Insanity workout newbie, fit test results

Hi guys just wondered if anyone else had done or is doing the Insanity workout so I can gain some perspective on it and what my results mean.

I got;

Switchkicks 73
Power jacks 40
Power knees 64
Power jumps 25
Globe jumps 10
Suicide jumps 12
Push-up jacks 15
Low-plank oblique 33

In comparison with the people on the DVD's first results I did ok I think, not too far under on some.

I am 5ft 4" (163cm) and 157lbs - I was 147lbs this time last year so that is my first goal, to lose those 10lbs.

I struggle with exercises as being a full time carer for my son who is disabled has taken it's toll on my body and I am left with weak joints and am very prone to back and neck pain/injury (which 1 in 4 times requires treatment from an osteopath). So thought I'd do this at home in my own time etc etc.... it's harder than I thought it was going to be lol

Any tips or advice would be welcome, or alternative suggestions if Insanity doesn't work for me... or I give up / die / break myself lol!


  • I am on week 2 of insanity and I feel better. I think you just do what you can and as long as your heart rate is up and you are sweating that is a great start. I am by no means an example but would love to journey with someone who is doing it too.
  • Mtfd02
    Mtfd02 Posts: 239 Member
    I did Insainty all the way thru last year about this time and will be starting back monday!

    Don't give up, you will be sore until your body gets use to it or you might be sore all the time it depends, stick to the program and results will show!

    I improved my PT score for the Army by 19pts by doing Insanity, hockey, and running, but if the workouts are hard for you maybe T25 could be a starting point then Insainty?

    We are here to support you!
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    I'm doing my fit test tonight... I love insanity.. I';m really hoping to finish it this go around... Good Luck!!
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    I'm finishing month 1. This is my second time doing insanity. Take fish oil for the joints. This workout is very hard on the joints. Take your measurements. First month i didn't lose much. but lost a lot of inches. We have similar goals. I'm 5'5 and 153. My GW is 135. feel free to add.
  • GhoulMango
    GhoulMango Posts: 10 Member
    Trust me, the fit test is probably the hardest workout in the entire program because you're meant to push yourself as hard as possible for that test :) The program is still challenging, though. It's main focus is on building up your endurance by bumping your heart rate up, then bringing it back down, then up again, etc. I'm doing my third round of Insanity and loving it! My endurance is SO much better, it's helped me build muscle in my booty and arms, as well as drop a bit of body fat. It's really dependent on your diet though. You need to be eating quite a bit if you want to benefit or even keep up with the program! You will be sore in the beginning, and it's not fun. If you're eating enough then you'll get over the soreness much quicker.

    Go at your own pace, too! Those folks in the video have done those workouts and other workouts SO many times, that's why they were picked to make the video. They were probably also giving something to boost their energy, too. Don't try to do as much as they do or go as fast as they do or you'll be extremely discouraged. You'll get there! Start slow, focus on form, and when you've got the form down is when you should start speeding up.

    Insanity is absolutely worth it! If you go into it with the proper mindset, you'll definitely love it. It's challenging in the best way and if you stay dedicated, eat, rest, and do your personal best then you will definitely enjoy the benefits :)
  • That, in my opinion, is awesome for your first fit test, mine was not near half that the first time. I did it start to finish from April 1, 2013 thru June 7, and lost over 18 pounds. The more you do it, the easier it gets. Just do yourself a favor, when you start the cycle, don't take a break for a few days and try to get back into it. You lose your momentum and stamina. The only problem I had with it was I injured my wrist doing the level 2 and level 3 drills with only 3 weeks to go, but I was "insane" and kept going through the pain by using a wrist brace. If you feel any pain in your wrist when you get to the Level 1, 2 or 3 drills, do yourself a favor and get a wrist brace, you will thank yourself.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Any tips or advice would be welcome

    My only tip or advice is to not ask everyone else what their numbers were, and the only set you should compare them to is what you get next time :)
  • treineck
    treineck Posts: 103 Member
    Trust me, the fit test is probably the hardest workout in the entire program because you're meant to push yourself as hard as possible for that test :) The program is still challenging, though. It's main focus is on building up your endurance by bumping your heart rate up, then bringing it back down, then up again, etc. I'm doing my third round of Insanity and loving it! My endurance is SO much better, it's helped me build muscle in my booty and arms, as well as drop a bit of body fat. It's really dependent on your diet though. You need to be eating quite a bit if you want to benefit or even keep up with the program! You will be sore in the beginning, and it's not fun. If you're eating enough then you'll get over the soreness much quicker.

    Go at your own pace, too! Those folks in the video have done those workouts and other workouts SO many times, that's why they were picked to make the video. They were probably also giving something to boost their energy, too. Don't try to do as much as they do or go as fast as they do or you'll be extremely discouraged. You'll get there! Start slow, focus on form, and when you've got the form down is when you should start speeding up.

    Insanity is absolutely worth it! If you go into it with the proper mindset, you'll definitely love it. It's challenging in the best way and if you stay dedicated, eat, rest, and do your personal best then you will definitely enjoy the benefits :)

    This is 100% perfect advice - read what she said like 3 or 4 times!! I struggled with it, but after 2 weeks my body shape changed so much! I wish I would've stuck with it, but due to shin splints I just couldn't handle all that jumping around. Don't give up!!!
  • Did you do your day 1. I would love to communicate on this and see how we all go if anyone else is up for it. I have never tried this community fitness pal before.
  • staceywallace6
    staceywallace6 Posts: 6 Member
    Wow I checked back but didn't see any replies, thought my post had got lost down the board - random check tonight to see all this support, thank you so much!

    I've decided I will carry on with the workout but I'm in no way trying to be the people in the video's - I'll kill myself lol. I'm pretty sure I don't look like they do when I do it (which is maybe why my numbers don't look bad haha). Fit test was a taster, I'm going to do my first proper day tomorrow. Which is when I will bite the bullet and take those dreaded measurements... I've never measured myself before and I don't want to ha!

    I'm a little concerned about the wrist comment as mine are quite delicate after the years of caring and sprain very easily (they are so bad I struggle to carry a saucepan of water without feeling too much strain!).... :/

    I guess I will do my own thing of a sort, I'm a very competitive person so I will be battling against my own numbers.

    I'll be happy to accept friends requests if you like :)
  • So I am doing Insanity with Keto diet which I love just generally as I am intolerant to gluten so it really helps with this. So discouraging as I started the Keto in Oct and today I am only a couple of pounds down. Insanity Day 12. I also have smaller wrists but to be honest if you can do a modified version and still have heart rate pumping I think thats what matters. When the rest of our bodies catch up and our form is perfect I think it will naturally be easier on the rest of the joints. I really hope that Insanity shifts a few lbs as I need some motivation!!
  • beckygj
    beckygj Posts: 1
    Hello I started insanity on Tuesday, yes its a killer! I'm 5ft2, 117llbs, going on holiday in 2 months so would like to look fab in my bikini!
    Fit test results day 1
    Switchkicks 83
    Power jacks 36
    Power knees 79
    Power jumps 20
    Globe jumps 7
    Suicide jumps 16
    Push-up jacks 10
    Low-plank oblique 54

    I think you started beginning of March so did you make it till day 60? See results?
    Thanks, becky