accountability n food n friends

My food diary is open to my friends for a reason accountability as well as support. But too many times friends just don't look. If it says you were below your calories everyone just pushes 'like' and goes on by. Hold me accountable for my choices make me think a little. You don't have to be mean but point out little things like...hey watch your veggies, don't forget the water, be careful of the sodium, etc....

I've looked at some diaries were friends ate dangerously low calorie levels, please don't starve yourself for weight loss. Do you really want to push 'like' on a friends food diary that you didn't look at that only consumed 400 calories that day? I want to encourage my friends fitness journey but in a healthy way not blindly and I'd love for them to do the same for me.

Let's take that extra minute to look and really encourage our friends the right way. Share your thoughts. I could always use more encouraging friends you be honest with me I'll be honest with you.


  • xJillyFromPhillyx
    I agree with this 100%!!!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I dunno. It can seem kind of judgy to offer unsolicited advice. But when they post a message on their newsfeed reaching out or asking a question, I try to answer gently but honestly , based on the info I reviewed in their diaries. To me the goal in logging is not to be perfect every day week or month. It's to do just that - log. I always assumed the biggest advances come from your own personal review and saying , hey, I want to eat more or I want to eat less, or I want more protein/veggies, etc...
  • a2014nolen
    I'm not trying to be Judgie of my friends. But I don't want to encourage someone's logging of calories when their clearly starving themselves if I can nicely hint to them hey don't forget those veggies or something that might get them to think more about their food choices. And I'm not saying pick someone's food to death. Praise them for positive things you noticed like their use of veggies for the day or remembering to get the water in. It can be something between you and your friend maybe your both working to hold each other accountable on fatty foods. I'm just saying those friends with open diarys ( friends of mine ) should want open honest feedback as I do or their food diaries would be closed. Don't just 'like' look n point out something preferably positive but need be something to work on. Everyone's different, prayers for your success in fitness.