To Count or Not To Count...

Hi all,

need some advice on whether to count calories or not,

I feel like when I do I get really bogged down on numbers and don't enjoy my food as much but then I'm scared of overeating if I don't.

Any advice? What do you guys do? :)


  • flame_retardant
    flame_retardant Posts: 49 Member
    I'm a fan of not counting. I'm also planning to lose only 10-12lbs and do it in 6months, so I'm not in any pressure to watch every single thing that goes into my mouth as long as its reasonable. Essentially, my big diet change has been to cut the amount of rice I eat to half. I've lost 4lbs in about 5 weeks, which is a hell of a lot faster than I was expecting.

    I just try not to eat after dinner, limit snackage to reasonable amounts, and not go overboard on the carbs during meals. I eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full.

    The caveat is my BMI has never been higher than 22, so my hunger cues are consistent. I also don't eat my emotions, which I've read is hard for some people. And even though I love chocolates/candy, my family never had stashes in the house when I was a kid, so it's easy for me to not have stuff in the house as an adult.

    I am losing weight now without counting calories, but I don't know if I'd recommend this method for someone who was overweight or obese and wanting to lose quickly. If you're like me (within normal BMI, in reasonable shape) and just wanting to lean out a little, it's a good way to go. Especially if you can limit something that was a big part of your diet.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    If your trying to lose weight how else will you know what your eating? Also your on a calorie counting website
  • AwesomeGuy37
    AwesomeGuy37 Posts: 436 Member
    Part of the journey is changing things about your old self. Start by learning to not let numbers control you. Some may tell you to worship the food scale, but when you go for an extra piece of lettuce are you going to weigh it? If the final numbers mean too much, then try planning the entire days meals up front so you can freely eat without opening the diary. I believe counting the calories is unavoidable when trying to create a deficit.