Is anyone on a 1,200 calorie diet

I started a diet on feb 3 2 days after my 30th birthday i lost 10 lbs pretty quickly like 5 days. But then i got sick lost more weight then a week later gained it back so now i am still at the 10 loss mark i am eating 1,200 calories a day. I still am going over on my carbs and sugar so i am tryna work with that but i am upping my water intake and taking the icky soda away which i have drastically cut since Feb 3rd. i am searching online for healthy low fat ideas etc cause otherwise i never know what too cook LOL. So i was just wondering if anyone else is on this diet i am currently 266 i started at 276 which was snot my highest .


  • Yes, I am eating 1200 calories - and more on exercise days.
    I started at 201 in October and am at 170. Weight loss slows down with time, that's natural.
  • mistyt14
    mistyt14 Posts: 14 Member
    I have mine set for 1900, I dont always eat that many but somed days I do. sw was 238 im down almost 8 lbs in 2 months, slow and steady and most days I only eat 1600-1800 calories, but set at 1900 there is wiggle room. When i tried 1200 i was starving all the time even after eatting back exercise calories.
  • what kind of things do you eat on your diet to stay below 1200 do you eat snack if so what types i am still learning when it comes to this
  • Being on a 1200 calorie diet requires wise choices - bump up lean protein, healthy fat/any fat, lower the carbs, bump up water and reduce sugar.

    A typical day is:
    - Fruit flavoured porridge
    - Wrap/sandwich/salad/soup lunch
    - Crisps and chocolate snacks - these can fit it if you make wise choices. I used to eat chocolate bars with 250+ cals, now I have different things, lower cal.
    - Protein/meat, veg and a carb for dinner.

    I by no means eat healthy and staying under 1200 on no exercise days is HARD, make no mistake - it's not easy. But it's all about wise choices and how much you want it. I've had a major wobble recently in terms of willpower and extra snacking, but I'm getting back on track now.
  • fercar3000
    fercar3000 Posts: 286 Member
    I am eating 1200 calories - adding more when I work out which I do 6 days a week
    I started at 230 and now I'm down to 206 ... I gotta weight myself tomorrow
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    The initial fast weight loss was water weight.

    Remember, it takes an extra 3,500 calories to gain a TRUE lb.

    Don't worry about your sugar intake unless you have a medical issue where sugar plays a factor. It will not help nor hurt in weight loss. How many G of carbs are you taking in a day?

    Pop is a good idea to cut out, I rarely have it anymore just because it bloats you out SO BAD and makes you hold on to a ton of water weight.

    A good low fat dinner option is anything that is ... lean. Beef, chicken, turkey, egg whites, veggies, salads, fish.

    Remember to keep a higher protein in your diet, I'm not recommending low carb, but, protein and veggies WILL keep you fuller longer.
  • I'm on a 1200 calorie diet. I'm not one to really check macros too much. I try to focus on saturated fats, protein and fiber mostly because of high cholesterol.

    But.... Here's my normal meals.

    Breakfast: egg white omelet. I use egg beaters egg whites. 25 calories for 3 tbsp. I spray nonstick skillet with cooking spray. Add my egg beaters, salt and pepper. Top with salsa and low fat cheese. Sometimes I sautee vegetables.

    I also use egg beaters same but add on a english muffin.

    Other choices are instant grits or instant oatmeal.

    Snacks are normally. 1 fruit (apple, orange, strawberries, fresh pineapple or kiwi). Just some type of fruit.

    2nd snack is normally 100 calories greek yogurt.

    A very low calorie snack is cucumbers.

    Lunch. Sandwiches and salads in summer especially. I normally eat carrots or cucumbers as a side to my sandwich. Or canned tuna. Nature's own makes a light 40 calorie bread that's very good.

    In winter. I enjoy a frozen meal. I know prepackaged but I have 4 kids and a full time job. LOL. If not that, healthy choice soups.

