40% protein 30/30 macro split?

I am doing pretty well at maintaining what I set-out to do, a 40% protein 30C:30F macro split. Is this too high in protein, and slip it down to a 30% protein; 40% carbs; 30% fat

I am shooting for 1 g per pound of body weight.

Goal is to lose 20-30 pounds.

I am male; 45 yo.


  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    If you don't have kidney problems, that much protein shouldn't be too much. Typical recommendation around here is 1g/pound of lean body mass, but I often eat closer to 1g/pound of total weight because it's more satisfying. One thing I have found, though - eating that much protein, especially animal protein, it's important to get enough fiber for the sake of, uh, regularity.
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    It seems okay, if you stick to 1 g per lbs bodyweight. If you'rehappy with your carbs this way, and have enough energy during workouts, keep it.
    If you get low on energy, dizzy or something, you probably need more carbs
  • mikelaurenza
    mikelaurenza Posts: 1 Member
    ... OR you could get informed and put yourself on a cyclical ketogetic diet only using carbs (starchy ones like yams or sweet potatoes) 1-2 hrs before workout for "energy" aka glycogen. If you're doing it, stop doing solid state cardio and work in intervals instead. Implement intermittent fasting and up the dietary high-quality fat. Look into resources like Robb Wolf's paleo diet or Dave Asprey's Bulletproof diet. Don't take it at face value though. Find out what works for you and your GI. Everyone is different.

    If you still think carbs from whole wheat or grains are a good idea then you're not well-read enough on nutrition.

    Put yourself on a D3 supplement if you live somewhere where you don't get a lot of sun, start a nice multi with minimal fillers, take some fish oils and concentrate on getting in higher quality sleep as oppose to a higher quantity of hours. Don't believe TV doctors or mainstream opinions on diet. Remember, the government and pharmaceutical companies don't make money off healthy people.

    - Mike
  • smand2000
    smand2000 Posts: 88
    Sigh. Yes, that macro split is fine. As is 40 carbs, 30, 30. If you aren't looking to win a bodybuilding contest, keep things simple. And do what makes you most comfortable most of the time. Good luck.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    ... OR you could get informed and put yourself on a cyclical ketogetic diet only using carbs (starchy ones like yams or sweet potatoes) 1-2 hrs before workout for "energy" aka glycogen. If you're doing it, stop doing solid state cardio and work in intervals instead. Implement intermittent fasting and up the dietary high-quality fat. Look into resources like Robb Wolf's paleo diet or Dave Asprey's Bulletproof diet. Don't take it at face value though. Find out what works for you and your GI. Everyone is different.

    If you still think carbs from whole wheat or grains are a good idea then you're not well-read enough on nutrition.

    Put yourself on a D3 supplement if you live somewhere where you don't get a lot of sun, start a nice multi with minimal fillers, take some fish oils and concentrate on getting in higher quality sleep as oppose to a higher quantity of hours. Don't believe TV doctors or mainstream opinions on diet. Remember, the government and pharmaceutical companies don't make money off healthy people.

    - Mike
    Silly Man
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    ... OR you could get informed and put yourself on a cyclical ketogetic diet only using carbs (starchy ones like yams or sweet potatoes) 1-2 hrs before workout for "energy" aka glycogen. If you're doing it, stop doing solid state cardio and work in intervals instead. Implement intermittent fasting and up the dietary high-quality fat. Look into resources like Robb Wolf's paleo diet or Dave Asprey's Bulletproof diet. Don't take it at face value though. Find out what works for you and your GI. Everyone is different.

    If you still think carbs from whole wheat or grains are a good idea then you're not well-read enough on nutrition.

    Put yourself on a D3 supplement if you live somewhere where you don't get a lot of sun, start a nice multi with minimal fillers, take some fish oils and concentrate on getting in higher quality sleep as oppose to a higher quantity of hours. Don't believe TV doctors or mainstream opinions on diet. Remember, the government and pharmaceutical companies don't make money off healthy people.

    - Mike
    Silly Man

    Some good advice Mike - I would suggest sugar coating (sorry bad pun) your delivery.

    Plus 1g of protein per lb of LEAN MASS (and only if you have an active exercise regime). Less activity, less protein needed.

    However if you have healthy kidneys too much protein will not be an issue.