It crushed me, but trying to move forward.

Hi everyone.My name is Leah.Will be 30 this year and I recently weigh 195.I've used this website before with much success, I loved it and enjoyed making new friends.I counted calories for a whole year and went down from 245 to 175 being my lowest weight.I took abreak and gained 15 lbs back but I was okay with that.I wanted to take a break from counting calories.Well during last yr while I thought me and my hubbys relationship was fine, he confessed to me 5 months ago that he had affair with an ex of his and devasted broke me to pieces. But I am a believer of Christ and because God has forgiven me I forgave my husband and we are trying to move on. This is not so much about what I went through with my husband but more of the after effect.I'm now seeking counseling for myself because I see I have huge insecurites, even when I did lose weight before I never felt pretty or good now that I'm working on myself, I want to get back into shape and focus on me and ny health and my beauty.I've gone through a lot but I know it will only get better from now on. It takes a lot to share this with other but I see it as my testimony so if I can help someone going through the same thing then I am happy with that. I want to learn to love myself and to appreciate what God has created in me,afterall I was made in His image..I'm not here for negative comments because I don't need them so please if you don't have nothing nice to say don't say it I'm really trying to move on and start enjoying life again and I see this as baby steps.I need friends that I can talk to and trust.yes I know we are all strangers but sometimes strangers are the best to talk to.thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope I can get some good friends out of this to start my new journey.


  • cpusmc
    cpusmc Posts: 122
    Nice post. I always refer back to a card "footprints" my wife gave me over 20 years ago. When times are toughest and we feel like quitting thats when we see only 1 set of footprints in the sand. Instead of walking beside us, God is carrying us through those difficult times. Keep your head up, keep working hard on your marriage and yourself and you will be rewarded.

    God Bless....
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    Insecurities often make people feel like they don't deserve to have the best life they can possibly have. Work on your insecurities and learn to recognise that you deserve happiness and success. Good luck.
  • Thank you. I really appreciate the kind words. Insecurites are a killer.but praying and staying positive and seeking help is keeping me on the right direction:)
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story! I think one of the most important things we can learn in life is to just keep going. If you stumble, get back up. You sound like a very inspirational woman! Good luck!
  • SallyJones1985
    SallyJones1985 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi Leah,

    Reading your post really struck a cord with me, my partner also had an affair with his ex and i am also trying to forgive him and move on. I totally get the feelings you have now as i also feel 'not good enough' and always have done. I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone, and you can do this.

    I've sent you a friend request, i hope you don't mind. I feel like having someone to talk to who understands could be beneficial to the both of us.

    Sally x