Feeling downhearted

So today is a day of complete and absolute confusion!

I started out my journey 3 weeks ago at 168.2kg. I have lost 4.7kg over the last 3 weeks... until today. I stepped on the scales and have lost nothing, nil, nadda, zilch. Surely it is too early for me to plateau :(

I have stuck to my calories to the letter. I am doing 30 mins of bike riding every single day of the week despite my Fibromyalgia. I am drinking 2 litres of water a day without fail. I am having my lemon and warm water in the morning and 2 cups of green tea throughout the day.

What have I done wrong this week?

I am so confused as to whether I am supposed to eat my exercise calories back or not!!!

I have been eating some of them back these last 3 weeks as I thought I was supposed to but now I don't know....

I am burning 450 calories for every bike ride each day and my Calorie goal is 1710.

Any advise more than welcome, I'm not falling off the bandwagon for this, just soooo darn disappointed


  • All I can say is our bodies are incredibly complex. I'll lose weight on weeks I don't think I should and gain weight when I've been on point with exercise and eating. I use the scale as a long term gauge only. Keep doing what you're doing…you're doing sooo many things right. Don't let a stupid scale take that away from you!
  • CarolinkaCjj
    CarolinkaCjj Posts: 622 Member
    Don't fret - it is not linear. I finally can see my weight chart for 90 days - it looks like an irregular stair case. Seems to have a pattern of one or two weeks with not much change followed by a week of a good drop (a kg or so).

    Wow to the 4.7 kg in three weeks! Great job!
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    One week is nothing to worry about.
  • mrxhill
    mrxhill Posts: 1
    Are you varying the intensity of your biking? If you maintain the same intensity your body will adjust and not increase metabolism. I suggest go hard for one day, go easy another, go moderate another. Also, add some weight training and/or yoga to your routine. Good luck.
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    I can only speak for myself, but I will only lose weight if I do NOT eat back my workout calories and if I keep a calorie deficit every day. My usual calorie goal is 1343 - if I don't exercise, I TRY (being the operative word) to not exceed 1400 calories. If I work out , I try to have at least a 150-200 calorie deficit (my workouts usually are 340 to 420 burns). So I eat back some of my workout, but not all. This works for me.
  • poohbah4
    poohbah4 Posts: 127
    One weigh-in without loss is not a plateau. Keep at it and don't lose hope. I'll bet that at your next weigh-in you will be down. Look at the overall trend. But boy, it is discouraging to be doing everything "right" and not see a reward for it. I've been there too many times. :flowerforyou:
  • Hey don't feel downhearted! :)

    Sorry if this post is long, but I hope this detailed explanation helps you.

    This is only based on my experience.

    I'm 5'3".

    I was 140 lbs 5 weeks ago. I was quite sedentary and emotionally I was feeling a bit lazy and semi-down.

    For 3 and 1/2 weeks I did not know why my weight was not going down.

    During that time my fitnesspal consisted of this log:


    15 minute, 5.0 mph jogging on treadmill
    3 x 50 lb arm and leg reps each
    10 minutes on the cycle

    Total 40 min at the mini gym in my apartment complex.


    1,200 calories max.

    Sometimes I ate over the amount of calories. The first couple weeks, I slowly, and I mean slowly, decreased my calories.
    Drastic changes can make your body bounce out and it can hurt you later.

    Week 1: I slowly transitioned to more veges each day.
    Week 2: continue with veges, look for low calorie recipes around 400. I still ate cheese because I'm a cheese lover.
    Week 3: I switched to less carbs and more protein, i.e. baking fish with minimal oil and salt.

    I weighed and I was still 140 lbs!

    What was I doing wrong?

    After some online research, I realized at the gym, I did not challenge my body enough. 15 minute constant 5.5 mph treadmill was only training for the endurance, it does not burn fat.

    Its been two weeks and I lost 3 lbs already by using a high intensity exercise workout called Fast and Furious with incline.

    Inclines are great to work out your butt, thigh and core! After a good mountain hike, that's what I realized! Haha.

    5 minute 10% incline 3.5 mph
    2 minute 1% incline 7 mph
    1 minute 5.5% incline 3.5 mph
    2 minute 2.0% incline 5.5 mph
    1 minute 5.5% incline 3.5 mph
    2 minute 1.0% incline 7 mph
    10 minute 5.0% incline 3.5 mph and if I'm feeling great, increase the incline in the end
    5 minute 0.0% cool down 3.5 mph
    Estimated calorie burn: 215 kcal

    Afterwards, I do my usual weights to tone my arms and legs.

    Total time: 30 minutes at gym

    This is High Intensity, so I recommend you do it 3x a week to let your body recover. I now do it 5-7x a week because my body has increased in endurance.

    Food wise:

    Week 4: I slowly stopped eating night snacks after 9pm. If I was really craving it was kettle pop or a bag of baby carrots. Also slowly made calorie deficits, meaning I did not reach my 1,200 calorie limit. I was at a deficit of about 100 calories per night. Sometimes I gave myself a reward i.e. sushi with spicy mayo and be over 1,200 calories.
    Week 5: which I am at, I see toning on my lower and upper abdomen and tone in my legs. I did not check the scale til today! and at 136.2 lbs now!

    So for your bicycling, definitely challenge yourself! Increase resistance at times and then decrease for a 1 minute break, then increase again. Get your heart pumping, your skin sweaty, and believe you can do it! :)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    let me take a stab at this one.

    you started your diet and exercise plan right after your cycle ended.

    you're now right at the pointed where your cycle begins

    you've been heretofore unaware that women will vary in weight depending on where they are in their cycle.

    am i close?
  • karenrich77
    karenrich77 Posts: 292 Member
    Not, not even close, but thanks :)
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear and one week without a loss is nothing. Sure it's frustrating, but respoding to every change will drive you mad.

    What you need to do at the moment is take a deep breath and continue to do what you're doing. May be take the time to ensure you're weighing your food and logging accurately. If the scales haven't started to shift in two to three weeks, you're either eating more than you think or burning less. Recheck your food logging and scale back the proportion of exercise cals eaten back.

    Oh and for reference, 1700kcals plus exercise calories is not unreasonable for a female. I'm 38 and am losing weight on 1640kcals plus about 2/3 of my exercise calories eaten back. Average gross for the last six months is 1880kcals. :wink:
  • do not feel downhearted sometimes your weight stays at a stand still for a week or two it is trying to say I have to catch up with the fact that you have lost almost 10Lb in 3 weeks. Your body will adjust and you will start to loss again.

    This happens to me from time to time it is nothing about the fact you are doing anything wrong.
    it's just your body getting used to the change in diet and the fact you are taking in less then your body is used to.

    I have started a dairy diary and I record everything I eat and drink. each stone I loss I give myself a treat this is not food.

    I buy myself a new outfit or have my nails done or go to the cinema and so on something for me.
    try doing the same it will help you to keep focused.

    Also get someone to take a photo of you before the weight loss front and side photo. put it in your dairy folder inside the first cover.

    from time to time when you feel downhearted look at the photo and you will see how far you have come.

    every tie you loss 1 stone get some one to take the photos again and put them next to the ones you already have and as time goes on you will see the difference in your look and weight loss. this way you will not feel downhearted you will say I am doing good. it will keep you focused and aiming for your goal. I am behind you in this and all who are finding it hard at times.

    take care Janet
  • alexisdc
    alexisdc Posts: 117 Member
    Keep doing what your doing. Stay consistent. This happens. You have to keep going. There may not be loss everyweek, but you will loose if you keep at it. :)