I need to vent....

I need to vent soooo badly, so I hope you all don't mind. I really want to do this, but no matter what I try, I fail. I make poor food choices, then feel guilty afterwards. I am sooo mad at myself for the things I eat. It's not that difficult...just don't eat the candy bar. Don't drink the soda. Don't go for the cheese on the garlic bread. Don't go for that extra scoop of pasta! Oh My Gosh!!! It shouldn't be so difficult! This is impossible! I'm going insane! GRRRRRRR I just don't know what to do. I am so mad at myself! I always feel so guilty after I make poor food choices! You'd think I'd remember how badly I beat myself up for it the last time! I am going to do this...I have to do this! If not, I'm going to have a freakin breakdown! I have to do this! Sorry for all the negativity...just needed to vent....


  • brandicockrum
    brandicockrum Posts: 121 Member
    I need to vent soooo badly, so I hope you all don't mind. I really want to do this, but no matter what I try, I fail. I make poor food choices, then feel guilty afterwards. I am sooo mad at myself for the things I eat. It's not that difficult...just don't eat the candy bar. Don't drink the soda. Don't go for the cheese on the garlic bread. Don't go for that extra scoop of pasta! Oh My Gosh!!! It shouldn't be so difficult! This is impossible! I'm going insane! GRRRRRRR I just don't know what to do. I am so mad at myself! I always feel so guilty after I make poor food choices! You'd think I'd remember how badly I beat myself up for it the last time! I am going to do this...I have to do this! If not, I'm going to have a freakin breakdown! I have to do this! Sorry for all the negativity...just needed to vent....
  • obliged
    obliged Posts: 465
    if you're having such a hard time just take a few deep breathes and remember "today is only a day, tomorrow is a new one"
    set small goals for yourself through out the day or the week, or set aside certain days where you can have that soda or that chocolate bar and work for it
    try to avoid temptations - i know alot of people on here dont have chips or chocolate or other evil little goodies in their houses as a precaution, or they limit them accordingly -
    if you do get tempted ask yourself "is it worth? what do i really want? what motivated me to join this site? and will this help me achieve that goal?"

    just dont give up yet! it takes time, and we all have screwed up from time to time
    we're all here to support and motivate each other, lean on us
  • jamster
    jamster Posts: 38
    Hunnie we all need to vent sometimes..hell I probably vent at least once a day at how hard it is to be struggling over weight. But you really do just got to take it one day at a time and tell yourself when you reach for that cookie...is it really worth the 2 miles I'll have to run for this measly thing? I've found countless recipes (alot from Hungry Girl) that you can still manage to have the foods you crave and love but at an EXTREMELY amount of calories less. Try looking for things that you can cook and store for later days. Honestly that really has helped me when I go to open the fridge...cause i see that healthier option sitting there. Oh and definitely trash the junk food..don't even let it in the house!! At least until you're strong enough to resist it. Also another good thing is to do your research when it comes to going out to eat...don't go anywhere tempting just yet. I still can't go out for italian! Make sure there's a healthy option whereever you are going and another tip is to please ask them not to bring the bread basket out! Or you will cave! It's really the simple things that help you out in the process. Keep on trucking and be strong! And know that you can always come on here to vent!! :bigsmile:
  • cecreech
    cecreech Posts: 119 Member
    I think you are a very brave, honest lady in the midst of change. Vent when you need to, you can do this. We believe in you!
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    OH I totally have been there girlie!!! Don't feel bad about it, just take small steps and soon you will add all those steps together for success! You can so do this girlie! We are here for you!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    Here is something I keep tucked away on how I changed my way of thinking a while back...

    Controlling Naughty Foods

    A friend and I were talking about weight loss a while back. We both came to the strangest agreement about our favorite "bad foods"...

    My favorite foods will always be there...
    I already know what they taste like, so I don't have to go back and "try it" at every opportunity...
    I can get that food when I have "earned" it, not when I just want it.
    My goal is health and love for myself, not this food.

    I think at the time french fries were my favorite. That would be my lunch, with a water. YUCK! What was I thinking? :laugh:

    Now I remind myself that I already know it's good tasting, but I can get it next time, when I know it fits into my plan, and I want to be happy. YUM! It just helps me look at my favorite items and keeping ME in control, not my addiction.

  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Hey, I hope you don't mind me asking, do you plan your days and do you want to check in with us this evening??? I would love to hear how your day goes!
  • dianeparsons
    YOU CAN DO THIS. Say it 3 times out loud to yourself right now. YOU CAN DO THIS!! Why? For you. Forget about losing weight. If you have to go minute to minute instead of day by day, it's OK. A really good trick I've found is if I want something to snack on and it isn't at regular meal times. Drink a glass of water or green tea, go for a short walk...10 minutes--20 minutes....just get your mind off that kitchen. You'll find that when you get back you really don't want it. Sometimes I misread thirst for hunger. Plus at the end of the day...you exercised AND you made it to the next meal.
    I also found that protein shakes really do satisfy and fill you up. My daughter and I use Muscle Milk powder protein, just add water and shake it up. Mmmmm, delicious. Remember, don't give up...YOU CAN DO THIS.:wink:
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    oh hugs girl, I'm glad you vented so we can let you know you are soooo not alone....lots of us struggle w/ the same thing too, but it does get easier!!!

    I'm wishing you lots of luck cuz you got some great advice already!!!

    Ali :drinker:
  • Lavendersunday
    Lavendersunday Posts: 458 Member
    Do not expect to live from the perspective of deprivation and be successful.

    All you need to do is think about what you Can have, should have, and will have to eat that you enjoy.

    Dispose of ALL distracting food, plan for success by filling in your food diary before the start of the day.

    It may help to acquire habits like, eating breakfast at home and bringing your lunch to work.

    Maybe get creative and learn to become a wonderful cook of healthy recipes you discover.

    Let go of the negative thoughts...you will find that success and happiness is aligned with positive thoughts.

    ~Namaste :flowerforyou:
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Do not expect to live from the perspective of deprivation and be successful.

    All you need to do is think about what you Can have, should have, and will have to eat that you enjoy.

    Dispose of ALL distracting food, plan for success by filling in your food diary before the start of the day.

    It may help to acquire habits like, eating breakfast at home and bringing your lunch to work.

    Maybe get creative and learn to become a wonderful cook of healthy recipes you discover.

    Let go of the negative thoughts...you will find that success and happiness is aligned with positive thoughts.

    ~Namaste :flowerforyou:

    I love this! I am adding it to my blog of thoughts. YEY YOU!
  • janetbr
    janetbr Posts: 20 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I felt and still feel the same way. I started this a couple of weeks ago and it seemed almost impossible. Where do I start? How do I lose the weight? I started making very small changes. I felt overwhelmed by eating right, exercising, recording food, etc. So, I just made a conscience effort to eat a little better. Each time I went to grab something to eat I asked myself "do I really want this". Sometimes, I decided yes I do. Then realized it wasn't that good after all. I started exercising...just small stuff like taking my grandbaby for a walk. Yoga one day for 30 minutes, etc. Also, recording what I ate on this site has really helped. I have to be held accountable and this makes me feel like I am accountable...if only to myself.

    After two weeks I've lost 4 lbs. I'm not setting records by any means, but the small changes are making a difference. Just take it one day at a time and try not to beat yourself up. Just stick with it and come back here often for support. I've learned the people on this site truly care and support each other and will help you through the tough spots. You deserve this and you are worthy!