Mommy of 2 needing some support and encouraging friends

I am a working mother of two beautiful children under the age of 2 (2 yr old and 9 mth old), and I find myself barely having enough time to stay on top of the chores around the house much less fit in exercise. Plus, I am really great at making excuses on why nothing ever gets done which doesn't help much. So I would love to add some new friends that can share tips on how they work in exercise into their busy schedules. :happy:


  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    Hi, I'm a mom to three boys, aged 7,6, and 4 and what really helps me are charts and getting into a good routine and keeping up with my routine. I'm a stay at home mom but during the day I do laundry, lots of it, cleaning and preparing for the evening meal, yard work and anything else around here that needs to be done. The things that have helped me is taking small steps to not overwhelm myself. Feel free to add me. :)
  • I have a jogging stroller. Once this crazy weather gets back to normal and warms up...lots of walks!

    Now I am trying to do just be as active as I can on a daily basis. I wear a fitbit and its amazing how many steps I can get in by just doing cleaning and other household chores.
  • Hi, I'm a mom of two (the boy is 8 and the girl is 7 months.) I'm a stay at home mom for now. I find that taking advantage my in-laws and my mother is a big help. Since my oldest is at school is a little easier, when my daughter takes naps or plays by herself I do chores and cook. Finding time to workout is a bit hard for me sinse I don't work out at the same time everyday. You can add me and we can keep each other motivated. Good luck!
  • newrhapsody33
    newrhapsody33 Posts: 8 Member
    I am a mommy of 3. Just a few months ago I left my insane-hours job to stay at home for a "season" (length of time tbd). I'm finding that I have to put my nutrition and exercise first, ahead of the kids and ahead of the chores. This means I often eat my lunch right before I feed them so I won't graze on their leftovers or snack like crazy. Also I'm learning to prioritize getting my workout done -- so what if I don't fold the laundry, at least it's clean and I got my run in. Strangely I found it was easier to lose weight and keep it off when I was working outside the home. Inside the home, I'm my own worst enemy!
  • kass22185
    kass22185 Posts: 38 Member
    I am a working mom of a (almost) 3 year old. I have and am still struggling to find what works. I know getting up early would work, but i just can't make myself do it. My mom and I joined our local gym yesterday, they have childcare so that was the only reason i signed up. Started doing zumba last night. I'm just trying to cook a couple of big meals so that we can do leftovers. That helps me with time. My husband works late so we are used to eating dinner at 8pm or later, so at least im not rushing too much to get it done. Feel free to add me, any of you! I don't have a lot of friends on here, and I'm trying to be more active here. :)
  • kozlow27
    kozlow27 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm a mommy of one handsome little boy. He will be 11 months old next week. I'm super busy with one child and working full-time and struggle to find time to work out. So, I haven't. But what I have done is taken control of my food intake and that has helped me a lot. I also try to cook larger meals so we have left overs or make a couple big meals on the weekend that I can freeze the extra for later.
  • I'm a single mom of an almost 3 year old as well as work full time. Between work and him, my schedule is pretty hectic. Every day is different so it's hard to plan exactly when I can exercise. I try to think of what I have going on in the mornings and plan the best I can. I do most of the household chores on the weekends and only focus on the things that must be done on a daily basis during the week. I too eat before I feed my son. I've found that it helps me not want to eat what I'm making him and am less tempted to finish his leftovers. He is a very picky eater so there is no way I can get him to eat the things I do.
  • msreg08
    msreg08 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm here! You can do it!
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    Struggling with the same issues I have found I only really stick with it if I get up early in the morning - before the kids. When I say I'm going to do it at night it never happens. I run out of energy before my day is over so when 'exercise time' comes around - I'm beyond done. Mornings are rough but it works. My kids are older now, and that also helps a lot.

    I committed for one month. I promised myself I was going to do it for one month straight (getting up early to do the 20 minute video) no matter what and I could decide what to do again after that. The small commitments work for me in the beginning - because it sucks bad at first but I can do anything for 30 days, lol.

    Also - if you have one, or two, or three off days do not give up! I was so hard on myself in the past. So unforgiving and all or nothing. I promised myself I would not be like that this time. I would just be kind to myself and move forward and not worry about the off days. Talk to and encourage yourself like you'd talk to your friend. It makes a difference. Find some fitness pages on facebook (if you are on fb) and like the pages that speak to you. The encouraging and motivating posts on my feed help more than I expected.