Question for the bigger busted ladies.

First, a little about me. I am in E cup range and have a hard time running, regardless of how great a sports bra or bras I am wearing. I am going to be doing circuit training for my main exercises during the week, but I also want to do some straight cardio 1-2 times a week. My husband wants to get a treadmill, and I was on board, but a friend told me that an elliptical would be much better for me. Would it make much of a difference if I were to speed walk on the treadmill instead of using an elliptical? Anyone have experience doing both? What did you prefer?

I will be doing some walking outside when the weather warms up some. I have a 1 year old and she isn't much of a stroller fan, so those won't be that long.

Thanks. :)


  • dettiot
    dettiot Posts: 180 Member
    I'm a 36G (US) and with an Enell sports bra I can do all the running/cardio I want. That being said and to answer your question, and speaking for my own experiences, I can burn more calories on the elliptical, especially with pushing myself, than if I speed walk (say, 4.0 speed setting) on the treadmill. Plus, there's less bouncing with the elliptical, I feel.
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    I am most comfortable when I wear two bras. I wear a well fitting regular bra and a sports bra on top.
  • Fit4Yah
    Fit4Yah Posts: 39 Member
    I am currently nursing so DD here... I LOVE the elliptical. Much easier on the girls and burns more calories, however the short time that I DID run I had to wear two bras and that helped...three probably would've helped more. If you CAN get an elliptical GO FOR IT :)
  • adeo1234
    adeo1234 Posts: 16 Member

    I'm a 34 f and wear the Shock absorber bra. It really is the best and I feel secure running and doing aerobics.
    My tip is to get measured for your exact bra size and buy a reputable brand.
  • Fit4Yah
    Fit4Yah Posts: 39 Member
    Also for your 1 year old you may want to look into a really nice baby carrier like an ErgoBaby or a Tula :) I have both one for my 7 month old and one for my 2 year old. LOVE LOVE LOVE. I can wear one of them or both of them and these carriers distribute the weight so no achy back!! They see the carrier and they both get so excited cause they know mommy or daddy is going to wear them! LOL