New to MFP! Any advice?

Hello! I'm Annabel, 20 y/o from England. I currently weigh just under 170lbs (I'm 5'10"), and am looking to reach around 150lbs.

Obviously this isn't a massive amount to lose but I do have a history of eating disorders (anorexia which turned into a binge eating disorder) so in the past i've struggled to lose weight whilst having a healthy attitude towards food and exercise.

On top of that I'm a pastry chef (cake EVERYWHEEERE) and work on average 60 hours a week. That's all good for keeping my weight steady but my diet has been terrible and I've completely forgotten about exercise. Now I've just quit my job and don't start my new for 6 weeks. Since I have lots of free time I'm using it to restart my healthy lifestyle. Obviously I'm not going to lose 20lbs in those 6 weeks but I want to do as much as possible now and hopefully learn to get back into the habit of looking after my body better.

I'd appreciate any tips from other people looking to lose smaller amounts of weight! I think I struggle with the fact I'm not going to see instant losses, so I'm just wondering how those in a similar situation to me manage to stay motivated.

Thank you in advance! :D


  • SbetaK
    SbetaK Posts: 388 Member
    Welcome! The best thing to do is to be honest and LOG EVERYTHING! If you are true to your macros (the set values MFP lists for you) you will start to see success. It may be slow, maybe not even noticable, but just keep it up every day and it will eventually pay off. If you don't know where to start exercising, get walking! Good Luck!
    Read this:
  • theocine
    theocine Posts: 36 Member
    Hello Anabel. You have a lot of challenges. But it looks like the right attitude. You didn't mention whether your new job also involves food, but since you are a chef, that might be likely. Perhaps you should concentrate on these next few weeks on establishing good healthy habits, both eating and exercise.. Habits you can carry with you after you start your new job. Attitudes you can use to avoid the foods that will torpedo your weight loss.

    As a small example of habits: I love chocolate. But it's very easy to find, especially when you get hungry between meals. However, most of the chocolate is inexpensive and milk. So I decided that I REALLY like dark chocolate and good (ie expensive) dark chocolate. Now i can't afford a lot of that type chocolate and it's not in every vending machine. In fact, this decision is helping me to avoid all the Easter sweets on the store shelves.

    So as pastry chef, how much for a taste, and when? It will be a control challenge. But healthy breakfasts (whatever time you have to rise) should help begin your day. And that helps whatever your job is.
  • Annabel193
    Thanks for the tips! My new job is also as a pastry chef, although actually having a job that revolves around desserts has actually completely put me off sweet things. My weaknesses tend to be fatty savoury things and alcohol! But I suppose the idea of finding healthier alternatives still applies.

    MFP says I should be eating 1200 kcals a day, and I've noticed it seems to tell a lot of people the same. Is 1200 a number that should be stuck to religiously? It seems fairly low to me.