reached goal but not happy



  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    i reached my goal weight... yey me!!!

    started at 14 stone 6lbs (i think, weighed at a post natal appointment at 92 kilos sure i put more on after but didn't dare the scales!)

    earlier this week i made my target of 9st 6lbs (lost another lb since then). but i am just not happy when i look in the mirror. i had 3 c/sections and with the weight loss i have been left with a really unsightly bag of excess skin.

    i work out every other day, usually focusing on running and cardio, but then 15-20 mins of resistance training thrown in, i also do daily squats, push ups and abs at home.

    is it normal to change goal when you reach your original goal? (this is my first weight goal, but, as i am generally a quitter i set myself a dress size goal which i reached and broke, i wanted to be a 14 but am now a 10)

    Congrats on reaching your goal! I'm not sure if it is normal to change goals after reaching the original but I have a few times and likely will several times more. I'm on a fitness quest rather than simply weight loss. At any rate, as long as you stay in your healthy weight range I see no reason why you can't change your goals from time to time.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    As others have said, you now need to change your body composition to get the look you want. Here's a picture (I hope) of one woman's weight loss/body comp journey. On the left, a pic of her at her goal weight. On the right, after she ditched cardio and started lifting heavy weights. She weighs more on the left but looks smaller. This is why people are often told not to focus on the scale--it may not really be your end goal.


    I 'love' the results! Is there a way to do this without lifting weights? I have a neck injury that prevents heavy lifting so I only use dumbbells. Any suggestions?
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    As others have said, you now need to change your body composition to get the look you want. Here's a picture (I hope) of one woman's weight loss/body comp journey. On the left, a pic of her at her goal weight. On the right, after she ditched cardio and started lifting heavy weights. She weighs more on the left but looks smaller. This is why people are often told not to focus on the scale--it may not really be your end goal.


    I 'love' the results! Is there a way to do this without lifting weights? I have a neck injury that prevents heavy lifting so I only use dumbbells. Any suggestions?

    Dumb bells are weights :smile:
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    As others have said, you now need to change your body composition to get the look you want. Here's a picture (I hope) of one woman's weight loss/body comp journey. On the left, a pic of her at her goal weight. On the right, after she ditched cardio and started lifting heavy weights. She weighs more on the left but looks smaller. This is why people are often told not to focus on the scale--it may not really be your end goal.


    I 'love' the results! Is there a way to do this without lifting weights? I have a neck injury that prevents heavy lifting so I only use dumbbells. Any suggestions?

    Dumb bells are weights :smile:

    :smile: Mine are only 3 lb each for a total of 6 lb so by many opinions likely won't do much.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Minimize your cardio and start lifting more weights.
    ^ This. A loaded barbell and dumbbells should become your friends. Start a progressive HEAVY lifting program now. Increase your protein macro to at least 30%. Back off the cardio. Congrats on your weight loss.
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
  • clairecrowther
    clairecrowther Posts: 12 Member
    thanks for all the replies. couple of explanations.

    yep i am skinny fat, still have abit of adipose under the excess skin.

    the initial weight loss was acheived by going onto a PCOS maintanence diet, basically no carbs, the weight just melted, but i became ill with it, so i have been put onto this eating plan instead. it is still way too low for me, but it is an attempt to assist with the insulin resistance i have as a result of the PCOS. in a wee my carb intake will increase as will other macros.

    yep i agree the weight loss was too rapid, however, i have a lot of hormone problems and a gluten intolerance, so a lot of the weight lost was as a result of trying to control both of these problems.

    won't be going the surgery route for the excess skin. (and actually a lot of it was there already prior to weight gain after last baby) spoken to GP and as i didn't have bariatric surgery i don't qualify for this type of surgery on the NHS.

    will speak to my trainer tomorrow about adding in some heavy lifting then, the cario will be staying as i have a personal goal of completing a 5k before my wedding in 8 weeks time!
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I think its perfectly normal and acceptable to change your goals once you've hit them. I certainly did. I mean this is a life long journey not just a temporary one so... I believe that each time you hit a goal you should congratulate yourself and establish new ones. I recently hit my goal and have set up new goals now that involve less cardio and more lifting, muscle/core work, endurance and strength training like others have suggested. I'll still get my few times a week cardio and elliptical but I'll focus more on toning up now than losing weight :)
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    I too reached my goal weight and still not happy with myself. I want to look good naked! So yes I had to change my routine and this post is helping me just from reading the comments.
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    As others have said, you now need to change your body composition to get the look you want. Here's a picture (I hope) of one woman's weight loss/body comp journey. On the left, a pic of her at her goal weight. On the right, after she ditched cardio and started lifting heavy weights. She weighs more on the left but looks smaller. This is why people are often told not to focus on the scale--it may not really be your end goal.


    I used this same pic to convince my sister to start resistence training..and she did...and bam...she is happier with her look now than she has ever been (and she was always a cardio bunneh)

    Please help me...what is the best resistance training
  • timrpm
    timrpm Posts: 57 Member
    What did you expect? Total mental change on reaching one goal? One should have multiple goals in lots of areas that matter (most areas that matter of course aren't measurable, but goals in those areas are vital nonetheless!).

    Set shortish-term, achievable goals. And not just weight-related ones!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    As others have said, you now need to change your body composition to get the look you want. Here's a picture (I hope) of one woman's weight loss/body comp journey. On the left, a pic of her at her goal weight. On the right, after she ditched cardio and started lifting heavy weights. She weighs more on the left but looks smaller. This is why people are often told not to focus on the scale--it may not really be your end goal.


    I 'love' the results! Is there a way to do this without lifting weights? I have a neck injury that prevents heavy lifting so I only use dumbbells. Any suggestions?

    Dumb bells are weights :smile:

    :smile: Mine are only 3 lb each for a total of 6 lb so by many opinions likely won't do much.

    and for wyattj99 my sister started with 3lb dumbells and JM 30DS, has since moved onto ripped in 30 and extreme shed and shred along with karate and 20mins of cardio in the morning...she is about 19% BF and now uses 10lb dumbells...any weight is better than no weight.