    Dinner. I normally base it on what I'm wanting. Most time I use chicken, tenderloin, smart taste pastas. One thing I learned that helps is roasting vegetables. Makes them sweeter and very good. I use non stick olive oil spray. Put in oven around 375 for 30 to 45 minutes. You can take something like high carb pasta but load it with roasted veggies. You feel satisfied without eating as many carbs.

    When I have a little more time, I like to grill or roast chicken. Separate into individual servings and put in freezer. Perfect for salad, sandwiches, fajitas, etc.

    Just some suggestions. Best of luck!
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    I work out about 6 days a week so I have my calories at about 1500. If you work out, 1200 may just be too low, dont starve yourself its bad for your muscles.
    I rarely actually hit the 1500 mark, but I make sure that I never feel hungry. I always listen to my body, it tells me what I need. I've also realized that by doing this my stomach has shrunk, I just cant eat as much as I used to.

    Now I cant coach much on what you should eat because I'm a vegetarian paleo/keto hybrid, but stay away from the processed foods. If it has ingredients you cant pronounce then you probably shouldnt be eating it.
  • sandijeanjones
    sandijeanjones Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on 1260 Calories
  • sandijeanjones
    sandijeanjones Posts: 2 Member
    Yes, I do mostly protein and veggies. It works really well for me. I do apples or oranges if I want something sweet.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    what kind of things do you eat on your diet to stay below 1200 do you eat snack if so what types i am still learning when it comes to this
    You shouldn't be below 1200...and remember at such a high calorie deficet you wont just be losing fat you will lose muscle and when you get your desired weight you probably won't be happy....

    At your starting weight you could be eating a lot more and still losing a good amount of weight...

    I started at 205 and I eat between 1600-1700 and have lost almost 50lbs in one year...

    If you want to lose fat and not muscle make sure you are getting in enough protien.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I started a diet on feb 3 2 days after my 30th birthday i lost 10 lbs pretty quickly like 5 days. But then i got sick lost more weight then a week later gained it back so now i am still at the 10 loss mark i am eating 1,200 calories a day. I still am going over on my carbs and sugar so i am tryna work with that but i am upping my water intake and taking the icky soda away which i have drastically cut since Feb 3rd. i am searching online for healthy low fat ideas etc cause otherwise i never know what too cook LOL. So i was just wondering if anyone else is on this diet i am currently 266 i started at 276 which was snot my highest .

    How did you decide that you should be eating 1200?
  • raqueldaisy
    raqueldaisy Posts: 47 Member
    what kind of things do you eat on your diet to stay below 1200 do you eat snack if so what types i am still learning when it comes to this

    I aim for 1200 most days, but definitely have cheat meals. I have protein bars, Greek yogurt, almonds, raisins, walnuts, etc to satisfy my hunger in between meals. I am actually rarely hungry because I space out my meals and am eating pretty much all day at leat 5 times a day, just in smaller portions. My day starts with a protein shake aways, then a snack mid-morning, lunch, another mid-afternoon snack, and then dinner. I don't eat after 7/8pm most days unless I am going out. I always try to stop eating about 2-3 hours before I am going to sleep. Hopefully that is helpful! Also, if I work out, I tend to eat back my calories - otherwise my body won't lose as much weight or as quickly.
  • Treneaking
    Treneaking Posts: 30 Member
    Darling, I don't think you should eat that few calories. i am 5'4 132 and i started at 194. i found recently that even i should not eat that little. try to google for a calorie calculator, find out how many calories your body really needs to live, and only subtract 500 from that per day for 2 pounds a week, or 250 a day for 1 pound per week. If you eat too little then your body begins to think you are going to keep it that way and starts to store fat to protect itself. try watching the documentary, "hungry for change" and also see the girl on youtube "go fruit yourself" this chick is TINY and eats over 3000 calories a day with just a short, but consistant exercise every day. I am not saying eat only fruit, but mainly i am saying your body needs calories and nutrients to do its job. Also, make sure the food you eat is of quality, meaning nutrient rich so that you are not hungry for nutrients, ie. wont have nearly as many cravings.

