
Need to know how many calories I need to lose weight!! Someone said 1200 a friend so I have been doing that. Now I see you can figure it and it comes out to like 1500. Need to know for sure how many!!


  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    Use a TDEE calculator online to figure out how much calories you burn a day (Don't over or under estimate your activity level) then a good place to start would to be to minus 500 calories from this number and eat that a day. That should leave you at a loss of 1lb of fat per week.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    One thing to keep in mind about online calculators is that they operate off of certain assumptions. It may work, but it may not as well. The best thing to do is trial and error. Start at a certain calorie level and maintain that for a couple of weeks and see if that works for you. If not, lower your calories some and let it go for another week or 2. I will say that you shouldn't go below 1200 calories/day. Your body needs fuel to function properly. Also, I always recommend that you eat as much food as possible while still losing weight at a reasonable rate. That way, you'll have room to make adjustments down the road if you hit a plateau.

    Hope this helps, and I'd be happy to help anytime!

    Allan TerBush
    Team Grit
  • slmahrt
    slmahrt Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you!!
  • slmahrt
    slmahrt Posts: 17 Member