.

    Especially because in saunas and stuff, it says not to stay in there for more than 10 minutes without taking a break and going back in. Hot yoga is an hour, sometimes an hour and a half.

    Is it like a choking, smothering kinda heat? or is it pleasantly warm and sweaty? I haven't got any [physical] medical conditions or anything, fwiw.

    Appreciate any help


    I am a 9 year Bikram yoga practitioner WITH asthma. As someone else stated, Bikram and Hot Yoga are two different things -although sometimes the hot yoga class is basically Bikram with a few postures changed in the sequence so that they don't get sued....
    Every studio is different in how they deliver their heat, how much humidity is present and whether or not they open doors or windows during class to cool the room off a bit.
    I know it can be daunting the first few times that you go, and you will probably feel overwhelmed by the heat, but it is worth a try! You will feel great afterwards! There are always first timers in class, and you shouldn't feel worried about your level of practice, be it expert or it is your first time. Just be sure to drink lots of water before class and wear something comfortable like a tank top and leggings.
    Also, heat in a sauna is usually about 130 degrees or more. A bikram studio or hot yoga studio is usually no more than 105 degrees.
    TRY IT!!! There is nothing to lose!

    And message me if you have any questions.
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    I've done "hot yoga" as well as Bikram. They just turned the heat way up in my hatha yoga class for the hot yoga. If I'm going to do that I would rather just go for the Bikram and just do hatha yoga without the heat...but that's just me. As far as the room smelling like B.O. I only noticed it in Bikram, never in hot hatha yoga, and it's likely because in Bikram the floor is usually carpeted. It's not a dealbreaker on me going. I have a sensitive nose, though...so one again could just be my issue...
  • amandakev88
    amandakev88 Posts: 328 Member
    thank you guys. all answers were helpful. a few scary. a few that made me want to try it. just reading the words 'asthma' and 'feel like i can't breathe'made me take a huge, deep breath sitting at my computer! :P
    Then, do regular yoga?

    i 'would like to try' hot yoga. thats why i posted! :) i have taken regular yoga. i quite like it. but im intrigued by the hot

    im also heavier than the average yoga bunny. no clue if that ties in with the heat/breathing thing, but its also kinda.. well, embarrassing! i know there are newbies usually but you know.. =[
  • amandakev88
    amandakev88 Posts: 328 Member
    I am a 9 year Bikram yoga practitioner WITH asthma. As someone else stated, Bikram and Hot Yoga are two different things -although sometimes the hot yoga class is basically Bikram with a few postures changed in the sequence so that they don't get sued....
    Every studio is different in how they deliver their heat, how much humidity is present and whether or not they open doors or windows during class to cool the room off a bit.
    I know it can be daunting the first few times that you go, and you will probably feel overwhelmed by the heat, but it is worth a try! You will feel great afterwards! There are always first timers in class, and you shouldn't feel worried about your level of practice, be it expert or it is your first time. Just be sure to drink lots of water before class and wear something comfortable like a tank top and leggings.
    Also, heat in a sauna is usually about 130 degrees or more. A bikram studio or hot yoga studio is usually no more than 105 degrees.
    TRY IT!!! There is nothing to lose!

    And message me if you have any questions.

    ive stayed in saunas for like a half hour before, so this was very helpful, thank youu
  • stephgetsfit2
    stephgetsfit2 Posts: 72 Member
    I have done Hot yoga quite a few times and i've loved it!
    It's super hot so take a towel and a big jug of water in with you if you decide to go.
    The awesome thing about the class and instructors is that they tell you right in the beginning of class that if you need to take a break, then do so by simply laying down on your mat. they recommend NOT to leave the room if you are able to. so that you don't disturb the others.
    The first time i tried it, i probably laid there on my mat half of the class. Then the more i went, the more i was able to do!
    And you can sip your water whenever u feel you need to!

    Good luck!