Daily calorie intake too high??

Hey everyone! I'm new at this! And confused! I feel like my calories to be eaten each day are too high?? I have entered the following: female, current weight (60kgs), goal (55kgs), height (169cm), aim to lose 0.5kgs a week, active, exercise 6 times / week for 45mins.
It is giving me 1630cal per day intake. It said I would lose 1.1kgs by April 1st but that doesn't make sense? Right?
Does anyone else get these numbers using my data?
Confuseddddd ????
Thanks for any input! Greatly appreciated!


  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    Its likely due to your being active 6x per week. If you were sedentary it would be a lower daily goal. You are suppose to eat back some of your exercise calories you burned.

    I never read too much into what it says I will be at. You never know what your body is going to do. You may very well meet your goal by April 1st.
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    You're my height and around my starting weight and that's the calorie count I got for a moderate weight loss. And so far it's been working. (Except for this past week, which will be blamed on a really excellent party, but at least I didn't gain, and it was a good enough party I might have otherwise. :smile: ) If you stick with the plan and track well, it should work for you too.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Its likely due to your being active 6x per week. If you were sedentary it would be a lower daily goal. You are suppose to eat back some of your exercise calories you burned.

    Not quite. While MFP would consider her activity level (aka sedentary, lightly active, etc) it doesn't take calories into account for your exercise until you log the activities. When you input the amount of exercise you plan to do, this is just a goal setting tool.

    OP, when you said you were active, you should only be including your normal daily activity, not exercise. Why do you consider yourself active?

    EDITED calculations below

    In case I don't get back to this...assuming active is correct, I would trust MFP number. I ran your stats and came up with a BMR of 1413. Being active means you would need 1.55x that amount to maintain your weight which brings us to 2190. The daily calorie deficit to lose 1/2 a kg per week is 3500 or 500 per day so that brings us to a daily calorie goal of 1690. I think MFP uses a different BMR calculation than I used but they're pretty close.

    FYI, this is the website I use to find your BMR - it is well trusted by MFP members

    FYI # 2 added during edit - BMR is your Basal Metabolic Rate or the estimated # of calories your body needs just for basic function, as if you were in a coma (brain activity, breathing, digestion, cell repair, etc)
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    Daily deficit needed to lose 0.5kg/week = -551.155 cals (0.5kg = 1.1023lbs)

    So if you are eating 1630cals, and burning 2181cals.... BINGO! On the money.
    Truthfully if you are in a sit around job, and working out in some fashion 6 times a week, burning 2200cals a day should be nothing.
    60kg walking 3mph for 60 mins = 198-ish cals burned.
    20mins Zumba = 176-ish
    60min strength training = 180-ish
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Oops, my bad, I thought you said 1/2 a pound, not 1/2 a kg.

    Follow up question - your ticker on your profile says you only have 5kgs to lose, is that all together or just a short term goal?

    If it's all together, 1/2 a kg per week is a bit lofty. You should aim to lose 1/4 kg (or 1/2 a pound) per week.

    I'll try to go back and edited the calculations in my post above
  • Cconnaughton8
    Cconnaughton8 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks so much guys!
    I do agree-I don't have a huge amount to lose but I'll see how I go with it all in the coming weeks????
    Thanks again! ????????
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Your ticker on your profile says you only have 5kgs to lose, is that all together or just a short term goal?

    If it's all together, 1/2 a kg per week is a bit lofty. You should aim to lose 1/4 kg (or 1/2 a pound) per week.
    ^This. Set your goal to the slowest option & be patient. The less you have to lose, the more slowly it comes off.

    Give it two weeks, then reevaluate. Everybody's different, and it will take trial & error to find what works for you.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants