Early morning exercise

Anyone else exercise really early in the AM? I'm planning on getting up at 4 am during the work week. I need some motivation. :)


  • kjones1709
    kjones1709 Posts: 5 Member
    On a regular day I wake up at 5am CT. Depending where you are we may be able to sync!
  • Fit4Yah
    Fit4Yah Posts: 39 Member
    I get up early in the A.M. with my husband. 5:30 ET in the winter and 4:00 ET in the spring/summer when his work hours change.This is when I get in my harder workout before our 5 children get up. I usually do an easier workout during the day with the children.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    I have worked shift work for 16 yrs and getting up at 4 am to be there for 5:30 is a regular thing - I need my time in the morning to at least have a cup of joe - have recently changed to a steady mon - fri 0700-1500 shift (needed a break from the shift work) and I usually get up around 4:30 and do a walk before work (it's cold here so I stop at the rec centre and do the walking track from 0600-0640) I chose the walk because I wouldn't have the time to get all sweaty and shower before work - if I was planning an additional workout before work I would have to do it at home and get up at about 4:00 am to do it.
  • Alissakae
    Alissakae Posts: 317 Member
    I get up at 4:45 a.m. on MWF for my water aerobics class. The biggest challenge is getting to bed on time the night before. But it just took a couple of weeks to adjust so that I didn't absolutely HATE getting out of bed at what felt like the dead of night. Now I sometimes naturally wake up that early on mornings when I don't have to go to the pool. I go back to sleep :)
  • ravenribbs
    ravenribbs Posts: 288 Member
    I get up at 4:05 AM, get some stuff done, and am at the gym when it opens at 5. Agree with another poster about getting to bed on time as potentially challenging. But if I don't get the workout done in the morning, it isn't going to happen. After work, just too much going on to go to the gym.