Fat Burner

Hello My elder sis height is 5ft 4 inches and her weight is 58 and she wants it to be around 50...Shes been working hard but getting very less results...

she bought an fat burner today named LIPO 6 BLACK

She wants to know that how much effective it is and does it have any side effects? also wat diet does she follow with it

and last question is dat she drinks green tea daily..can she continue drinking it with the fat burner or not?



  • sandhusaab16
  • mcrane4
    mcrane4 Posts: 18 Member
    My opinion with fat burners they are OK. ( I dont know too much about them) but by no means are they a miracle pill. I've used Ripped freak and hydroxy cut in the past, right now I'm doing EC stack thats almost the same as a fat burner for the fraction of the price. when I first started with ripped freak I had the jitters pretty bad for the first few days until my body adjusted to the stimulants. I found they helped suppress my appetite a little but not near as much as EC stack. There is caffeine in lipo 6 so I would advise her to drink extra water and space out the tea from when she doses the lipo 6 as caffeine is a diaretic . I take in 600mg of caffeine daily via caffeine pills (odd coffee here and there) and I consume 4 litres of water or more a day. Don't take the lipo 6 after 6 pm I would suggest. I had a hard time falling asleep if I took it any later ( I go to sleep at 10 pm)

    As for diet, calories in vs calories out
  • caveninit
    caveninit Posts: 153 Member
    I took Lipo 6 a few years ago.It gave me a lot of nervous energy and my heart raced a lot. Made it hard to relax, but I was also drinking 3-4 cups of coffee per day. I did lose weight, but I was also eating clean and working out so not sure how much of my weight loss was attributed to the fat burner. It did help me get through some pretty intense workouts as my energy level was very elevated. I stopped taking it because my resting heart rate was pretty high and I started to feel quite a bit of anxiety, especially at night. After a few weeks, the anxiety got worse, and I just felt awful...like I wanted to jump out of my skin. It was weird. I don't take any fat burners now and I am actually losing weight and toning at a faster rate by counting calories and working out daily. Personally, I would ditch the fat burners..the racing heart and anxiety can be a scary feeling.