adjusting macros

Hello, does anyone readjust their macros on mfp? The app gives you the average 50 CARBS, 30 FAT, 20 PROTEIN. I go to the gym 5 days a week for an hour to hour and half doing mostly free weights with a mix of cardio on some days. Since the holidays my eating has been all over the place. I do well most days on eating clean but I usually slide when eating out on the weekends and a little snacking after work after 9pm. What is the ratio for carbs and protein? I think protein should be higher then the fat intake and higher than the 20 it gives for protein? Any feedback would be great.


  • tectactoe
    tectactoe Posts: 73 Member
    Everyone will have a different answer, but here is what I do, & it's helped me cut fat while maintaining muscle for over a year:

    Daily protein intake should be around 1g/lb of body weight. Some people use their "lean body mass" (weight minus % body fat) but it's easier just to use your weight. More protein never hurts.

    Daily fat intake around 0.4g/lb of body weight.

    Fill the rest of your calories with carbs. Based on the numbers you get at the end, you can readjust for your daily goals.


    I currently weigh ~180lb (24y/o 6'2" male).

    PROTEIN = 180 x 1g = 180g per day
    FAT = 180 x 0.4g = 72g per day

    The last part requires a little more math. We know each gram of fat contains 9 calories, while protein & carbs have 4 calories per gram. Based on this, our protein intake provides (180g x 4) 720 calories, & our fat intake provides (72g x 9) 648 calories, totaling 1368 calories.

    Now you must take your daily calorie goal... Mine is 2200 currently, & subtract fat/protein calories. This gives (2200 - 1368) 832 calories left for carbs. Since there are 4 calories per gram of carbs, we can find:

    CARBS = 832 / 4 = 208g per day.

    The actual split for this (my set up) is 37.8% Carbs, 29.5% Fat, & 32.7% Protein.

    So to make your life easier you can use 40/30/30, then shoot for a small protein surplus and/or carb/fat defecit... But not much! Remember, we still need carbs & fat to function & maintain muscle.
  • odell47
    odell47 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the info I appreciate it. I will do the calculations you gave me with my weight and change up my macros. Thanks again.