Weightloss Partner

Hey! Everyone I've been on here for awhile. I have started and stopped so many times I was wondering if anyone wanted a weight loss partner. I have about 40 pounds to lose and I would love it if someone would like to work together, encourage, nag when they haven't posted in awhile share progress.

I have all of the knowledge of how to lose weight I was a health and fitness major in college but I just keep falling off the wagon. If anything I could help others with questions while there encouragement could help me stick with the program. Let me know!


  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    I help operate a weight loss support group through Facebook (private so things don't go out into the public). I'd be more than happy to help you in any way that I can.

    I sent you a buddy request, so we can private message if you're interested.

    To your success,
    Allan TerBush
    Team Grit
  • 55Megamus
    I'm not too keen on focusing on weight, (your weight says nothing about your health or how you are doing and is a terrible measure of success) that being said, I would be happy to be your partner in health. check out my profile if you wish and add me, that goes for anyone
  • staceymichele1117
    I have 40 lbs to lose as well. Let's be buddies!:smile:
  • staceymichele1117
    Allan - Can I get in on the FB weight loss support group?