Feeling Incredibly Unmotivated :(

Hi everyone, I started dieting about a month ago and I've been doing so well until these past few days. I've been around not so diet friendly foods and I just find myself caving into them. I was so good about only eating healthy and exercising until about Monday. I think 'I'll just cave into this small treat and I'll be really good tomorrow!' But that doesn't work when you've done it three times in one week. How do I get that first initial motivation back? Any tips or suggestions? I always feel so guilty about eating the junk after I do :( I don't want to loose my progress just because of this little road block. I've tried looking at fitspiration pics and all that, and I'm motivated until my mom comes home with girl scout cookies. Ugh. Help! Have you ever dealt with this? Any kind of feedback would be really appreciated.

Thank You <3


  • stronghealthywoman
    stronghealthywoman Posts: 44 Member
    Hi..I totally understand what your saying and lets face it happens to everyone. I mean were humans and we all fall of that wagon, but what is important is to get back on it and keep going.

    So here's my 2 cents on this.

    First of all, why you want to lose weight?for health reasons, how it makes you feel physically, etc.
    Sometimes we lose focus as to why we are doing what we are doing. You have to create conscience for what you want and do.
    When you create a conscience for what you want or do, it's easier to say no to the temptation, its easier to stay on track because you know and believe the reason why you do it. The more you create conscience the easier it gets to make smart decisions when you go out with friends and are surrounded around foods that are not good for you.

    So I have a raw/vegan lifestyle and yes I get temptations when I go out, and yes I fall of the wagon, but what keeps me away from falling into temptation is the information I have gather over 2 years as to why I made the decision to become raw/vegan. I do this by looking at documentaries on the subject on health, raw and going vegan. The more I read and watch, the more I realize why I do what I do. You have to remind yourself everyday why you have chosen to be healthier, exercise and stop eating things that are not good for you.

    Don't feel bad, we all have our moments, were human.
    Watch motivational documentaries like, Super size me, Forks over Knifes, Killer at Large, Food Inc, Hungry for Change.

    Its an everyday battle, but trust me when you remind yourself and create that conscience, you will realize that its easier than you think.

    I hope this helps.
  • MandyJokl
    MandyJokl Posts: 26 Member
    It's very hard to keep motivated for a length of time. Over the last three years I've struggled at times but overall lost 5 stone 10 pounds and still have as much to lose again. You can only do it for yourself. I like to read inspirational stories in slimming magazines or on this forum. Their success gives me hope that I can do this!! Have a reason for dieting and think about it when you are tempted. My kids are all grown up and have left home. In the not too distant future I may have grand children and I want to be able to run around with them. When things are getting tough in the gym or temptation is staring me in the face I imagine myself running around the park with grandchildren. This has helped me several times. Not always! I'm only human and a cream bun craving sometimes wins.

    Get several friends from the forums and add them. Comment on their postings every day and some of them will comment on yours. If they don't ever comment after a month delete them and add some more. You will build up a small group of supportive friends who are in the same boat as you. When you are feeling down comment in your wall and these friends will help you. I wouldn't have lasted this long without some if the friends I've met through here. They are from all over the world and I've never met them but I feel like I've known them forever!
  • Vonikins
    Vonikins Posts: 56 Member
    One of the ways that I've felt has helped maintain my motivation is seeing on the app my average for the week calorie count. It has helped me forgive myself for a bad day because my week overall is still on target. Also, in learning to listen to what my body needs, and not just the habits of just eating a meal because its routine. If I overindulged for the morning or even during the day, I'm learning to notice that generally my system isn't asking for more, so I lighten up on the meal following the splurge. The result is a slow learning process to self regulating on a daily level and weekly level. Broaden your target so there is more room for forgiving yourself and also to enjoy living in the healthy lifestyle. Additionally, unless there is actual health issues that you are addressing that support restricting something from your diet, nothing should be off limits entirely, but moderation and balance are vital to a sustainable healthy lifestyle.
  • csk0018
    csk0018 Posts: 219 Member
    It's ok to have one cookie. :smile: I'm not sure how you are approaching your weight loss but for me, I exercise so I can eat what I want. I do try to eat healthier the majority of the time but I usually just focus on staying within my daily calorie goal. It works for me because I don't feel like I'm restricting myself. I just love food too much to give up all the good stuff! :ohwell:
  • Giancarlow
    I've had a similar week. It happens sometimes. Try to focus less on the bad things you ate and more on the bad things you didn't eat. The fact that you can resist, even if only a little bit, helps build more resistance to bad things. You can't just cut out everything bad. For example, I didn't just stop eating fast food. I ate it less and less frequently until it became an incredibly rare treat, and less after that. A burger I had on my mom's birthday earlier this month was the first I'd had in about six months.

    In short, you can do this. One step at a time.
  • michellewelch2010
    michellewelch2010 Posts: 147 Member
    Weight loss is long term right... So you have to look at this long term. Maybe the next year without a single treat is a little too much for any sane person to handle? Schedule a small treat day once a week, you can even do an extra workout if you want to make yourself work for it. And enjoy your treat and don't feel guilty. Feel guilty when the one ice cream bar turned to 6... And tell your family and friends your struggles. Maybe your mom won't flaunt those girl guide cookies.... :)
  • NewFitMum13
    OMG i totally get what ur going through. I had been caving into my fav junk goodies a couple days into my program but to be honest its all about will power and moderation. Ive trained myself to stop after 1 cookie or ill have 2 at the most. I count every chip i put into my mouth and drink mostly water. Trust me the food part of weight loss is the hardest part. But you have to remind yourself why your losing the weight and remind urself of the goals ur trying set for urself.. And when the people around you are late night eaters, junk food eaters and snackers its even more tough,but you can't blame others for what YOU'RE putting into your mouth lol (i always used to blame others )Don't deprive yourself but at the same time don't cave into the foods and always try to stop yourself. I usually drink water until my stomach is full when i get the feeling that i'm about to pig out on some yummy junk food.I chew gum or i keep myself busy, thats the best thing to do. Staying busy.

    Hope this helps! good luck on your weght loss...
  • michellewelch2010
    michellewelch2010 Posts: 147 Member
    I buy my husband Oreos, ice cream, chips, etc... But I never give in except for my scheduled cheat days. I agree it's super tough when others around you are eating whatever... But you are doing this for you... Not them.