Long Term Project, Day One

My partner and I are planning our first trip to Hawaii in the spring of 2015, and I'll be damned if I am going to spend the whole time sucking in my stomach and worrying about how my thighs are rubbing together! In other words, this is the motivation I've been looking for to finally lose some weight. I figure with one year to do it, I can be sane and reasonable and lose it in a healthy way.

Of course, the trip to Hawaii is just the kick in the butt - there are plenty of other reasons for me to lose weight. I am 51 years old, 5'6", and weight 209 lbs. I take medication for blood pressure and cholesterol. I have bad knees, made worse by excess weight. I sleep poorly and seem to be tired all the time. I can't walk up even a slight incline without panting as though I'm near death.

I hate the fact that my weight seems to keep me from so many things - a pool party, access to cheap clothes that are available only in "normal" sizes, hikes with friends, etc. I hate that when I eat I feel guilty and assume that everyone is looking at me and thinking "No wonder she's so fat!"

Like so many of you, I have battled my weight forever. Up and down, repeat, repeat. I know there is nothing magical about losing weight - it's just math. Burn more calories than you take in. So simple, right? ;-)

I ordered a Fitbit One from Amazon today and should receive it in a few days. I love competition, goal-setting, routine and technology, so I figure that the Fitbit along with My Fitness Pro (the food diary in particular) will help me to be successful.

So wish me luck, as I do all of you! Here's to a healthier 2014!
