Eating what I want and still losing Calorie Control.

Is it the be all and end all?
I am still eating what some would view unhealthy meals at times, and I have still lost 20lbs in 7 weeks. I have cut out coke and snacks and it seems to be working. I stick to a strict calorie defecit I can manage along with exercise. Obviously I realise it isnt always healthy but at the moment its working well so why change?


  • looopyloops
    looopyloops Posts: 84 Member
    It sounds like you are off to a good start by cutting out some of your higher calorie snacks, remember you want to live a happy life,and I have found that its easier to lose weight if I can still have some of my favorite foods, I just eat them less often and less of them, none of us is perfect , and its what we do most of the time that counts, myself I try to look at it positively but making foods I like in a more health conscious manor, homemade pizza on a pita or thin crust versus from a pizza joint. I love cheese and still have it almost daily, but only have a small portion and use cheese that is more flavorful and grate it to make it go further. As you lose weight you will probably find its more difficult , and have to make changes but its easier to change one thing at a time , versus your whole life.
  • K3rB3ar89
    K3rB3ar89 Posts: 263 Member
    i didnt lose as much as you did in a short period of time. but i did lose 20 pounds in 2 months. my thing is i eat healthy im constantly active but for me too tell people that i ALWAYS eat healthy would be the biggest lie ever... i still eat mcdonalds i still go to starbucks and get my latte every now and then. i do not eat this way everyday though. what i do is im in a weigh in group, we weigh in every Wednesday and Wednesday is my basically eat whatever i want day. keep in mind i still stay within my goal. thats not to say that along the way you cant eat crap here and there either. looking at my diary might or might not help you you have too look abit farther back like a week or so becasue i havent been logging all i been eating but i have been paying attention everyday. losing weight is about eating healthy but if you try cheat yourself out of everything you love too eat your just setting yourself up. as i said stay within your goal of calories and im sure you will be fine. the only thing that im having a problem with right now is water weight, if you seen my post you already know this though. but thats basically because i ate out a few times and all the sodium is catching up with me and it will soon even out. goodluck and remember its a lifestyle change not a diet! and you dont have to cheat yourself of the food you love just be cautious of what your putting into your body
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Yup that's the way it at a reasonable calorie deficet regardless of what you eat and you will lose weight.

    easy peasy
  • jmsspr93
    jmsspr93 Posts: 117 Member
    The diary says my goal is 2200 - My maintenance is maybe 2500-2800 and I make sure I have roughly 1500 remaining from that 2200 , so Im eating maybe 1200 and exercising 500 per day everyday