Treadmill - Confused by cals burnt?

Hi all - i bought a treadmill a couple of weeks ago & have built up my distance to 4k so far. Im not fast at all yet, just over 4mph but i want to get my distance/stamina up before increasing my speed.
I dont know if my treadmill is showing the correct cals burnt as after 35mins it shows ive only burnt 120cals & i kind of expexted it to be higher. The slowest Run/Jog i can find in MFP is 5mph so I just wondered if anyone knew if this sounded right? Or maybe someone could recommend a website where it works it out just so i can see if its accurate.
I weigh 162lbs/11st 8lbs by the way.
Thank you xx


  • annie7hudds
    annie7hudds Posts: 199 Member
    It could be about right. It is surprising how few calories are burnt during exercise. It's a bit of a pita when you put in all that effort - and only burn enough for an extra slice of bread or so.

    I run, but outdoors. My current average pace is a little faster than you - at 11.40 minutes per mile. With hills though..Aagh- the hills!

    This morning I ran quite a bit faster than my usual- as was in a park. However I only did about 15 minutes- and my cal burn was calculated at 189.

    I use the settings on here, but also have a Garmin which calculates my pace/cals/time etc. I tend to use a combo of those results and go for the average.

    Perhaps try speeding up just a little -for perhaps the middle ten minutes of your 30. Adding a slight incline will get you working harder too.
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    Don't trust the treadmill. It is a lying machine. Still, that is probably more accurate than the burn numbers MFP would give you.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    MFP lets you adjust your calories when you enter a workout, so I generally just enter whatever the treadmill said. That said, you, that number seems close. I usually burn 250 after 45 minutes on 4-4.6.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Don't trust the treadmill! The one I have at home will say 700 cals burned in the same amount of time/distance/effort that the one at the gym will say 350. My home treadmill does not have an option in input my weight though...which makes me think it is calculating the cals burned by an "average" weight. I always put the lower # into MFP, so I don't over-estimate my cals burned.

    You could have burned 120 cals. That seems reasonable. I usually run, jog, then walk for about the same distance and get about 300ish cals. I weigh less, BUT I do run intervals for the first 20 minutes. A heart-rate monitor would probably give you a better estimate. I don't have one though.
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    According to this calculator ( you'd have burned 276 calories.

    I like that it will calculate both gross and net calories burned, and it takes into account whether you walked at that speed or ran.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    All the burns are just estimates, and it will take trial & error to find what works for you. Use the treadmill numbers for two weeks, then reevaluate. If you're not losing, eat back half your exercise calories for another two weeks, then reevaluate.

    Read this:
  • brookfield58
    brookfield58 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, If it helps I run at about the same pace as you and I usually allow 100 calories per mile - When I wear a HRM it is still a good "guestimate" for example this morning I did 5 miles and according to the HRM I burned 522calories but part of the route was into the wind.

    Remember though that losing weight is 80% diet and 20% exercise but the exercise will do wonders for your general health and wellbeing so don't give up :smile:
  • Thanks for all the replies everyone. My treadmill doesnt ask for my weight at all so who knows how its working it out. Today I increased my speed to 4.5mph & had a slight incline & i was much happier with the cals burnt so thats good. xxx
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member <<< try that one - I entered my information and it estimated 248 cals for 35 mins of running at 4 mph