Once I buy junk I end up eating ALL of it!!

queenpersephone Posts: 4
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss

I'm new to myfitnesspal and really looking forward to dropping a few lbs as I've put on a bit since going back to uni. At the moment I want to try and lose about 7lbs before I go home for Christmas as that way I won't feel quite so bad if (when!!) I put on a few over the holiday as I will have a plan that works (I hope!) to come back to...

My main problem is willpower - I've never been able to buy big packets of sweets, crisps, cookies, chocolate or anything without eating it all in one go as soon as I get home, even if it makes me feel sick. I also can't really watch TV without wanting to do something else at the same time, which often ends up in me snacking... I go to my friends' houses and notice they have a huge box of chocolates or cookies on the side and I can't understand how they aren't constantly tempted to scoff the lot of them!

Does anyone else have these issues??


  • I'm a sucker for sweets too. I love baking. I freeze any leftovers from baking so I'm not tempted to eat it. Out of sight, out of mind, right?.... drink a glass of water... when you're tempted. When your stomach feels "full"... you're less tempted to grab and eat - at least, if you do, it'll hopefully be less.
  • philip31
    philip31 Posts: 57 Member
    I was exactly the same as you..
    I recommend drinking heaps of water (12 to 15 glasses a day) and logging into MFP daily and enter everything that you eat... If you go over your calories then work it off with exercise this way you will start to wonder if it's worth all the extra exercise..

    Has worked for me.
    Good luck with your goal.
  • I've always been the same, but for some reason I haven't struggled as much since finding MFP. Maybe because you're accountable - if you've eaten junk food and you log it in your MFP diary, you see how many calories are actually in it, and for me it really hit home how much I was eating!

    Maybe try setting yourself small goals. Stick to your MFP calorie allowance for one week and see how you go. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how well you do, and that will motivate you to keep going!

    Best of luck!
  • I've had this problem as well, as I was addicted to sugar (which is the most common addiction in fact!) what I do is just not buy it. if it is around or offerred to me, then i don't even start. It's kind of an "all or nothing" thing. You have to not have ANY of the sweets for weeks before you break the "addiction" The first 3 days is the toughest. Decide to only have sweets on special occasions, very rarely! Sweeten things with stevia but not with any sort of artificial sweetener or even honey or agave!! Also, eat less simple carbs like white bread and pasta, as they lead you to crave sweets. If you find yourself having one or 2, you can work it off, but more than a few servings you would have to do A LOT of exercise to work off and it ISN'T worth it!!! It's easier to avoid it all together than to be a slave to the binges.

    Good luck!
  • Wow - didn't expect so many replies so soon - thank you!! Sounds like I'm in very good company :)

    Only just started filling in my food diary etc on MFP but already see what you mean about it showing up exactly what I'm eating in its raw quantities. I NEVER thought I ate or drank that much sugar but today I've already gone over my sugar allowance (and I thought I was having a 'good' day!) So it's really good to hear that this aspect of the plan works well in practice!

    Also glad to see some fellow post-grads! It's tough trying to count calories in a social setting, especially if you've had a hard day of lectures and all you want is a glass of wine and a nice big pizza!
  • Candy...if there is lots of it, they are little and they are all different colours, I'm eating them!!!

    I am a total addict!

    I could take or leave chocolate.....it's the candy that's dandy!
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    Same for me. The only way I can manage this whole weight loss thing is to not bring this stuff into my house.
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Toughest part is, my lovely wife has a wicked metabolism and she loves her sweets (mainly cookies and chocolate). I have difficulty avoiding the temptation to eat whatever she brings home. My motivation is that I would never buy that stuff to begin with, since I have motivation not to buy, but not to eat.

    I love unmarked sweets and cookies. If I don't know how to enter it into MFP, it doesn't go in my mouth. That makes it really easy to avoid them.
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    got the same issue, try and not buy it :(
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    I can only tell you this much : willpower is not something that can take us from our starting point to the finish line. It simply isn't enough . Willpower comes and goes.
    " If you don't plan , you plan to fail "

    Figure out what triggers you to overeat the most.
    Try to find out " why " ..
    maybe pay attention how you feel /what's happening arround you while you are eating.. stress/bored/ tired/ depressed/ lonely /
    once you identify the feeling- than you can start adressing it - because none of the mentioned need food to be resolved
    stress needs - relaxation
    boredom - find something to do
    tired- go to sleep
    lonely- come here and chat with us.. visit your friend.. read a book, take a long bath.. go for a jog.. etc etc

    Willpower is shortlived. To get to the finish line we need to have a plan.

    Good luck
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I have the same problem...so I just simply don't buy it.
    I've noticed the snacking thing as well especially once my kids are in bed and I can finally sit down and relax and watch something next thing I know I"m prowling looking for junk. I try to keep healthy snacks in the house now so I'm forced to eat those if I can't not eat something.
  • trinityj1
    trinityj1 Posts: 97 Member
    I have the same problem, whenever I buy cheat foods (frozen pizza, canned soup, etc.) for a "rainy day" (ie: laziness or business brought on by previous laziness), I end up eating them all within a week. I buy a treat (sorbet, chocolate, etc.) to stow away for some time I'm feeling low, I eat all of it that evening.

    So I just don't buy any of it and when the craving comes it's not there. I can't be trusted, so I don't trust myself lol.
  • Discojkay
    Discojkay Posts: 2 Member
    I have had the same issue, specifically with the "medium" bags of M+Ms I would buy about twice a week. I would always "plan" to eat them over the course of a few days, but like you say that never works. A bag bought in the evening one day would be gone before lunch the next day without any help :P

    Since joining a gym on Halloween and especially after joining this site less than a week ago, I have a nearly automatic revulsion when looking at calorie amounts that are too high in relation to the volume of the food. I was tempted to buy a bag of M+Ms at the shop earlier today, but saw that there are eleven 150 calorie servings in a bag.

    Instead, I decided to buy a bottle of dark chocolate coffee creamer. Each serving in a regular cup of coffee amounts to 37 calories, and has the double action of expanding in your stomach like any hot liquid. It is much harder to overdrink coffee than overeat sweets :D
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