Toddler Mom looking to model healthy habits

Hello! I am the mom of a very active one year old & a nanny to another infant. I started my journey at the new year & have lost 21lbs so far, which puts me about 8lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight. I had a large herniated disc which negatively impacted both my activity level & weight for several years prior to having it operated on back in August 2013 so I am looking to drop a substantial amount of weight (about 60lbs from my start point).

In addition to short-term weight loss, I am looking to model healthy eating habits & activity levels for my son. Nearly all members on both sides of his extended family are overweight or obese, & I want to give him the tools to break that trend. I also want to be capable of being an actively involved mother, not stuck sitting out-of-breath on the sidelines!

I look forward to meeting others looking to make a positive lifestyle change for themselves & their families!


  • KalieHudson
    KalieHudson Posts: 307 Member
    Welcome! Great job on you 21lb weight loss that's awesome! Making friends on here will really help to keep you accountable and motivated on your weight loss journey. I enjoy helping and supporting fellow MFP friends. I have sent you a friend request. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • clanmcfleming
    clanmcfleming Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, join the gang! Please add me! I am also a mum and childminder so am running after the kids a lot... but also faced with kiddy snack temptation everywhere I look. I've lost a bit of weight since the january healthy eating plan started and now looking to get fitter. I generally eat quite healthily but its always been the additional extras that have been the trouble. Trying to break the evening 'kids are in bed' munchie habit. Am also on the look out for more friends to help keep the motivation levels up!
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    Lol - I know what you mean about the evening munchies - I always leave about 100cal so I can "celebrate" surviving the day!
  • fncy76
    fncy76 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, so glad I found this group. I too have a 12 month old...girl and I would like to be a role model for her as well. She is learning to walk and I would like to be able to keep up and play with her as she gains more mobility ????. I've been struggling with my weight over the last 12 months! Now that I am done with breastfeeding, I can really focus on losing weight without having to worry about the quality and supply of my milk.

    I just started to do Atkins this week and have lost 5 labs so far. Even though I'm quite sure it's just water weight but heck I'll take it! I need all the motivation I can get right now, lol! I'm hoping to get some inspiration, motivation, tips, advice and low crab recipes here ????????????

    Looking forward to finding friends on my weight loss journey... with the same mission ????
  • Hey everyone,

    I am a mom to a very active 3 year old boy as well. So nice to find some other mommy's here. Feel free to add me
  • fncy76
    fncy76 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Kim,
    Nice to meet you here ???? Looking forward to helping each other shed these extra pounds :wink: