Why can't I actually see a diffrence between photos?

I started my weight loss journey on the 30/12/13.
I decided that I would weigh weekly on a Saturday morning, measure on the 1st of every month and take a selfie on the 1st of every second month. This way I could actually see the results rather than relying on the scales.

Over the last 63 days, I have acheived the following:
Weight Loss: 14lb
Stomach Inch Loss: 2.75 inches
Waist Inch Loss: 3 inches
Chest Inch Loss: 4 Inches
NSV: My jeans fit better, my watch has had a link taken out of it, my ring is too big and has an adjuster on it.

I took my second selfie today and I can honestly not see any diffrence between the two photos. To me they look the same.
Surely after all the inch loss and NSV's I should be able to see a difference?


  • webutmirrortheworld
    webutmirrortheworld Posts: 52 Member
    Can you post them here?

    A lot of the time we are resistant to seeing our own changes, when we can clearly see changes in others.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    Can you post them here?

    A lot of the time we are resistant to seeing our own changes, when we can clearly see changes in others.

    I would but a) I dont know how and b) I am embarrased
  • ResaBoBesa
    ResaBoBesa Posts: 20 Member
    One of the best statements I've read on this site is this: Imagine a fresh new roll of paper towels. It takes using quite a few paper towels to notice a difference. When you start to get to the end of the roll, it's easier to see how quickly the roll is thinning out. You did an awesome job losing 14lbs! Even if you can't see it, your body is appreciating the love! Keep going!
  • frangrann
    frangrann Posts: 219 Member
    Great job losing the weight. If your clothes fit better you are definitely headed in the right direction. It's hard to see changes in yourself.
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    I think you might just need more time! The fact that you're lost weight and inches is already a great thing. Pictures aren't always so reliable. I've never had 2 pictures taken in the exact same way :/
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    Don't be embarrassed, hon. (But if you don't want to post, don't. :flowerforyou: )

    Our brains are tricksy,tricksy creatures and they often don't register a change in ourselves, either losing weight or gaining weight. I can barely see any difference in myself in the mirror and I've lost 49lb, 9" off my waist, 10" of my hips and 6" off my bust. I do notice it in photos now, but when I was a stone in, I couldn't see any difference either.

    Take heart in the decreasing measurements - your brain will catch up eventually.

    BTW: awesome job!
  • SiroccoDream
    SiroccoDream Posts: 1 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss! I agree with lshortway, if you post the pictures here we may be able to spot changes that you can't.

    Another thing to consider: 14 pounds is a DEFINITE improvement, but that weight loss is spread throughout your whole body. In a selfie, it's going to be hard to see that you lost weight not only in your waist, but even in your wrist and fingers! If you are shortening your watch band and your rings are loose, that is proof positive that you are looking better, even if a camera held at arm's length isn't capturing your change very well.

    Don't let the pictures discourage you! You're doing great.
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Congratulations on your progress, you should be very proud. Try to enjoy those lost inches and NSVs you mentioned and just know eventually you will be able to see the difference with your own, somewhat unreliable eyes! Inches and clothing fit don't lie!