Weighing food raw vs. cooked

The raw boneless skinless chicken breasts I buy say they have 100 calories in 100g. Is that raw or cooked? I weighed one raw and it was 217 grams and after I cooked it it was about 180g. Also, would you weigh a sweet potato raw or cooked because if you look up sweet potato it says its 103 calories in 114g and it says its baked in this link http://caloriecount.about.com/calories-sweetpotato-i11508.
I measured the potato I used and it had a 2" diameter and was 5" long and weighed 240 grams raw and 123grams after microwaving it for 8 minutes. The frozen green beans I use say on the package that they are 35 calories for 1 cup(100 grams). Would that be frozen or cooked because it loses weight when cooked. I cook the beans in the microwave for 3 minutes. If anyone could help me with this that would be great.
