So disappointed in myself :(

I started off around 2 years ago at 13st 2lb and a size 16 (I'm 5ft 9). I decided enough was enough and I lost weight by using mfp and entering a mini triathlon. Through running, biking, swimming, bit of insanity and 30 day shred, plus the calorie counting, I got down to 11st 6 and size 14s were a bit loose on me. I decided not to lose anymore as I was comfortable and happy with that. So then I went into "maintenance mode" except I didn't go into maintenance, I went back to eating like I was before, thinking "it's ok because I'll continue doing loads of exercise" except I didn't. And I am getting fat again :( I went in for the tri again this year, which is in a month and I am not half as fit as I was this time last year. I was up to 12st 6 a couple if weeks ago.
I've just come back for a week in spain where I have done 2 days skiing and 3 runs of 2,3 and 4 miles. But we've eaten out every day and drank at least a bottle of wine a day. I stupidly weighed myself when we got home tonight and I am back up to 13st :( I'm hoping if I weigh myself in the morning it will be a bit less than that but I am feeling really crap about it all. Why couldn't I just continue doing what I was doing when I was on a role? Feeling pissed off :(


  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I think it's a common problem.

    At least you understand where you went wrong, start over and this time you'll know to do things differently when you get to goal weight.

    On the plus side, I would hazard a guess that some of those holiday lbs are water weight, eating out usually means lots of sodium, hence water weight.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Don't beat yourself up - you know what you need to do - you were successful before and you can be again.

    Get up and brush yourself off you can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • lnhainstock
    I hear ya! I was down to a good weight just before Christmas, I went back home to my folks place with my family for 3 months and I put on 10lbs ;( Luckily, as soon as I got back home and began my program it has come off relatively fast. I am now back to what I was before, but I think it was a real kick in the *kitten* for me to not let that happen again! Right now my focus is working on my eating habits so that I can have better willpower!
  • louisegibbs85
    louisegibbs85 Posts: 304 Member
    I understand the feeling! I got down to 11.13 last September after lots of hard work them fell off track! Ended up at 13 stone and spent all the beginning of this year losing weight I'd already lost once when I could of been at my goal! Oh well, its netter to recognise where you went wrong and go from there than to leave it and have more to lose later on
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Log everything you eat accurately & honestly. And try not to be so black & white in your thinking. This isn't a diet you're either on or off. It's a lifestyle change. Fit restaurants & wine into your calorie goal. And log it.

    With only 6 lb. to go, set your goal to .5 lb. per week. Eat "good" (whatever that means to you) 80% of the time.

    Read this:
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    I did something similar last year, and yeah I was mad too! But I also used myself as my own inspiration, as I had done it before I knew I could do it again, it made getting back into my healthier stride alot easier :flowerforyou: All the best, oh and it sounds like an awesome holiday!
  • susuenglish
    susuenglish Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks all for your encouragement. I'm sure if I weigh myself in the morning it won't be as bad but it's given me the kick up the wobbly bum I need. I'll make sure I'm back on track, especially as I need to drop a few lbs to make the tri easier. I've planned my meals for the next week, mostly from the hairy bikers book, there is no alcohol in the house and no bad food (well apart from the kids sweets but I don't usually have them anyway) and yes I will log things. I've heard it said so many times that you need to continue to log and I ignored all the good advice on here :(
  • tehkella
    tehkella Posts: 6
    I'm in the same boat. I got down to under my original goal weight, then eased back a bit in terms of exercise and diet, all the while telling myself "it's okay, I'm still being pretty good, this won't hurt". I've now back up a few kg and I can really notice it, particularly today. Feeling very disappointed in myself. I'd lost 10kg in a year and was really going well, even having a day off on the weekends and managing that without any side effects. But you start lying to yourself that it's okay... and all of a sudden, you've undone all that good work!

    I am going on a holiday next week to Japan and I had hoped to have gotten down to my second goal weight, but now I'm actually over my original one :(

    Well best not to beat myself up, and just get back into good habits again! I'd stopped logging my food so I need to restart that again. I suggest you do the same :) It really does make you accountable! Hang in there :)
  • itsmeltc
    itsmeltc Posts: 7 Member
    Chin up, you're doing great! You've already proven that you can do the hard work! There isn't a doubt in anyone's mind that you can and will do it again. Think of it as a learning process - recognise how and why you fell back into bad habits and how easy/hard/fast/slow it took to undo the work, and use those lessons to avoid falling into the same pitfalls. You are going to bounce back stronger than ever :-)
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    join the club. i weighed myself yesterday, gained about 14lbs. all last year, i cut back on the workouts & quit counting calories AND discovered the world of craft beers late last year. But, i am back on track. but, this time i am NOT focusing on that damn scale nor have these images implanted in my brain of how i THINK i should look like. i am focusing on how i feel inside & out. I want to feel healthy, strong & fit!

    best of luck to you. YOU can do this!