    Be true to your body, research how many calories it truely needs and go no more than 500 below. I lost alot of weight on a 1200 calorie diet, but now i have little muscle compared to what i used to and i am "skinny fat", meaning weigh less but not much "tone", if you do it right from the beginning then this will not happen to you. If you give your body the right amount of calories and protein, and the right kind of calories, you can keep your muscle and your body will be healthy in the long run.

    I have done alot of research as well on clean eatting and have been clean eatting for two weeks, an i upped my calories because i have researched what my body truely needs. Also don't be afraid of weights, it will not bulk you, it is impossible for women to bulk with out years of work and suplements, the more muscle you have/keep the better your metabolism is at rest.

    check out, she lifts heavy weights and eats clean and eats way more than 1200 calories. your body needs fuel.

    the body is like an engine, and an engine without oil will shut down, proper "oil" for the body helps the body run as it is supposed to, and it can take care of itself.

    Please look up how many calories your body needs, and measure not just with a scale but measuring tapes too!!!
  • I am on a 1200 calorie diet. I use a lot of skinny mom and hungry girl recipes. They are really great! Also, I eat egg substitute and fruit for breakfast, with low calorie slice of toast. I snack on pretzels, fruit, veggies, quaker snacks, etc. I enjoy a skinny cow ice cream or heavenly crisp when I crave dessert. You can find a lot of low calorie recipes on PINTEREST! Good luck to you :-)
  • Treneaking
    Treneaking Posts: 30 Member
    Also, do not be afraid of carbs, i have started, since clean eatting, eating whole grain oats and an egg or two every morning, and my energy levels sky-rocketed, complex carbs are great!!! keep you from being hungry and keep your energy levels stable because it takes longer to process than the crappy simple carbs that are man made.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I started a diet on feb 3 2 days after my 30th birthday i lost 10 lbs pretty quickly like 5 days. But then i got sick lost more weight then a week later gained it back so now i am still at the 10 loss mark i am eating 1,200 calories a day. I still am going over on my carbs and sugar so i am tryna work with that but i am upping my water intake and taking the icky soda away which i have drastically cut since Feb 3rd. i am searching online for healthy low fat ideas etc cause otherwise i never know what too cook LOL. So i was just wondering if anyone else is on this diet i am currently 266 i started at 276 which was snot my highest .

    How did you decide that you should be eating 1200?

    Yeah - I always wonder this too. 1200 is a very "popular" number.....coincidently it's as low as MFP will go for WOMEN. It seems that tall women, short women, fat women....all get the exact same number. Some men are at 1200 too (really scary).

    Users put in "I want to lose XX pounds per week" ......and MFP does math.....that's where 1200 comes from. Not everyone can lose 2 pounds or even 1 pound every single week............

    Pounds per week
    75+ lbs to lose 2 lb range
    Between 40 - 75 lbs to lose 1.5 lb range
    Between 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lb range
    Between 15-25 lbs to lose 1 -.50 lb range
    Less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs range
  • scottsgirl4lyfe2004
    scottsgirl4lyfe2004 Posts: 36 Member
    i chose 1,200 for a few reasons 1 being ive been doing the weight loss battle for a most of my life and ive tried different calories and this one has me loose the most . if i put in my wight etc 1 site says 1,368 so not to far off
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    i chose 1,200 for a few reasons 1 being ive been doing the weight loss battle for a most of my life and ive tried different calories and this one has me loose the most . if i put in my wight etc 1 site says 1,368 so not to far off

    I'm going to try to say this nicely but it's probably not going to come out that way…perhaps the reason you've been doing the weight loss battle most of your life is that you've been severely restricting your calories like this, which just sets you up to gain the weight back. You can eat much more and still lose weight, and it will be weight loss in a healthy and sustainable manner.

    Here are some links that are very helpful:
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    I did 1200 calories for 7 weeks and last week it caught up with me. I had no problems, never felt hungry, and steadily lost at 1200. Last week I crashed and burned... was starved, shaky, and weak. I upped my calories to 1400 and we'll see how that goes. I weigh in on Monday. I do feel much better though. No shaking or starved feelings.

    If it's working for you, keep on truckin'... but if you start to feel crappy, might be time to re-evaluate. Good luck!