Getiing started.....again after baby.

shellsy0424 Posts: 127 Member
Hi everyone, My son is now one years old and I am weaning from breastfeeding so I can start losing weight. . I have gained 60 lbs since giving birth an have over a hundred to lose all together. Before getting pregnant, I lost 30 lbs with great determination and my fitness pal but have lost lot's of my friends on here because of not using the site for over a year. I am wondering if there is anyone else starting out again that has lot's to lose that wants a friend to support and motivate and be supported as well. I am very driven and can't wait to start this journey.


  • NewMomNewKim2013
    NewMomNewKim2013 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I am starting over again. My son is 14 months old. I am starting to wean him from breastfeeding as well. I have stopped pumping and stopped nursing during the day, he is still nursing before bed and first thing in the morning. I have about 40 pounds to loose. I am hoping that counting calories will help with that. fell free to add me as a friend. I need some sort of accountability partner.
  • littletdogg
    littletdogg Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I just had my third baby in December. I had lost 20 lbs with my fitness pal before getting pregnant. I have 60 lbs to lose and am always looking for new friends and people to motivate me to reach my goals. It sounds like we have quite a bit in common. I would love to be your friend and we can both help each other to get the baby weight off and keep it off. :smile:
  • MinaAriel
    MinaAriel Posts: 138 Member
    Almost exact same boat. My baby is 7 months old. I have gained 20 lbs SINCE giving birth plus the 30 I needed to lose beforehand so I've got 50 lbs to lose. I lost 50 lbs before with mfp so I'm gonna do it again. I am open to like minded friends! :)
  • LMRoses
    LMRoses Posts: 148 Member
    My son is about to be 6 months old. I'm still trying to breastfeed but we never got on with it fully due to some issues surrounding the birth, so he's mix fed. I've been back on MFP since January this year to try to get healthier and be the mum I want to be, but I've not been as strict with myself as I should, and don't want to cut too many calories right away in case it effects my already fickle milk supply. Always love more friends!
  • LarDoucheLar
    LarDoucheLar Posts: 171 Member
    My son is 16 months old :) i gained 40lbs! with him and finally accept it's time to get my body back. I stopped exclusively expressing for him when he was 1 year old so am go with losing the excess weight. I've only got around 20lbs to lose now but i'm finding it hard, although i've been losing inches steadily with Jillian Michaels 30 day shred workout video. So feel free to add me anyone and we can help support each other with our weight loss journeys.
  • pmur
    pmur Posts: 223 Member
    You can do it! I'm almost back to pre baby measurements. I think you will all do great.
  • Ashley12162013
    Ashley12162013 Posts: 5 Member
    I just had my son in October and need to lose 41
    Lbs!! Someone add me, as I need help staying accountable!! :) we can do it!!
  • MtnmamaHB
    MtnmamaHB Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! Welcome back.
    I gained about 50 lbs with each of my pregnancies and still have about 34 lbs to lose. (my youngest is 2 1/2 y/o). I haven't really been trying all that hard until this past month. I feel like I literally woke up one morning and said "enough is enough." Prior to getting pregnant, I was in shape but had about 15 lb I could lose. Now I am headed toward the big 4-0 this year and I want to get back in shape. I don't want to be one of the moms that has to "watch from the sidelines" b/c I am too overweight and tired to be active with my kids.
    WE CAN DO THIS!!! :-)
  • happysummerrunner
    happysummerrunner Posts: 66 Member

    I started again on Jan. 1 :) I tried losing while breastfeeding last year but it didn't work out. This year is going well- 7 pounds down! :) Feel free to add me!
  • Hi I just had my daughter, she is 7 weeks, and I have been given the OK by my doctor to start shedding this baby weight. I gained 65lbs during my pregnancy and have lost 35lbs without trying but now I'm stuck. So to get my pre-baby weight I've got 30 more pounds, but I want to lose an additional 25. I would love to join you ladies! Here's to getting our old bodies back! :-)
  • superraachel
    superraachel Posts: 106 Member
    Hi! I started over in January after having a baby last June. I'd lost about 20 lbs before getting pregnant using MFP, and I'm determined to do it again (plus some). I'd love some friends in the same boat!
  • ThickMaDamn
    ThickMaDamn Posts: 2 Member
    Yes keep pushing ladies. I also stated my weightloss again. I have three kids. My last is our last. I stared back when she was three months. Am glad to say she is now nine months and I lost a total of 65lbs. I cant believe it. I look better then before babies.

    Am here if you lady need any motervation just added me I have a blog I just started one my website
    oh plus am still breastfeeding here no I didnt do any crazy
  • JaimeH5
    JaimeH5 Posts: 13 Member
    I had gained 40lbs with my daughter. I lost 20lbs of it and then found out I was pregnant again with my son (she was 6 months old) With his pregnancy I gained just a little over 25lbs and have lost all but a few lbs of it. So I'm almost back where I started with wanting to lose another 20lbs.

    Please feel free to add me!
  • SandraLaker
    SandraLaker Posts: 3 Member
    Oh my goodness, I am so glad I am not the only one. I had my baby in August and have not lost any weight. I picked up quite a lot during my pregnancy.
    I try so hard but its really not easy.

    Going to go on an adding spree! :wink:
  • Rumpenissen
    Rumpenissen Posts: 20 Member
    Please add me! I lost 10 kilos before I got pregnant in October 2012 and I didn't gain very much during pregnancy, but after I had my daughter I gained it all back and then some (exhaustion = comfort eating). Now my daughter is eight months old,..and I really want to slim down so I can be healthy and a good role model for her (and because I want to wear nice clothes again) :-)
  • My son is 6months old now and im trying to lose all the weight from my pregnancy plus i havent lost a single pound since his birth. I had my annual physical and my doctor told me i am 40 lbs overweight and need to weigh 145 to be healthy.
  • MissMonicaC
    MissMonicaC Posts: 67 Member
    Awesome job! My son is 2.. LOL.. and I am re starting. I only gained 8 pounds for him and loss it right away but I was big when I got pregnant. He's still my baby though and now the journey starts. lol