motiviation and keeping positive.. how do you do it?

So im just going to put this out here.... Im in need of some real support !!
Ive been working hard since Jan 2nd/14 to lose and so far I have lost 22lbs which I am extremely proud of!
I am now at a point where I feel so alone in my life with this!
I find im constantly trying to pump myself up and after awhile it just wears me out and the negative trys to slip in.
Unfortunately I am not getting any support from any of my friends or family. Ive brought it up but they just dont get it and therefore do not support me through my new lifestyle.
Anyone feeling this way? Alone and without support?
How do you deal??

I am SO thankful to have found this site, and highly recommend to anyone who is on a jouney to a new lifestyle.
Keep up the great work everyone and remember you are making a big difference in eachothers lives!!!! (:


  • KikoAlonsoGal
    KikoAlonsoGal Posts: 88 Member
    I don't have a ton of support from family like my mom. She's said some pretty awful things about my weight before and all they did was hurt instead of motivate. My husband, however, does encourage me and compliments what I'm doing. I find that in order to stay motivated, I have to keep thinking about being around and healthy for my little girl. Also, and it may sound silly, but I always see those posts people put up on Facebook. You know those ones where people share the photo and it's a whole entire outfit giveaway, jeans, tops, purse, shoes and accessories? I always look at those and wish so bad I could fit into them because they're so nice. So now that I'm doing the healthy lifestyle change, I know someday I will be able to! Congrats on the weight loss and keep at it girl!
  • jac_84
    jac_84 Posts: 128 Member
    thanks I appricate you sharing that with me!!
    Im single and living with my parents right now with my 12 yr old daughter so I just find it difficult at times (more often then id like) to keep myself motivated. I dont really have a goal or anything Im aspiring to.... just want to lose weight and be happier in general lol
    just cant seem to find that pick me up I need!
    Im thankful for being able to keep myself motivated through this!
    Keep up the great work!! (:
  • IntegratedBodies
    IntegratedBodies Posts: 10 Member
    Personally I had to set a specific goal to keep motivated. I've always wanted to loose weight, get toned and have a certain body but until I set the goal I wasn't working as hard to earn it! It was a huge help to set a goal that was something I was working TOWARD vs something I was trying to avoid, like feeling fat and unattractive. It was also INCREDIBLY MOTIVATING when I opened my FB page to share my journey. I'm also starting a video blog next week to share my experience of working toward my competition in August. Just like the connections here it's huge to feel like you have a support system. If you don't have it in the people directly around you the it's important to create it!! Friends me and if you wanna follow my journey at

  • jac_84
    jac_84 Posts: 128 Member
    thanks for the advice :)
    this is why I enjoy being on this website so much!!
    I need to set a goal of some sort !!
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I started out at the end of June 2013. At first, people supported me, but that fell through. Even my husband seemed to lack the will to be encouraging. However, I decided this was what I ultimately wanted. As long as I was pursuing this in a healthy manner and a great mindset, I try to let other's words not effect me. Do they? Sometimes. I'm human. We all are. We stumble, we fall. But what forms our character is the ability to get back up and move forward. Don't ever give up. Find that strength within. Accept yourself for who you are and go forward with love. I found a new lifestyle and a lifelong pursuit, all because I decided at 6 weeks post partum that I wanted to stop giving up on myself. Remember you're worth it!
  • jac_84
    jac_84 Posts: 128 Member
    I started out at the end of June 2013. At first, people supported me, but that fell through. Even my husband seemed to lack the will to be encouraging. However, I decided this was what I ultimately wanted. As long as I was pursuing this in a healthy manner and a great mindset, I try to let other's words not effect me. Do they? Sometimes. I'm human. We all are. We stumble, we fall. But what forms our character is the ability to get back up and move forward. Don't ever give up. Find that strength within. Accept yourself for who you are and go forward with love. I found a new lifestyle and a lifelong pursuit, all because I decided at 6 weeks post partum that I wanted to stop giving up on myself. Remember you're worth it!

    that was just amazing. Thank you so much for your kind words!! I am going to take all this love with my forward in my awesome new jouney guys thank you so much! :)
  • CarolinkaCjj
    CarolinkaCjj Posts: 622 Member
    It might help to participate in one of the many challenges - check out the groups as there are lots to choose from. Reach out to your MFP friends. Having someone "like" your progress and post an encouraging word can be a great help.
    I am very lucky - I am getting a lot of support from my friends and co-workers (I have a lot to lose and this helps tons). Plus I look at this as a life style change, not a diet - there is no "end point". Hang in there - we all have bad days, the trick is to not let it stop you, just get on track the next day.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Wait till your clothes get all loose! It's really so cool :D I know that may sound shallow, but I swear it's just so fun to see them baggy. I'm doing this for fitness/health mainly, but the fun body changes are great motivators. They come soon enough, too! Just don't stop.

    I don't know your plan, but don't go too far with it either. If it's a huge deficit or tons and tons of exercise you've added (and don't love), then it is harder to stay on track, I think. Don't make it painful, lol. The weight comes off just fine with everything in moderation, and I personally think it's more fun that way because it's easier (I just ate a Snickers because I was below my calories for the day :D). Just cultivate your patience, sit back and enjoy the changes that start coming!