Nutrition, check! Physical fitness... "please insert here"

Hi Guys!!!

Thanks to the help of many of you supporting me with this weight loss journey towards a healthier lifestyle I feel comfortable enough to say that I have my nutritional needs all set. However, because I have set my mind so focused on what I eat, I lose myself and forget that working out is part of the lifestyle I want to proceed with. Ironically, I used to play sports back in high school but i cant find or at least I forgot what I need to start my fitness ( if that makes any sense). I would be more then happy to make the effort needed to start off and get going as I am both a full time employee and college student. Base on your experiences, what has worked for you guys? what do you guys suggest i start of walking, jogging, biking? morning or evening? If any of you has any idea please let me know, or feel free to add me as a friend and stay in touch with your suggestions:)

-Hope to hear from you guys soon!!


  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Whatever you enjoy that will speed your heart up for an extended period of time and get those muscles working. No particular time of day necessary....again whatever is convenient and you are likely to stick to.
  • MaryB73189
    MaryB73189 Posts: 11 Member
    Even though I have been having a hard time getting back on track lately, I can say that Jazzercise has been an amazing gift. It is actually a lot of fun and they have low impact modifications for nearly every move. Its got that dance feel to it, and they stay very up to date, creating new routines to the most current songs every 8 weeks or so. My local center offers a free membership if you can work in their childcare clubhouse 2 hrs/week. Perfect for someone like me, who has a toddler and is on a tight budget. I remember the first few weeks... I remember feeling like I was dying, working out like that at roughly 280lbs. But, it kept getting easier, and at my peak, within a month or two of starting, I was going to 4-5 classes a week. I am trying to focus on getting back to that and staying there. I hope you find something that suites you. You should try a few different things until you find something you enjoy. Its much easier to get up and do it if its something you enjoy doing, rather than feeling like it is a chore. Hope this helps. Good Luck!
  • skcr1923
    skcr1923 Posts: 9
    Thank you so much girls, I will definitely do research on jazzercise because I have no idea what that is, but sounds like fun!
  • beachylove
    beachylove Posts: 137 Member
    I started out with the T25 program, its easy to fit into my busy lifestyle since its only about 30 min of my day (including my warmup, workout and cooldown) along with taking walk/jogs with my husband on the weekend.
    Also I worked in walking on my lunchbreaks at work, I have been able to get in 2 miles in under 30 minutes which has helped a lot plus its a nice break in my crazy day in the office.

    Right now just to add a little more I am looking to get an elliptical for my home :) Hoping to pick one up in the next week.

    Find whatever works for you and keeps you moving. No matter what time of day you get it in a workout is awesome and will help get you to your goal! :D
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Like everyone says, find something that you like to do. Walking is great to start: it's low-impact, easy, and builds up stamina. After you can walk for an hour without stopping, you might consider running; the Couch to 5K program is popular, and there are C25K support groups on MFP and Reddit (and elsewhere, too).

    It can also help to get more active in your everyday life. Park at the far end of the parking lot. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. If you have a bike and a secure place to lock it, commute to work or university on bike some of the time. When you have a busy schedule, working activities into it can be easier than blocking out time exclusively for exercise (though the latter is a good idea, to be sure).
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    I've started lifting recently (jan 1st), and so far I'm in love with it. I take measurements every friday and it's so fun to watch my body change, and feel my muscles develop. I play roller derby so at practice is when I get my cardio in, otherwise I dont bother too much with the stuff. Most female lifters only do about 15-20 min of cardio a day anyways.
    I work full time and what I do to keep myself in check is I pack my gym bag every morning and take it with me. That way when I get off work I have no excuse but to go to the gyn, because why else did I go through the work of packing my bag? Also because I know if I have to go home to get my stuff I wont leave home.

    Thats what I do, hope you find something you enjoy!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Has to fit your busy lifestyle. I tried all kinds of things for awhile. different classes. Zumba - loved it, but only once a week and then the instructor moved too far. Boot camp. Then the kids schedule changed in a way I couldn't do after work, my favorite time of day. Once I get home, forget it. So I landed on home DVD's and have to do it in the AM. If I don't, I miss. If i say "I'll do it later" it doesn't happen. like today ugh!

    I did Combat, loved it. T25 like the person above, love the less than 30 minutes. I'm currently doing t he 21 day fix. again a 30 minute, give or take, workout. It fits when the last thing I want to do in the AM is Get out of bed. lol

    Good luck finding your fit! Feel free to friend me if you'd like.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    To start out with go with the anything is better than nothing approach and refine from there. Here are some of my top tips for getting started (from an exercise/sports junkie)

    1. If you can find something you enjoy doing it'll make it easier to stick with.
    2. Try everything and anything and give things a proper chance before you decide that they're not for you.
    3. Get outdoors if you can, there's nothing quite like fresh air for clearing the head.
    4. Make it social (boot camp, team sports, walk with a friend, get an exercise buddy). You'll have fun and be more likely to stick with it.
    5. Think outside the square, exercise isn't just running or biking. Try dancing, lifting weights, playing with your kids, hiking, classes, exercise videos, sports.
    6. Start slow and gradually build up
    7. Don't be scared to try new things or look a little silly to begin with. Everybody has to start somewhere
  • Holly_Wood_888
    Holly_Wood_888 Posts: 268 Member
    I started jogging last summer and got hooked ! I 'interval jog for a half hour and cover about 4 k ... I played baseball every sunday as well... then the winter hit -

    I thought HOW am I going to stay motivated?! Christmas was rough but once January hit I was back at it!
    Most often I use the elliptical a few times a week + home workouts 2-3 X a week (which came from bootcamp), I go tobogganing, which is great cardio going up the hill each time and SNOW SHOEING is my fave !!! Its an amazing workout for your legs !

    Once Mid March hits, I will be attending a Brand new Gym that's being built in my town - I know thatll keep me motivated as I already pack my gym bag a few times a week and workout at our office at lunch !

    I hope I have given you some ideas :) Ps. For Christmas I got an Ipod Nano/ arm band and it has revolutionized My motivation during workouts !
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    bodyweight home workouts are it anytime in your schedule. 10-15min is all it takes, I got those routines if you want.