Need a Jumpstart

I'm new to MFP and need some help.

I have been a regular exerciser for years. I am now a stay at home mother of 2, about to turn 39, and have lost all strength to say "no" to unhealthy foods. I am becoming very discouraged as I am trying to watch my food choices, but I am not seeing the scale budge in the right direction.

Any words of advice??? Motivation please.



  • ktbdaviper
    Well rome wasn't built overnight and that weight wasn't neither so in saying that losing it and losing taste for the sweets will not be or that easy or overnight!! I tell myself if i want something sweet let say a (nice size cup cake) I has to eat good and under my calorie count all day till I get that cupcake!!! You has to eat for what you want to eat! and exercise at least 500 calories a day and if you cant get to a gym, walk all day do whatever it is needed to burn calories!!

    We as people has to make smarter choice's on what we eat and how we eat it. Plus we has to get for real about this (LIFE SYTLE CHANGE) cause that is what it is you has to make changes in what you eat and how you eat it .. Like for me an example breakfast used to be beef or turkey sausage (3-4) cheese eggs, two toast with regurlar butter and jelly and a 16 oz of oj, that is mabey a 600 to 700 if not more calorie breakfast and lets not talk about the sodium cause you has to watch that also. Now I eat a turkey cutlet or tenderloin 4oz with 1 egg beater 11/2 cup of oreida hash browns an english muffin with jelly and 4oz of oj and this is only around 445 calorie breakfast and the sodium is around the same as the calorie and i would be as full as I ate the other meal.

    Other thing's i do if it gives me 1500 calories to eat I would only eat 1350 to 1400 thats even with my xtra exercise calorie and never go to bed hungry if you is hungry get like a fruit or some veggies. add more green to your diet and your first day you make that change you would notice that you are losing weight!!!