The Body Book by Cameron Diaz

Has anyone read this book? It came out late December, saw her on Jimmy Fallon last night and it sounds like an interesting read; looking for some mfp thoughts before I spend the money.

The premise of the book from the Amazon listing:

Grounded in science and informed by real life, The Body Book offers a comprehensive overview of the human body and mind, from the cellular level up. From demystifying and debunking the hype around food groups to explaining the value of vitamins and minerals, readers will discover why it’s so important to embrace the instinct of hunger and to satisfy it with whole, nutrient-dense foods. Cameron also explains the essential role of movement, the importance of muscle and bone strength and why we need to sweat a little every day.


  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I transcribed her, believe it or not, talking about this book-- my personal opinion-- she hasn't said anything new or inspiring, and all of a sudden this (in my opinion) untalented actress is now a body/fitness expert?

  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    If you're not sure about it, before spending the money, see if you can get it from your local library.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Celebrities often come out with books on diet and fitness and successfully sell them because....well....don't we all want to look like them?

    I don't know anything about Diaz's book, but I do know that famous, money, and airbrushed do not a health and body expert make.

    I'm doing just fine without the input of someone who probably knows about as much as I do, or perhaps less, about health an fitness.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    It doesn't look like her co-author, Sandra Bark, is an expert on these topics either.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I do the opposite of what celebrities say I should do….
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Diaz is pretty ripped for a Hollywood chick, I'd say it's a fair bet she at least knows a little of what she's talking about.

    Wasn't it just last year she was getting blasted in the media for being too shredded?
  • GettingFitWithVal
    GettingFitWithVal Posts: 8 Member
    I have the book and enjoyed it very much and and reading it for a third time. My goal is to be healthy and the goal of the book it to show you how to be healthy. Untalented actress what a laugh.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I would rather read books by any number of folks on this site since they did it on their own. I'm sure it happens but I think most Hollywood celebs are body by group effort. I want advice from people that are more similar to me and have have bodies by individual effort. I'll never be able to afford personal trainers and personal chefs. If I ever can for some reason, maybe I'll give the book a look.
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    I don't know what advice is in the book, and I know nothing about Cameron Diaz or her training regime.

    That said...

    I agree with many commenters when I say, I would pay more attention to the real world results on this site. Because most of the posters (whose progress you can watch) are for the most part, average people. You know: they have jobs, they have kids, they have lives, and they've chosen to put fitness and what they eat at a high priority.

    Many Hollywood stars look great, even without airbrushing. (I sat next to Cameron Diaz in a restaurant. She's stunning in person.) However...being slender and fit is their JOB. Devoting 4-8 hours a day getting in shape for a role is not vanity, it is their JOB. If they ever show up a half pound over their "normal" weight, tabloids (like the Daily Mail) will punish them and mock them mercilessly for "letting themselves go."

    Many actresses will go above and beyond to achieve thinness, too. (Again, this is not about CD.) *Everybody* does the Master Cleanse. Anorexia is practically a job requirement. There's thin...and then there's Hollywood thin, and it can be several pounds lighter than what you think. The camera really does add 10 pounds.

    TL;DR: Please don't base your plan on a celebrity's book. They're not playing the same game you are.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    TL;DR: Please don't base your plan on a celebrity's book. They're not playing the same game you are.


    I used to listen to some of them reveal the way they prepare for movies with liquid diets and unhealthy means. Now, all of a sudden they are fit to give advice.
  • NatalieMelanson
    NatalieMelanson Posts: 6 Member
    I think you should read it. Whether this is Cameron Diaz or a health expert, the information provided is valid. She isn't talking about a quick fix, fad diets, etc. She talks about how you can nourish your body, in the form of food and exercise, in order to be healthy. I will admit, there are a lot of things I read that I already knew, but she also brought a lot of things to light, things I never considered or even thought about. Things that I wouldn't even think of googling :-P

    I don't think people should knock the book because it's Cameron. It's really informative and helpful.
    And anyone could follow this information, you don't need a personal trainer or chef. All you need is yourself and the desire to make a difference within you.