First ever attempt at healthy weight loss. Oh boy.

Hello! I'm Keagan and i'm 21 years old. This is really my first attempt at healthy weight loss so I'm a bit clueless on what to do. Also, does anyone have any tips on how to not slip into disordered eating? From ages 11-15 I had really disordered eating although I never met the criteria to be diagnosed with an eating disorder. Being a female-to-male transgender, a lot of my body issues stem from gender dysphoria. Going through puberty was a nightmare and which fueled a lot of my disordered eating patterns.

However, my dysphoria is somewhat better these days and my eating has somewhat stabilized. I've been on testosterone for about 9.5 months and am planning the next step in my transition which is top surgery. Unfortunately, due to the medications I am on and testosterone, I put on some weight and i'm kinda chubby now. My surgeon recommended I try to lose roughly 20-30lbs for the best results. My surgery date is either in the beginning of June or July depending on availability, so I am trying to lose at least 25lbs by June.

Of course, this time I want to lose it in a healthy way through proper diet and exercise without starvation and restriction. If anyone has any advice or tips I'd really appreciate them!


  • Alchemagician
    Alchemagician Posts: 27 Member
    Hey Keagan,

    Congrats on scheduling top surgery! Getting into shape for that was what finally got me motivated to lose weight and start exercising. I'm FTM as well, 46 years old and 10 months on T, and yeah I gained a bit of weight too when I first started, my appetite was insane.

    What helped me get motivated was also wanting to lose weight before top surgery. Give the surgeon the best possible canvas to work with, so to speak. I looked at the things I was changing with my diet and exercise as just part of preparing for surgery, and that attitude helped to keep me focused and also helped to push away dysphoria (at least while I was exercising.). I at least felt like I was *doing* something, whether or not I could see results right away.

    If you're anything like me, the minute those bandages come off will be a moment of incredible relief and joy. My dysphoria went way, way down and that was a great motivation to get back to exercising once I was cleared by the surgeon. I've realized over the past few months that a huge part of my eating/food issues weren't really overeating issues, but the main way I coped with dysphoria.

    I personally used (and am still on) Medifast as a diet plan, and I work out at home with weights and an elliptical for cardio (mostly because I have no desire to go outside in the winter to walk; I plan on doing bike riding once the weather gets better.). The exercise is going to help keep your cholesterol in line, too (T raises your LDL/bad cholesterol and triglycerides, cardio in particular will help to lower these.). Medifast is low carb and high protein, and as I lose fat I am starting to get muscle development. Some of their food tastes like crap, but some of it is really good, too. Best of luck to you!
  • McKenzieLeigh
    McKenzieLeigh Posts: 113 Member
    I have one FTM friend so that is the extent of my knowledge in his story so I don't have any advice that might help with all the extra T, but I think using MFP is a great start. Set to lose a pound a week, eat your calories and get to moving a little bit and I think you have every tool you need to get there.
    It is exciting to see the previous poster feel "healed" after surgery so I guess think of this as training for surgery or something. Sometimes having a more important goal, especially a medical goal can really motivate people to stay on task all the time!
    Good luck to you and congrats on your surgery!
  • g0at1982
    g0at1982 Posts: 89 Member
    I want to eat your hair. It looks like candy :D
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Can someone post Dan's road-map link. Its great for beginners.
  • pangala
    pangala Posts: 2 Member
    I wish you every success.:-)
  • tasha_rena
    tasha_rena Posts: 25 Member
    Congrats on the upcoming top surgery! I would say that having support - making friends/being active in weight loss forums - has helped keep me grounded and away from disordered eating.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    would doing strength training like stronglifts 5x5 help in terms of the weight gains from the testosterone being muscle rather than fat?