Friends that Workout at Home

Hi i have been on here a few weeks now. I work out strictly at home, I cant really afford a gym membership and gyms make me uncomfortable. I always feel like people are staring (I know they aren't) but im self conscience that way. I also never know what to do so workout videos make me feel like I have a trainer. I get all my workouts off pinerest or youtube and I am slowly accumulating weights, sand bags, stability balls ect. Any who I would like friends in general, but i would also like friends who workout similar to me. Thanks!


  • DP325i
    DP325i Posts: 677 Member
    Feel free to add me=] I workout at a gym and to Focus T25 at home, and I have to admit, I always feel I get a better workout in the comfort of my own home, so if I mess up I don't feel / look like an idiot =P
  • theashtrees
    theashtrees Posts: 104 Member
    Hey there - Im a shift worker with no gyms easily accessible to me so I work out at home (plus I dont like judgemental chatters at the gym)

    I rotate between working out at home and using my terrain (I live on acreage with a dam)

    Feel free to add me :)
  • daniellemitchell14268
    I work out at home too, gyms make me feel so uncomfortable like everyones watching. I use a lot of work outs on you tube. feel free to add me x
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    Hi, I really recommend the Blogilates workouts ( - these are free YouTube video workouts by a super peppy and motivated trainer called Cassey Ho. If you sign up to her website (also free) she gives you a password to download a calendar each month which tells you which videos to do each day. I've been doing her beginner's calendar for 3 weeks now and really loving it - it's hard, but so satisfying when you can tick off all the suggested workouts for that day. I am definitely feeling more toned too!
  • xlisadawnx
    xlisadawnx Posts: 2 Member
    i have started working out at home but really struggling as i have no motivation
  • jeffsweightloss
    jeffsweightloss Posts: 314 Member
    I workout at home also. Have a bench n squat rack. Elliptical, treadmill n spin bike. I have done a round of p90x also. With the gym, don't worry about others. Everyone feels that way. If ppl r worried about u, then they r not getting their own workout done. We all start somewhere. I just like the convenience of workouts at home. Best of luck on ur journey. U can do it! I log daily n my diary is open. Add me if u want!
  • TayNLansNGraysDad
    TayNLansNGraysDad Posts: 138 Member
    I'm kinda shy and a lot of people are judgmental, so until I get to my desired weight, I'll continue to work out at home.
  • asaw00
    asaw00 Posts: 1,904 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me. I work out from home also or I'm trying to get back to it. I stopped a few months ago, not sure why. I do videos like today I did the 30 day shred with Jillian Micheals. Last week I was all gung ho and did p90x, but I could lift my arms or walk up stairs for a few days, so I'm dialing it back a little. The last time I was at a gym I almost got beat up over a treadmill so I steer clear now. :ohwell:
  • sunnburst1984
    sunnburst1984 Posts: 36 Member
    I workout at home because it's winter and there's no gym in our town. I have 5 Jillian Michaels dvds and will probably buy more :laugh: Feel free to add me, I need active friends :)
  • AnnaElizabeth_92
    I also find working out at home with a good workout vid can be far more motivating than when you have to push yourself at the gym. Sometimes I find at the gym you can't keep up the pace (and your heartrate) as much as you can by doing an exercise vid. My fav's are the Jillian Michaels ones :D

  • christa279
    christa279 Posts: 222 Member
    I workout at home. Lack of funds and being self-conscious are my main reasons. I don't really have much equipment and have only really been exercising for a month now. I have resistance bands and stability balls, which are fine for me starting out.
  • KLiburd86
    KLiburd86 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm in the same boat, I can't afford the gym at the moment, so I workout at home. Generally pilates & 30 day shred at the moment. Anyone feel free to add me too :-)
  • fitprincess4333
    I work out at home too anyone feel free to add me if you would like
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    funny how that self concious thing works lol..

    I do go to the gym but I do my yoga at home...because i feel like my lack of flexibility would just embarass me!!

    Anyone can feel free to add if they wish
  • Marcel182
    Marcel182 Posts: 143 Member
    I too work out at home, or outside when the weather isn't bad.

    I've got my yoga mat and a couple of dumbbells. All I need for now! Feel free to add me.
  • RaceTo48Kg
    RaceTo48Kg Posts: 31 Member
    Hi, I really recommend the Blogilates workouts ( - these are free YouTube video workouts by a super peppy and motivated trainer called Cassey Ho.

    I've been doing Blogilates by Cassey (before I got pregnant) and I must say it's soooo effective & fun as well. I love watching her... her energy pumps me up therefore I can finish the workout even if it's hard.

    I work-out at home for the ff reasons:
    1. No budget :-D
    2. I don't want to commute to & from the gym.
    3. I will spend the "time" on my home work-out than commuting to the gym.
    4. I don't want to waste my time queing on the gym equipment :(
    5. Home work-out is effective for me (based on my experience. I've also tried working out at gym before). This is my 2nd time at MFP.. my first time was wayback 2011 and I lost 30lbs (from 138 to 108lbs) by working out at home w/ just 3 dumbells & a yoga mat :-)

    It really depends on individual's preference...
  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    I have a home gym because I hated to deal with a busy gym! Please feel free to add me
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    My wife made me a wonderful workout station in our basement. Since I only do body weight exercises the only piece of equipment I own is a Nordic Track Skier. She on the other hand loves the gym.
  • nicolescallion
    nicolescallion Posts: 8 Member
    I as well only work out at home:) I'm a big momma and I still dont feel comfortable to put myself out there yet. I found a AWSOME zumba instructor on youtube her name is linda edler. I work out most days now because it just feels like I am dancing:) please feel free to add me:)
  • Myzteek
    Myzteek Posts: 9 Member
    You definitely have got the right idea. After years of spending money on the gym and never going, I sat down to really analyze what my problem was. I mean, my membership (including pool use and daycare service for my little one) was over $50/mth, we’re talking $600/year out the window! Finally, I realized that there are just too many OBSTACLES between me and the gym: I have to leave work at the precise time, the traffic pattern has to be in my favor, I have to remember my gym bag, a bottle of water, a sweat towel, my Ipod- which has to be sufficiently charged to use for 60-90 minutes- it was a nightmare. I bought a used elliptical off craigslist for $200, some kettle bells, a few DVDs and voila. Gyms may work for some, but they are sooooooooooooo overrated!!