Exercising at very early morning hours- should I count it as

So, I have a bad (or, so I think) habit of waiting til very late to exercise. I just finished my 90-minute workout at 1 am. I didn't workout Sunday, but had been meaning to start much earlier (while technically still in Sunday), to compensate for the extra food I ate. (I usually eat a big meal *after* working out, but I got hungry, as I had been walking around shopping for 3 hours).
Anyway, I did do a lot of walking (albeit moderately-slow paced) on Sunday and counted this as calories burned (should I?), so should I just call it a day and keep the workout I just finished in my exercise log for Monday, as I just did? I know am thinking waaay too far into this, but I wonder if the workout was as effective if I'm not going to be up for the next few hours after it, as they say after a workout your body is pumped and keeps burning more calories than you normally would, even when sedentary.


  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Well, for me the day ends when I go to sleep and the next day starts when I wake up, so if I were still doing things past midnight it would count as the end of that day, not the beginning of the next.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Well, for me the day ends when I go to sleep and the next day starts when I wake up, so if I were still doing things past midnight it would count as the end of that day, not the beginning of the next.

  • nonoark
    nonoark Posts: 153 Member
    I am in a similar position. I work grave shift and do not get off until 8 am most mornings. Since I eat during my shift, I had to think about how to chart it. The day I end my week, I am always up for most of the day, so this can be confusing and mess up the calories. My new day starts at 10am on that day. I start my food when I wake up the previous night (when working) and end it around 10am. I do add all my foods on the day before and normally finish eating by 6am. I know mine is food and yours is exercise but I count my sleep when ever it comes, as my end of day. Hope this helps. Good luck on your journey!
  • BoresEasily
    Your body will burn calories at rest. Weight lifters sometimes eat and sleep after a workout. Doesn't matter when you workout, it's up to your preferences on that. Unless you're an elite athlete it doesn't make much of a difference. As for the light walking it depends what you have yourself set as, if you have yourself set as sedentary and you're adding workouts then yes add it. If you're set to light then no. I would add your 1am workout as a Sunday workout.
  • lcole1961
    I wouldn't over think it. The main thing is that you completed your workout. If you are going to workout later today then count it as yesterday's workout. Have you ever considered workout 1st thing in the morning on an empty stomach? I have been doing this for the past 9 months and find that it helps with consistency. this way it is easy to schedule and you won't miss any workouts. They claim that working out on an empty stomach is best particularly if you take a pre-workout supplement. Anyway, don't sweat the details and be happy that you completed you workout. Stick with it!
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    I too use sleep as the mark where one day ends and another begins. Your body does a lot of repair while you are sleeping so don't neglect that important time of the day.
    As for logging your walk, while shopping, I never log anything but actual workouts. For me anything extra is a bonus.
    I always underestimate my workouts and over estimate my food, that way I'm pleasantly surprised
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    Well, for me the day ends when I go to sleep and the next day starts when I wake up, so if I were still doing things past midnight it would count as the end of that day, not the beginning of the next.


    Me too.