Can never get on the squat rack



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    we have two squat racks and a smith ..and thankfully on my day one of the racks is always open I do not have this problem…but I would be pissed is the rack was ALWAYS full….

    new gym or different time is going to be your best bet...
  • MissB46
    MissB46 Posts: 143 Member
    I usually go for 6am in the morning and most of the time I am the first one in the weightroom (my gym opens at 6am)

    But last week I went in the evening and the gym was heaving, I still managed to get on the rack but I was using it for about 30 Minutes so when a guy asked me how long I had left, I responded that I would be on it for at least another 15 minutes, but offered for him to rotate with me. It worked really well and we were both happy....
  • smand2000
    Working in can be a real pain when you are vastly different heights (in a power rack at least) - have to unload bar, reset height pins, reset weights, do sets, then rinse / repeat ... With a basic rack, it's easier, but only if you're not swapping out all of the weight, for every set ...
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I made a home gym for this very reason.

    I have a home gym as well...with a rack my husband and son built.
  • rejectuf
    rejectuf Posts: 487 Member
    This is one thing I really love about crossfit boxes. They're designed so everyone can be doing squats or whatever lift they need, at the same time. Not suggesting crossfit as the solution to your problem, unless there's one near you with a good open gym time?
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Are you able to pick up dumb bells and use them? Place them at your shoulders and you need a rack to do this? My point, if the rack is full just find floor space and use dumb bells. Good luck.

    OP stated she was doing goblet squats and hit 90# dumbbell the other day. And fears wont hit 95#.
    Goblet squats are already a different movement than the bar squats in SL.

    For her to hit the weight she's currently using for goblets, she'd need strong shoulders for those dumbbells (bar rests differently) and 42.5# dbs which ive never seen.

    So she really needs to get into a rack at this point

    I use 40 lb dumbbells on each shoulder sometimes.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I consider bad etiquette when someone deadlifts using the squat rack AND there are bars for deadlifting they can use.. most annoying thing ever. Best times to use the squat rack is any time before or after 3-7pm.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    OP, if I were frequently unable to get the squat rack, I'd either: 1. find a different time to go to the gym or 2. find a new gym. Occasionally, on the weekends, I do have to wait for the squat rack, so, I just ask the person using it (between sets) if there's anyone waiting behind them, and if not, I'd like to get it next, and I make it a point to say something like, "there's no rush; I just want to get in line/in the queue."
  • tyrsnbdr
    tyrsnbdr Posts: 234 Member
    Are you able to pick up dumb bells and use them? Place them at your shoulders and you need a rack to do this? My point, if the rack is full just find floor space and use dumb bells. Good luck.

    So...if you're currently squatting 150, there are 75 lb. dumbbells? :huh:

    Oh yes, There are DBs up to 200lbs (That I have seen.) I consider my gym weak, beacuse they only have 5 lbs incraments up to 60, then 10lbs up to 100. I miss those 95lbs, 120, and 150 DBs :cry: {needs new gym...}
  • keithemp
    Using dumbbells for squats is a bad idea if you ever plan on trying to perfect your form and increase your weight beyond 50 lbs per side. For heavy weight, you really need to be supporting the weight with your entire body.

    I suggest what others already have, ask the person using the rack if you can have it next. A busy gym often has line ups for racks, so you can try to plan your leg workout for a specific time (for example, friday nights are really empty at my gym) or just get in line.
  • Tyggress73
    Tyggress73 Posts: 104 Member
    My gym has 2 squat racks, 3 smith machines and 1 power rack. All within 20' of each other.

    At 5 am, it's not too tough to get on one, but sometimes we have to work in with each other. Since it's all the same regular die-hards at the gym at that time of the morning, we all kind of know each other and work around/with each other.

    I would either wait, or ask to work in. Most people shouldn't care.
    You can also try going at a different time and see if there is less traffic?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I consider bad etiquette when someone deadlifts using the squat rack AND there are bars for deadlifting they can use.. most annoying thing ever. Best times to use the squat rack is any time before or after 3-7pm.

    it's only bad if you hog it when someone wants to squat. I gladly give up my place for someone who wants to squat and move back or else where. I have actually worked with my friend in the power cage- he was squatting I was dead lifting- and we both just alternated squat- dead- squat dead- so no one had an *kitten* in the face while they were lifting.
    the men tend to over look us women
    I also don't agree with this... I think most women just don't ask. I work in with people or find out how many sets they have just fine- because I ask.

    You can't just stand there and expect someone to ASK you what you want. You have to be the one to ask- they are doing their thing and they are not going to change doing their thing unless someone asks a question.

    OP - you have a few options- all have been listed- but to re-iterate
    > go at a different time
    > find a new gym with more racks
    > get there first
    > ask how many sets they have
    > ask if working in is an option (this only works if they are taking long breaks) and you guys can load/unload together.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I consider bad etiquette when someone deadlifts using the squat rack AND there are bars for deadlifting they can use.. most annoying thing ever. Best times to use the squat rack is any time before or after 3-7pm.

    it's only bad if you hog it when someone wants to squat. I gladly give up my place for someone who wants to squat and move back or else where. I have actually worked with my friend in the power cage- he was squatting I was dead lifting- and we both just alternated squat- dead- squat dead- so no one had an *kitten* in the face while they were lifting.

    That's exactly what I'm talking about. Some guy did that last night and it was really irritating. He was using the bar from the squat rack to deadlift in front of the squat rack. He didn't unrack his weights either.. oh well I guess..
  • Greytfish
    You're going to have to ask to work in and switch out the weights.


    Go at a different time.


    Or, get yourself equipment at home.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Are you able to pick up dumb bells and use them? Place them at your shoulders and you need a rack to do this? My point, if the rack is full just find floor space and use dumb bells. Good luck.

    So...if you're currently squatting 150, there are 75 lb. dumbbells? :huh:

    Oh yes, There are DBs up to 200lbs (That I have seen.) I consider my gym weak, beacuse they only have 5 lbs incraments up to 60, then 10lbs up to 100. I miss those 95lbs, 120, and 150 DBs :cry: {needs new gym...}

    I've never looked, I guess? I'm in the 10-20 lb. dumbbell range, which is all the way on the other side of the rack of dumbbells. Lol!