Any brits?



  • luciafernanda
    luciafernanda Posts: 34 Member
    From London but I ran away to Mexico ;D

    Probably coming back this summer though :(
  • RhysWill_I_Ams
    RhysWill_I_Ams Posts: 245 Member
    Brit from Hertfordshire. Feel free to add me guys! Good luck with your weight losses!!
  • Cath_Taylor
    Cath_Taylor Posts: 104 Member
    Another Brit here! Preston, Lancs :bigsmile:
  • poppypixie
    poppypixie Posts: 10 Member
    I'm a Londoner who has just relocated to Oxford. Trying to get my fitness and body weight back to where they were.
  • hellsbells3272
    hellsbells3272 Posts: 128 Member
    Yes Brit here, from Yorkshire :) (which should be its own country, but that's another matter lol).
    Need to lose a few lbs and change my eating habits for life :)
  • clanmcfleming
    clanmcfleming Posts: 37 Member
    Brit here too, log on daily and managing to stay motivated with all the fab support on mfp. Feel free to add and good luck!
  • Hey,

    I'm from London! I have recently come back to MFP, my goal is to lose 2st.

    Xx ????
  • Hi,

    I'm Nic from Shrewsbury - only been logging for a week but amazed at what I'm doing. Visited Dr's last Friday and "TOLD" to lose weight!

    Starting at 17 Stone and aiming for 16st by April 17th, then new target for lower weight? I'm thinking steady does it, is that a good plan?
  • seglass1
    seglass1 Posts: 15 Member

    I'm a Brit and been int eh U.S. for 4 years. Since arriving here weight crept on and ended up being 30lbs overweight down I think to getting used to HUGE portions they serve and adding sugar to EVERYTHING.
    I joined weight watchers - just to get weighed once a week and that helped me lose 16lbs - not to my last stone.
    I have just signed up for a 10k race in 10 weeks..ahhh..but it's a goal and thought it would help me loose the last 14lbs.
    I am here for support - think loneliness and being far way from home doesn't help sometimes so turn to food for comfort!
  • seglass1
    seglass1 Posts: 15 Member

    I'm a Brit and been in the U.S. for 4 years. Since arriving here weight crept on and ended up being 30lbs overweight. I think weight gain down to getting used to HUGE portions they serve here and adding sugar to EVERYTHING.
    I joined weight watchers - just to get weighed once a week and that helped me lose 16lbs - now to address my last stone.
    I have just signed up for a 10k race in 10 weeks..ahhh..but it's a goal and thought it would help me loose the last 14lbs.
    I am here for support - think loneliness and being far way from home doesn't help sometimes so turn to food for comfort!
  • nentecular
    nentecular Posts: 101 Member
    Another Brit here - I live in Essex and work in Suffolk. Always happy to have active people as friends.
  • prima073
    prima073 Posts: 93 Member
    Yep! From London. Add me if you'd like :-)
  • robmac13h
    robmac13h Posts: 44 Member
    I'm a scot from Glasgow new to MFP but started my journey in august 65lb lost so far
  • Pau1004
    Pau1004 Posts: 9

    I'm from Glasgow too, I log everyday and I have been dieting for two years already and trying different scenarios.

    Add me if you like
  • I've just joined the site & i'm from the UK :)
  • shaekhs
    shaekhs Posts: 1
    Im from UK, Yorkshire area. I have lost 2.5 stone so far but I still need to loose a bit more about 0.5-0.75 stone
  • burniet1973
    burniet1973 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm from Yorkshire, but now living in South Australia. Add me if you like :)
  • Hi ya,
    I'm Michael Living in Northamptonshire, new to the site, wanting to lose a couple of stone. Hoping this will be the start of a healthier me. Best wishes on your journey. People feel free to add me :-)
  • Ksamprasa
    Ksamprasa Posts: 24
    I grew up in Britain and have always considered myself half Brit, so add me if you like. I'm just starting again and need some friends!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Uk here.
    Hampshire based.
    Mostly maintaining weight/losing a few Xmas pounds.
    Good motivator, knowledgeable.

    Feel free to add as long as you are netting over 1300 calories.