Prenatal vitamins & weight gain



  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    OP, I recommend Vitamin Code Raw Prenatal Vitamins because they are made from whole foods and don't contain any fillers, additives, preservatives, dyes, etc. Taking a super cheap vitamin can do more harm than good. Quality is better.
  • BeckyAnne4
    BeckyAnne4 Posts: 143 Member
    i have never heard this. to my knowlege, the only things that really make a prenatal different than a multi are - primarily the amount of folic acid, sometimes iron, and some have the added dha. on occassion they might also have a stool softner built in too. there might be some other exceptions here or there, but really that's about it. not really sure how any of these things can "cause" weight gain. it's not like they come with an extra 500 cals per tablet/capsule to cause you to gain a pound a week. my thought is that the addition of nutrients might just be doing something wacky to your appetite. but then again, i'm no doctor, and really in this world, anything is possible. good luck!
  • YES they CAN make you gain weight. How, you ask? By increasing appetite, which leads to weight gain when you eat more than your body needs. I know this is true because it happened to me.

    I began taking prenatals when I found out I was pregnant earlier this year. 2 days later I miscarried. Not wanting the vitamins to go to waste, I continued to take them. I gained 10lbs. I attributed it to hormonal changes, emotional eating, etc, some of which was probably true; but I continued exercising and went back to healthy eating, and yet the weight remained. I began to think that my body had permanently changed and that I would have to accept myself at this new weight and size.

    About 2 weeks ago, I forgot to take my vitamins for a couple of days and then decided just to quit taking them altogether. Soon after I noticed a significant decrease in my appetite: I didn’t wake up famished and I wasn’t hungry for dinner. I also noticed my abdomen was tighter and my pants were loose around the waist. I weighed myself this morning to find that I’ve lost 2lbs! I'm eating less because my appetite has gone down since I quit the prenatals.

    Thank God for forgetfulness!
  • FauxBoho
    FauxBoho Posts: 30 Member
    I take prenatals and am losing weight. I certainly haven't noticed an increase in my appetite.
  • I have been taking prenatal pills, and I have noticed I eat more. I am always starving at night time, and in the morning. I have gained about 5 pounds since I have started using prenatals. I kept doing it because my face was starting to look so amazing, i have crazy acne. I will just have to stop taking them because I am also having a hard time shedding these pounds off I know they are great for me. Yet, I cannot afford to put on these awful pounds seeing that I am so short!
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    I started taking prenatal vitamins because they do not contain vitamin K. I am taking high does of warfarin and vitamin K supplements counteracts the effect. I am struggling with a ravenous appetite since I started taking them and have put on a few lbs. I think I'll stop and see what happens with my appetite.
  • Soon after I got married I started taking prenatal vitamins and 6 months later I gained 18 lbs! And no I am not yet pregnant. What is so crazy is that I eat the same amount as I always have and I exercise way more than I ever have! I run 20 mins every night and do my sit ups and pushups. My bra size went from a 36c to a 34DD! I am beginning to think prenatal vitamins defiantly contribute to my weight gain! There is simply no other explanation!
  • lisameister13
    lisameister13 Posts: 10 Member
    Med student here: Pre- natal vitamins only have vitamins in them (like the ones in your food and regular multi-vitamins). The only difference between prenatal and regular multivitamins is the amount of some of the vitamins ( increased iron, folic acid, etc).. They DO NOT cause weight gain ( zero calories and do not slow down your metabolism). However, the increased amount of iron can negatively impact your liver, so only take them if you're planning on conceiving or if your health care provider recommended it.
  • Everybodys body is different certain stuff can make you can weight with others it wont. Vitamins for me dont really do anything for me except give me energy that its. Like birth control can cause women to gain significant amount of weight but it did the opposite to me. It just all depend on how your body reacts to it.
  • astrocosmiczoom
    astrocosmiczoom Posts: 86 Member
    I'd like to point out here that a lot of people start taking prenatals in conjunction with going on/off or switching birth controls. It's almost definitely the switch in birth controls status affecting the weight gain or loss.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,224 Member
    I've lost 115 pounds and I take prenatal vitamins.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Soon after I got married I started taking prenatal vitamins and 6 months later I gained 18 lbs! And no I am not yet pregnant. What is so crazy is that I eat the same amount as I always have and I exercise way more than I ever have! I run 20 mins every night and do my sit ups and pushups. My bra size went from a 36c to a 34DD! I am beginning to think prenatal vitamins defiantly contribute to my weight gain! There is simply no other explanation!

    You may be doing more purposeful exercise but clearly the rest of your lifestyle has changed and you are less generally active and eating and drinking mor e

    It's not vitamins

    Though people who don't want to be pregnant are taking a specific vitamin supplement for something else is peculiarly an American phenomenon
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Soon after I got married I started taking prenatal vitamins and 6 months later I gained 18 lbs! And no I am not yet pregnant. What is so crazy is that I eat the same amount as I always have and I exercise way more than I ever have! I run 20 mins every night and do my sit ups and pushups. My bra size went from a 36c to a 34DD! I am beginning to think prenatal vitamins defiantly contribute to my weight gain! There is simply no other explanation!

    your bra band size has DECREASED, which means actually the cup size is about the same... if you do exactly the same exercise as you have every day for the last 6 months then you're probably burning less calories as your body has got more efficient so that's why you're gaining weight, not the vitamins
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I was put on birth control and prenatal vitamins two months ago by my dr and my weight loss has slowed down a bit but it is still a loss and not a gain. This is probably because of the birth control more then the vitamins.

    So you when you got on birth control you gained? Cause I am on that as well; maybe that is contributing....

    i've been on birth control for over 10 years, it hasn't affected my weight
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Everybodys body is different certain stuff can make you can weight with others it wont. Vitamins for me dont really do anything for me except give me energy that its. Like birth control can cause women to gain significant amount of weight but it did the opposite to me. It just all depend on how your body reacts to it.

    You resurrected a zombie thread lol. No vitamins don't cause weight gain
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    Prenatal vitamins don't cause weight gain. Just... no.